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Drawing on nurses strikes in many countries [including Canada], this article situates nurse militancy within the context of health care restructuring and neo-liberalism, the gendered construction of nursing work, the feminization of union density and of strikes, and gendered militancy. It explores the emergence of a militant discourse among nurses focussed on the public interest, what I call the politicisation of caring, which has supported a new approach to the ethics of striking. --Author's introduction
We investigate differences in labour market transition rates between high and low minimum wage regimes using Canadian data spanning 1979–2008. We find that higher minimum wages result in lower hiring rates but also lower job separation rates. Importantly, the reduced separation rates are due mainly to reductions in layoffs, occur in the first six months of a job and are present for unskilled workers of all ages. Thus, jobs in higher minimum wage regimes are more stable but harder to get. For older workers, these effects are almost exactly offsetting, resulting in little impact on the employment rate.
The article reviews and comments on "Creating Consumers: Home Economists in Twentieth-Century America" by Carolyn M. Goldstein, "Mom: The Transformation of Motherhood in Modern America" by Rebecca Jo Plant, and "Making Marriage Work: A History of Marriage and Divorce in the Twentieth-Century United States" by Kristin Celello.
The article reviews the book, "Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety," by Ian McKay and Jamie Swift.
Canadian data on strike frequency, duration, and volume imply that the strike is withering away. Some research also suggests that strike duration is countercyclical. However, the early twenty‐first century was anomalous from the viewpoint of these expectations. After 2001, mean strike duration increased and was not countercyclical. This paper explains the anomaly by arguing that employers are seeking to scale back the wage gains of previous decades in the face of mounting public debt and the whip of an increasingly unfettered market. These conditions apparently motivate some workers to endure protracted work stoppages, irrespective of the phase of the business cycle, in an effort to protect their rights.
We offer an explanation for the phenomenon of declining democratic engagement by assuming that what happens at work is the primary driver of what occurs outside of the workplace. If workers are exposed to the formalities of collective bargaining and union representation, they also perhaps increase their attachment to, and willingness to participate in, structures of democratic governance outside of the workplace as well. In order for this argument to hold, one first needs to test whether individual union members are more prone to vote and participate in civil society than non-members: other research refers to this as the union voting premium. We find that the voice effect of unionism on democratic participation is significant and is larger for groups that are significantly under-represented when it comes to voting, namely those with fewer years of education, immigrants, and younger workers. We also discuss the legal implications of these findings.
The article reviews the book, "Wife to Widow: Lives, Laws, and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Montreal," by Bettina Bradbury.
In the mid-1970s, three employee groups at Carleton University changed campus labour relations dramatically: the professors and librarians who belonged to the Carleton University Academic Staff formed the first Ontario faculty union in June 1975; nine months later the Ontario Labour Relations Board certified the Carleton University Support Staff Association as the bargaining agent for the administrative and technical staff. The history of faculty labour action at Carleton has been told but not that of either academic librarians or support staff so this case of unionism provides a unique opportunity to compare their experiences. Working primarily with oral histories, I argue that status was critical to mobilizing labour action at Carleton. These employees—many of whom were women—wanted a fair workplace but deliberately chose an independent association over a trade union because such “solidarity by association” was compatible with their deeply held beliefs about their work and place on campus.
The article reviews the book, "Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy," by Ross Perlin.
The article reviews the book, "Vineyards and Vaqueros: Indian Labor and the Economic Expansion of Southern California, 1771-1877," by George Harwood Phillips.
Contrasts business unionism and social unionism with "social movement unionism" as a model of public sector worker engagement.
Disintegrating Democracy at Work: Labor Unions and the Future of Good Jobs in the Service Economy, by Virginia Doellgast, is reviewed.
Globalization and Precarious Forms of Production and Employment: Challenges for Workers and Unions, edited by Carole Thornley, Steve Jefferys and Beatrice Appay, is reviewed.
Cette étude examine les relations entre les caractéristiques des régimes collectifs de rémunération variable à court terme (soit des régimes qui octroient une prime aux employés en fonction du rendement), la justice organisationnelle et l’engagement organisationnel. Son intérêt pratique repose sur l’idée que les régimes de rémunération variable sont instaurés pour fidéliser les employés. À partir d’une revue de la littérature, quatre caractéristiques des régimes collectifs de rémunération variable sont identifiées : 1) le lien d’instrumentalité perçu (perception d’un lien entre le rendement et la rémunération); 2) la prime versée (le montant versé à l’employé dans le cadre du régime); 3) l’intensité de la communication organisationnelle (les sources d’information mises à la disposition des employés); et 4) les communications du supérieur immédiat relativement au régime de rémunération. Notre hypothèse centrale est que ces caractéristiques sont liées à l’engagement affectif et de continuité des employés par l’entremise de quatre dimensions de justice organisationnelle, soit la justice distributive, la justice procédurale, la justice informationnelle et la justice interpersonnelle.À partir d’un échantillon de 313 répondants appartenant à trois ordres professionnels, des analyses d’équations structurelles révèlent que la justice procédurale médiatise la relation entre 1) l’intensité de la communication organisationnelle et la communication du supérieur et 2) l’engagement de continuité. De même, la justice informationnelle médiatise la relation entre 1) l’intensité de la communication organisationnelle et la communication du supérieur et 2) l’engagement affectif. Enfin, la justice interpersonnelle médiatise la relation entre la communication du supérieur et l’engagement de continuité. Cette étude montre que la communication par l’organisation et le supérieur immédiat quant aux règles régissant le fonctionnement des régimes collectifs de rémunération variable constituent la pierre angulaire de la perception de justice (procédurale, informationnelle et interpersonnelle) par les employés, ce qui indirectement stimule leur engagement affectif et de continuité.
This research seeks to augment contemporary theories of employee dis-identification in organizations (DiO) and its importance in the workplace. An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, 304 employees were recruited across eight organizations in Taiwan (with anti-CMV strategies adopted). Distinct from previous studies, this research stated that organizational identification and dis-identification were neither heterogeneous nor independent constructs. Statistical evidence supported this statement and explained that organizational identification and dis-identification were inter-related constructs. Specifically, two DiO antecedents were revealed, including: person-organization fit and abusive supervision. Unlike previous studies, DiO was not correlated with poor employee performance; rather, it was correlated with workplace deviance, intention to quit the job, and voice-extra-role-behaviours. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
The article reviews the book, "Romancing the Revolution: The Myth of Soviet Democracy and the British Left," by Ian Bullock.
Approaching the issue through their review of several recent court and tribunal decisions, the authors argue that the legislative policy choice in Ontario and other jurisdictions to permit age-based distinctions in the provision of benefits to employees over age 65, notwithstanding the abolition of mandatory retirement, was not only reasonable but necessary. That choice, in their view, represents a fair, and amply justified, balance between the right of individual employees to continue working past 65, and the right of employees as a collec- tivity to freely negotiate benefit provisions and group insurance plans that are in the interests of the group as a whole.
After painting a general picture of changes in the relationship between women and the job market in the latter half of the twentieth century, I examine the ways in which paid domestic service activities became part of the career and life trajectories of a sample group of working-class women. --From introduction
The provincial broader public sector (BPS) in Ontario com- prises the full range of government services and Crown corporations, as well as health care and education. The BPS is vital to the Ontario economy as well as to the citizens who use its services; it accounts for about half of the province's gross domestic product. Each of its com- ponent parts depends on direct government funding or government transfers, or is at least regulated by the government. The 2008 global financial crisis and its impact on the management of Ontario's public services has brought industrial relations practices and outcomes in the BPS into sharp focus. In 2011, the Ontario government established the Commission on the Reform of Ontario's Public Services, chaired by Don Drummond (the Drummond Commission),' with a view to enhancing the efficiency of BPS services.
Building More Effective Labour-Management Relationships combines valuable insights into new approaches to relationship-building and collective bargaining with unique knowledge and concrete lessons garnered from some of the foremost industrial relations practitioners in Canada. Contributors include Warren "Smokey" Thomas (president, OPSEU), Buzz Hargrove (former president, CAW), Warren Edmondson (former ADM Labour, Government of Canada, and chair of the CLRB), George Smith (former VP at CP Rail and CBC/Radio Canada), David Logan, (ADM, Government of Ontario) Glenda Fisk (Queen's University), Richard Chaykowski (Queen's University), Robert Hickey (Queen's University). -- Publisher's description. Contents: Fostering Innovation and Cooperation in Employee Relations in the Ontario Public Service / Warren "Smokey" Thomas -- An Introduction and Context Advancing Labour-Management Relationships and Cooperation / David Logan -- Systemic Pressures on Ontario Public Sector Industrial Relations / Richard P. Chaykowski, Robert S. Hickey -- Experiences in Collective Bargaining and the Labour-Management Relationship Remaking the Union-Management Relationship between the CBC and Canadian Media Guild: "We used to walk ... Now we talk" / Richard P. Chaykowski -- Reflections on Creating More Effective Labour Relations / George C.B. Smith Dan Oldfield -- Interest-Based, Cooperative Approaches to Negotiations and Labour Relations: What Works and What Does Not / Buzz Hargrove.
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