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Employer-employee relations in the Federal Public Service of Canada entered a new era with the proclamation on March 13, 1967, of three Acts— The Public Service Staff Relations Act ; The Public Service Employment Act ; and an Act to Amend the Financial Administration Act. The employees have been guaranteed the right to organize, the right to bargain, the right to strike and the right to get grievances adjudicated by an independent tribunal. The statutory right to grieve and get the grievances adjudicated have provided the federal public employees with a sense of justice and « fairplay ». The adjudication system has made the private sector of industrial jurisprudence applicable to federal public services with remarkable success. This article deals with the function and operation of the statutory Grievance Process and Adjudication.
Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude du profil psychologique d'étudiants canadiens-français inscrits dans des programmes de maîtrise en administration des affaires (M.B.A.). L'objectif de l'étude est de comparer le profil de ces étudiants aux profils de l'entrepreneur et du« manager » suggérés par les études sur ces deux types d'agent économique. Dans l'ensemble les étudiants ont un profil se rapprochant davantage du« manager » que de l'entrepreneur ; cependant une forte proportion d'entre eux montre un profil se rapprochant ni de l'entrepreneur ni du manager. On montre de plus comment cette information pourrait être utilisée pour formuler une politique de sélection des candidats à un programme de M.B.Â.
In this article, the author reviews the Canadian Prices and Incomes Commission's findings and comments on some of the conclusions drawn.
Perceptions of the configuration and quality of intergroup climates by 256 engineer-scientists in ten R & D organizations were factor analyzed. Five reliable dimensions evolved which accounted for 65% of the 68-item total variance. For each of these dimensions, the relationships between three combinations of level of attainment, level of aspiration, and level of urgency are explored separately and the combined impact of each combination on overall satisfaction with intergroup communication is examined. The findings suggest that unweighted scores provide better predictors of overall satisfaction with intergroup communication than do scores weighted by urgency ratings. Results lend empirical weight to studies in which the utility of weighted versus unweighted scores in the prediction of job satisfaction were explored.
This article reviews "An American Philosophy of Social Security" by J. Douglas Brown.
This article reviews "College Graduates and Jobs, Adjusting to a New Labor Market Situation" by The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
This article reviews "Professors, Unions, and American Higher Education" by Everett Carl Ladd, Jr., and Seymour Martin Lipset.
This article reviews "Éléments d’économie pour travailleurs sociaux" by Fr. Pereira De Moura.
En appliquant la notion de système aux institutions scolaires, l’auteur établit les grandes lignes de ce que serait une administration scolaire plus humaine et redéfinit le rôle de l'administration du personnel dans ce nouveau contexte.
This article reviews "Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior" by John H. Turner, Allan C. Filley and Robert J. House.
This article reviews "The Engineer in the Industrial Corporation" by Richard R. Ritti.