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The article employs Antonio Gramsci's philosophy of praxis to analyze the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty's battle against the proto-fascist, neoconservative Ontario provincial government. A structural diagram, entitled "The Party at the Margin," is presented to show OCAP's place in the current social formation. Adapting Machiavelli, the article considers OCAP's collective "new prince" role, as well as the role of the intellectual. A retired academic, the author was a member of the OCAP executive.
The article reviews the book, "Alabama North: African-American Migrants, Community, and Working-Class Activism in Cleveland, 1915-1945," by Kimberley L. Phillips.
The article briefly reviews "Have Women and Minorities Reached the Top? Diversity in the Power Elite," by Richard L. Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff; "An Investigation of Racial Disadvantage," by Derek Leslie et al.; Brian Titley's "The Frontier World of Edgar Dewdney;" Gilbert G. Gonzalez's "Mexican Consuls and Labor Organizing: Imperial Politics in the American Southwest;" Peter Bailey's "Popular Culture and Performance in the Victorian City;" Ching Kwan Lee's "Gender and the South China Miracle: Two Worlds of Factory Women;" Diana Crane's "Fashion and its Social Agendas: Class, Gender, and Identity in Clothing;" "Italian Lives: Cape Breton Memories," edited by Sam Migliore and A. Evo Dipierro; and Glenda Riley's "Women and Nature: Saving the 'Wild' West."
The article briefly reviews Peter Gossage's "Families in Transition: Industry and Population in Nineteenth Century Saint-Hyacinthe;" Daniel T. Rodgers's "Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age;" Claudia Orenstein's "Festive Revolutionaries: The Politics of Popular Theater and the San Francisco Mime Troupe;" Micheal Goldfield's "The Color of Politics: Race and the Mainsprings of American Politics;" Philip Scranton's "Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925;" "The Living Wage: Building a Fair Economy," by Robert Pollin and Stephanie Luce; Christine Cousins' "Society, Work and Welfare in Europe;" "What Workers Want," by Richard B. Freeman and Joel Rogers; and "On the Front Line: Organization of Work in the Information Economy" by Stephen J. Frenkel, Marek Korczynski, Karen A. Shire, and May Tarn.
The article reviews the book, "The World Guide 2001/2002: An Alternative Reference to the Countries of Our Planet."
CyberUnion: Empowering Labor through Computer Technology, by Arthur B. Shostak, is reviewed.
This paper investigates the role of women's issues in the decision to join unions by examining a successful organizing drive in a predominantly female workplace. The main focus of the discussion is the identification of women's issues where they were not immediately apparent to workers and union representatives. The theoretical question raised by this case study is the extent to which women workers' relationship to unions is similar to or different from men workers'. Contemporary industrial relations discourse tends to emphasize the similarities between women and men, without taking into account well-documented differences in women's paid and unpaid work and union experiences. From a feminist perspective, the conclusion that gender is unimportant in organizing campaigns often rests on an inadequate analysis of what constitutes women's workplace/union issues.
Laboring for Rights: Unions and Sexual Diversity Across Nations, edited by Gerald Hunt, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "Colliers Across the Sea: A Comparative Study of Class Formation in Scotland and the American Midwest, 1830-1924," by John H. M. Laslett.
The article reviews the book, "Les logiques de la réciprocité. Les transformations de la relation d’assistance aux États-Unis et en France," by Sylvie Morel.
Drawing on a case study evidence from the automotive, steel, and glass making industries, this article examines the role played by the national union in shaping local unions' abilities to develop and sustain the capabilities critical to managing on-going workplace restructuring. Evidence suggesting the importance of 5 national union characteristics is presented. These characteristics are the breadth of the national union's representational coverage; the extent of its education and training focus on new workplace issues; the resources it devotes to research on the implications of new workplace practices; the presence of multiple communications channels; and its structuring of local union representation.
Using gender as its analytic lens, this article examines segmentation in the Canadian labour market by focusing on the standard employment relationship. It illustrates how standard employment was crafted upon a specific gender division of paid and unpaid labour, the male breadwinner norm, and was only available to a narrow segment of workers. To this end, it traces how from the lOSO's the standard employment relationship was supplemented by a growth in jobs associated with, and filled primarily by, women workers and it shows how women's increasing labour market participation in the late 1960s and early 1970s shaped demands for equality in employment policies. Since the 1980s, a deterioration in the standard employment relationship has undermined both demands for and the basis of gender equality strategies and the article concludes by raising the question of the normative basis for regulating employment in order to move towards strategies for reregulation.
The article reviews the book, "Droit de l’arbitrage de grief," 5e édition, by Rodrigue Blouin and Fernand Morin
The article reviews the book, "Imagining Internationalism in American and British Labor, 1939-49," by Victor Silverman.
The article reviews the book, "Becoming Lean : Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers," edited by Jeffrey K. Liker.
The article reviews the book, "Learning from Saturn," by Saul A. Rubinstein and Thomas A. Kochan.
The article reviews the book, "Testing the New Deal: The General Textile Strike of 1934 in the American South," by Janet Irons.
This article discusses the potential advantages of large scale, government administered workplace surveys and the limitations of these surveys in the past. It then reviews and 1995 AWIRS, the 1998 WERS, and the 1999 WES in accordance with how well they appear to have succeeded in overcoming these limitations, and, more generally, with their implications for the conduct of industrial relations research. It is argued that the 1995 AWIRS does not appreciably overcome the limitations of previous surveys.
Three reports are reviewed: 1. Reports of the Advisory Committee on Labour Management Relations in the Federal Public Service, Ottawa, Canada, 2. First Report: Identifying the Issues, and 3. Second Report: Working Together in the Public Interest.
The article reviews the book, "Free Trade: Risks and Rewards," edited by L. Ian MacDonald.