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This article reviews "Les travailleurs du coton au Québec – 1900-1915" by Jacques Rouillard.
This article reviews the book, "The Brandon Packers Strike," by George F. MacDowell.
L'auteur présente les horaires flexibles, leurs avantages pour l'employeur et pour l'employé, leurs modalités d'application et les réactions de différentes parties à cette forme d'aménagement du temps de travail.
This article reviews "Equity and Efficiency Effects from Manpower Programs" by Corry F. Azzi.
This article reviews "Federalism and Policy Development : The Case of Adult Occupational Training in Ontario" by J. Stefan Dupré, David M. Cameron, Greame H. McKechnie, and Theodore B. Rotenberg.
This article reviews "Human Resources as the Wealth of Nations" by Frederick H. Harbison.
This article reviews "Labor Economics" by Roy B. Helfgott.
This article reviews "Manpower Economics" by Edward B. Jakubauskas and Neil A. Palomba.
This article reviews "Upgrading Blue Collar and Service Workers" by Charles Breckers.
The author makes an evaluation of the significant features of collective bargaining in the United States' public sector. He deals successively with the forms of organization of public employee unionism, the impact of legislation on employee organization, the rivalries existing between various unions, associations, and professional organizations and also with more specific issues such as: the status of supervisors, union security, the strike, political activity and minority participation.
This paper is primarily an attempt to isolate the determinants of trade union membership growth in Canada over the past six decades.
This article reviews "The Saul Wallen Papers : A Neutral’s Contribution to Industrial Peace" compiled by Brown Yaffe.
L'auteur examine quelques-unes des possibilités et limites de l'analyse des conventions collectives de nature statistique. Il se penche ensuite sur les caractéristiques générales des analyses de conventions collectives pour enfin présenter les particularités de l'expérience en cours concernant l'analyse des conventions collectives de la Fonction publique fédérale.
In this paper the author delivers some thoughts on the international setting in which Canada is striving to achieve its social and economic goals.
This paper attempts to look at consultative participation, in a British setting, of bodies on which trade union "representatives" sit at the national level, together with committee members from other industrial interest groups, government departments and independents.
This paper explores the usefulness of employer surveys for purposes of assessing and forecasting educational needs in occupations and occupational groups.
Dans cet article, l'auteur tente de cerner la signification de l'information économique particulièrement au niveau des organisations industrielles.
Nous publions ici un résumé des travaux présentés lors du dernier Congrès des relations industrielles de Laval, les 30 avril et 1er mai 1973. Les textes complets paraîtront prochainement dans un ouvrage intitulé La politisation des relations du travail.