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Domestic service was an institution of considerable importance for working-class women and middle-class householders in Canada between 1880 and 1914. Service was instrumental in shaping class relations, in large part because it brought the working class directly into the bourgeois home. It was thus an arena where bourgeois and working-class versions of respectability met, and sometimes clashed. Service was essential to the elaboration of a respectable bourgeois lifestyle, and was considered a satiable occupation for working women, yet the peculiar restrictions of the occupation ensured that domestics would often find the trappings of respectability difficult to maintain. Domestics walked a fine line between 'respectability' and 'deviance'; indeed, in the eyes of many, service was an institution that straddled this line.
The article reviews the book, "Wives and Mothers, Schoolmistresses and Scullery Maids: Working Women in Upper Canada, 1790-1840," by Elizabeth Jane Errington.
The article reviews the book "Seeking the Highest Good: Social Service and Gender at the University of Toronto, 1888-1937," by Sara Z. Burke.
The article reviews the book, "The Union Inspiration in American Politics: The Autoworkers and the Making of a Liberal Industrial Order," by Stephen Amberg.
It is argued that labor's rights have been effectively the rights of working-class men because only men were constructed as family breadwinners for whom collective bargaining was both necessary and legitimate. Working-class women, by contrast, were defined as non-working wives and mothers, so had no claim to steady jobs at good wages or to union representation in their own right. Secondly, PC 1003 accorded rights to men (but not women) inasmuch as it codified an industrial model of workers' rights. Thirdly, PC 1003 supported and encouraged the growth of a male model of collective bargaining. The implications of a gendered analysis of PC 1003 for the study of industrial relations are discussed.
Introduces Canadian postage stamps as a form of public identity, memory and iconography, and applies this lens to the representation on stamps of workers and the labour movement. Analyzes the particular stamps where workers and labour are commemorated, reproductions of which are included are in the article. Compares the relatively small number of Canadian labour stamps to those produced in the UK, Australia, France, and the US. Concludes that there should be greater inclusion of workers and unions in the selection and design of stamps, as recommended by the Canadian Committee on Labour History to Canada Post.
The article reviews the book, "The Revolution Deferred: The Painful Birth of Post-Apartheid South Africa," by Martin J. Murray.
The article reviews the book, "Labour and Unions in a Period of Transition," edited by C. S. Venkata Ratnam, Gerd Botterweck and Pravin Sinha.
A study examines gender differences in the process governing salary disparity between typically female occupations and typically male occupations. The findings indicate that choice of occupation does affect income disparity. The study provides evidence of pay discrimination against men in predominantly female occupations and against women in female- and male-dominated positions. Women did not experience a positive effect by being employed in the public sector, nor did either of the genders working in larger organizations. The implications of the findings for the generalizability of human capital, structural and institutional theories explaining wage disparity in a cross-national context are discussed.
Cet article dresse un portrait des sous-traitants forestiers à l'oeuvre dans le nord-est Ontarien au cours des premières décennies du XXe siècle. À partir d'une source méconnue, les registres forestiers gouvernement aux des districts de Sudbury et de North Bay, Ontario, l'auteur suit l'évolution de 269 sous-traitants échantillonnés. La durée et l'emplacement de leurs activités, leur ethnicité, les volumes et la nature des contrats obtenus, et le nombre d'entreprises avec lesquelles ils font affaires, constituent les variables majeures de cette étude. Bien que la précarité économique ne fasse pas de doute sur certains plans, notamment par l'obligation qui leur est imposée de déménager sans cesse leurs activités et par les fréquentes interruptions de leurs affaires, elle paraît, en bout de course, avoir été exagérée par l'historiographie. En effet, la situation économique des papetières de la région n'est guère plus reluisante que celle des sous-traitants, sans compter que le mode d'attribution des permis de coupe ontariens autorise la présence de plusieurs autres entreprises forestières régionales, de telle sorte qu'il n'y a pas de monopoles régionaux comme c'est le cas au Québec et au Nouveau-Brunswick. En outre, les sous-traitants font preuve dans les contrats obtenus d'une étonnante capacité d'adaptation. // This paper presents a portrait of sub-contracting foresters at work in northeastern Ontario in the opening decades of the 20th century. Drawing upon a little-known source, the provincial forestry registers for Sudbury and North Bay Districts, the author traces the evolution of a sample of 269 sub-contractors. The length and locality of their activities, their ethnicity, the extent and nature of their contracts, and the number of firms they did business with, are the study's main variables. Although there is no doubt about their economic precariousness in some respects, notably the fact that they were constantly moving their operations and suffering frequent interruptions, it appears in the long run to have been exaggerated in the literature. In fact, the economic performance of paper-makers in the region was not much more brilliant than that of the sub-contractors. In addition the way Ontario assigned cutting permits allowed several other regional forestry enterprises to work at the same time. Regional monopolies in the woods, such as we find in Québec and New Brunswick, did not occur. Also, the sub-contractors showed a surprising degree of flexibility by the contracts they negotiated.
This paper addresses: (1) the extent to which changes appear to have occurred in managerial strategies and labour and employment relations in Canadian firms, and (2) the role of the state relative to anonymous economic forces in accounting for Canadian developments. The general findings are that, while there have been a number of significant changes, these have been more moderate than expected by ‘transformation’ theory; furthermore, the Canadian case is consistent with the argument that state actions play a major role relative to more anonymous economic ‘forces’ in accounting for developments in labour and employment relations. It also suggests an alternative model to that typically assumed by transformation theory, one in which state policies and economic conditions are considered to be important not only for their direct effects on employer policies, but also for their indirect effects, through their implications for worker expectations and union militancy. Although these conclusions are tentative and call for more systematic, comparative research, they are consistent with arguments by Burawoy and others that state actions can serve as an important source of labour regulation at the level of the firm.
The article reviews the book, "Histoire de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue," edited by Odette Vincent.
The article reviews the book, "Crewe: Railway Town, Company and People, 1840-1914," by Diane K. Drummond.
The article examines the divergent patterns of labor flexibility in 2 Canadian power transformer plants owned by the same company and producing similar products with identical technologies. The case study results are used to point to 3 over-simplifications in the flexibility debate: 1. the claim that "numerical" and "functional" flexibility are incompatible, 2. the argument that North American management relies more heavily on external flexibility than on flexibility, and 3. the widespread contention that the traditional collective agreement is the chief barrier to achieving a more flexible organization of production in North America.
La problématique de l'équilibre emploi-famille (ÉEF) est de plus en plus au cœur des préoccupations organisationnelles, à tel point que se développe l'idée qu’il faut gérer cet équilibre, c'est-à-dire plus explicitement qu'il faut implanter ou modifier certaines pratiques de gestion pour aider les employés à surmonter leurs problèmes d'ÉEF. Cette recherche, effectuée auprès de 301 organisations ayant des opérations au Québec, vise à répondre aux questions suivantes : (1) Quel est le degré d'implantation au Québec des diverses pratiques présentées dans la littérature spécialisée ? (2) Sous quelles formes ces pratiques sont-elles implantées ? (3) Quelles sont les organisations qui les ont implantées ? (4) Quels sont leurs effets ? et finalement (5) Existe-t-il à proprement parler des programmes d'aide à l'équilibre emploi-famille dans les organisations québécoises ?
Le malaise professionnel — vu comme un conflit entre les valeurs professionnelles et les exigences organisationnelles — a donné lieu à une abondante littérature au cours des quarante dernières années. Le concept est ici repris dans le but d'élaborer un construit qui s'appuie sur les huit principaux points de tension entre les cadres et les professionnels, soit la nature du travail, l'autonomie, la participation à la prise de décision, le style de gestion du supérieur, les conditions de travail, le développement de carrière, la reconnaissance et l'éthique. Construit à partir de questions mesurant tant les attentes professionnelles que les perceptions de réalisation de 2497 professionnels syndiqués du Québec, le construit de 16 indicateurs se révèle cohérent et valide puisqu'il est significativement corrélé avec les attitudes et comportements généralement associés au malaise par les auteurs.
A study examines the effect of layoff announcements on the market's valuation of firms. The event study methodology is applied to a sample of 214 announcements of layoffs made by major Canadian firms that traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange over the period 1982-1989. The main results are: 1. The market responds to the news of layoffs in a negative fashion, lowering the value of firms that announce layoffs. 2. Almost all of the negative response occurs on the day of the announcement, suggesting that the market is not able to fully anticipate the new information, but that it responds to it very quickly.
This article refutes the assertion that the Galt, Ontario waterworks was built for public health reasons. The two Galt waterworks campaigns (1888 and 1890) are studied in the context of other contemporaneous local events, the most important of which was a moulders' strike in 1889. Popular resistance to businessmen's wants and public support for the striking moulders prompted the formation of a local board of trade and the threat of an industrial exodus from town. The waterworks authorization of 1890 resulted from the victory by buinessmen in this overt class stuggle. The development of Galt's waterworks reflected economic and political interests far more than public health concerns. The findings refut McLaughlin, and illustrate a novel connection between urban politics, infrastructure development, labour rleations, and industrial capitalism.
Si, au niveau du discours, la gestion des ressources humaines semble avoir développé de nouvelles approches, qu'en est-il réellement dans la pratique ? Par l'entremise d'une analyse de contenu d'annonces de presse, cette étude retrace l'évolution de certaines dimensions de la pratique de la gestion des ressources humaines entre 1975 et 1995. Les résultats indiquent que la pratique a connu une évolution qui requiert de nouvelles exigences professionnelles.
The article reviews the book, "New Deals: Business, Labor and Politics in America, 1920-1935.," by Colin Gordon.