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The article introduces the edited transcript of sessions of the Mine Mill Centennial Conference held in Sudbury, Ontario, in May 1993. The conference, which commemorated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers' Union, was attended by 200 people including union stewards, academics, labour leaders, and retired workers. The sessions provided a forum for retired activists to reflect on their lifetime of experience in the union movement as well as to address current political concerns. Themes included the union and communism, the union in the community, relations with other unions, women in the labour movement (notably the Mine Mill Women's Auxiliary), political activism, and the path forward for working people and organized labour. Brief biographies of the presenters are also provided.
The article reviews the book, "Controlling Common Property: Regulating Canada's East Coast Fishery," by David Ralph Matthews.
James Teit played a key role in the native rights movement in British Columbia, and he spearheaded the attempt to bring greater unity to the movement by struggling for the unity of natives and non-natives, and the unity of the interior and coast native peoples. It is simply impossible to understand the history of the native rights movement in British Columbia in the first two decades of the twentieth century without understanding the role played by James Teit. --From Introduction
The article reviews the book, "Les syndicats face au pouvoir. Syndicalisme et politique au Québec de 1960 à 1992," by Roch Denis and Serge Denis.
The article reviews and comments on three books including "Out of Work," by Margaret Harkness, "The Story of a Modern Woman," by Ella Hepworth Dixon and "Sandwichman," by Walter Brierley.
The article reviews the book, "Thomas McGrath: Life and the Poem," edited by Reginald Gibbons and Terrence Des Pres.
The article reviews the book, "Enjeux actuels de la formation professionnelle," edited by Pierre Dandurand.
Two separate theoretical streams touch on the fate of workers and their work, class and 'occupations and professions'. Analysis of the historical development of three interrelated occupations, medicine, nursing, and chiropractic, indicates that medicine is losing control over the health care division of labour. Whether or not one sees processes of proletarianization, however, depends upon whether one is examining a particular occupation or a set of occupations within a particular work domain. The analysis indicates that the struggles amongst occupations themselves contributes to proletarianization.
The article reviews and comments on the books, "Canadian Family History: Selected Readings," edited by Bettina Bradbury, and "Working Families: Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal," by Bettina Bradbury.
En s'appuyant sur une classification centrée sur le degré d'implication par rapport à la négociation collective des conditions de travail, cet article présente la diversité du monde patronal québécois et il en expose certaines composantes. Il traite aussi des mouvements professionnels dans leur ensemble, parfois assimilés à tort aux organisations d'employeurs. Il montre également, données numériques à l'appui, l'importance des divers regroupements recensés et la difficulté, dans certains cas, de les associer à une seule catégorie.
The article reviews the book, "The Selling of the South: The Southern Crusade for Industrial Development, 1936-1990," 2nd edition, by James C. Cobb.
The article reviews the book, "Debts to Pay. English Canada and Quebec From the Conquest to the Referendum," by John F. Conway.
The article reviews the book, "Louis Laberge. Le Syndicalisme, c'est ma vie," by Louis Fournier.
The article reviews the book, "Femmes en mouvement. Trajectoires de l'Association fémine d'éducation et d'action sociele, AFÉAS, 1966-1991," by Joceylyne Lamoureux, Michèle Gélinas, and Katy Tari.
The article reviews the book, "The Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Strike of 1914-1915: Espionage, Labor Conflict, and the New South Industrial Relations," by Gary M. Fink.
The article reviews the book, "Comprendre le changement technique," by Christian DeBresson.
The article reviews the book, "Maritime Radical: The Life and Times of Roscoe Fillmore," by Nicholas Fillmore.
Reinstatement to the workplace is an important feature of statutory protection against unjust dismissal for nonunion employees. An empirical study examined the post-reinstatement experience of workers under the Canada Labour Code. Overall, the results contrast with the reinstatement experience in union settings, which generally show favorable results. It was concluded that the presence of a union may be a key variable in the effectiveness of the reinstatement remedy. In the absence of a union, workers ordered reinstated would have to be provided with greater support. This may be achieved through a follow-up mechanism directed by the governmental agency that administers the statute.
The article reviews the book, "Indentured Labor, Caribbean Sugar: Chinese and Indian Migrants to the British West Indies, 1838-1918," by Walton Look Lai.
The article reviews the book, "After Chartism: Class and Nation in English Radical Politics, 1848-1874," by Margot Finn.