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Describes the project to digitize the manuscript industrial schedules from the 1871 Canadian census. Presents two tables of industrial-related data from Ontario centres as examples of historical research.
This article reviews the book, "Code du travail du Québec (Législation, Jurisprudence et Doctrine)," by Pierre Laporte & d'Hélène Ouimet.
L'auteur interroge la déontologie de la profession, ses moyens de mise en œuvre et ses difficultés d'application.
L'auteur présente une discussion des principaux concepts utilisés en relations industrielles et examine si la façon de présenter les connaissances en ce domaine est basée sur la réalité concrète.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the underlying personality, dynamics, values and elements of job motivation which characterize workers identifying themselves to one of Driver's four career streams from three different perspectives i.e. career to date, probable career and ideal career.
This paper seeks to examine the extent to which the writing of the history of both women and of the Canadian working class has converged over the last ten years, to suggest other ways in which integration of the two could be sought, and also to suggest some basic conflicts between the paradigms of each which point to areas where integration seems unlikely. It argues that if the goal of writing a history of the totality of the working class is a shared one, areas of intersection between the two fields must be consciously sought out. New ways of integrating the history of women and of the working class must be sought. For a start, this requires a reconceptualization of the way we define the working class and work, examination of the processes of class reproduction, and acknowledgement of the importance of examining how gender definitions are transmitted, shaped and reshaped.
This article reviews the book, "Virage à gauche interdit. Les communistes, les socialistes et leurs ennemis au Québec 1929-1939," by Andrée l.evesque.
This article reviews the book, "The Literature of Labour: Two Hundred Years of Working-Class Writing," by H. Gustav Klaus.
This article reviews the book, "The Practice of Industrial Relations," by David A. Peach and David Kuechle.
Pays homage to the life and work of Hugh Tuck, who taught labour history at Memorial University. Includes a list of significant publications and a photo.
This article reviews the book, "La réduction de la durée du travail," by Gabriel Tahar.
This article reviews the book, "The International Labour Organisation : A Canadian View," by John Mainwaring.
After having noted the mutual incomprehension between theoritician and practitioners, the author proposes specific areas on which useful work could be completed.
This article reviews the book, "Educate, Agitate, Organize: 100 Years of Fabian Socialism," by Patricia Pugh.
Radical changes have taken place in family and in work over the last century. These two institutions are the source of conflicting demands. Accomodation calls both for equality in the home and for the restructuring of work.
This article reviews the book, "The Feminism and Socialism of Lily Braun," by Alfred G. Meyer.
This article reviews the book, "Strikes. Dispute Procedures, and Arbitration: Essays on Labor Law," by William B. Gould !V.
This three-part report presents the results of a major research project underdertaken in the early 1980s. The project aimed to establish a new statistical time series for strikes in Canada. The final results of this work will appear in 1990 in volume three of the Historical Atlas of Canada which will contain a series of four plates on Canadian labour in the years 1891-1961. In this report we shall focus on the data concerning the years 1891-1950. An essay on method and sources is published here as Part II of this report and the data set is presented fully in Part III. In addition, we want to state at the outset that the more we work on this data, the more fully we agree with David Montgomery's assertion that "any attempt to formulate a positivistic 'natural history of strikes* is doomed to failure. Strikes can only be understood in the context of the changing totality of class conflicts, of which they are a part." --From authors' introduction
This three-part report presents the results of a major research project underdertaken in the early 1980s. The project aimed to establish a new statistical time series for strikes in Canada. The final results of this work will appear in 1990 in volume three of the Historical Atlas of Canada which will contain a series of four plates on Canadian labour in the years 1891-1961. In this report we shall focus on the data concerning the years 1891-1950. An essay on method and sources is published here as Part II of this report and the data set is presented fully in Part III. In addition, we want to state at the outset that the more we work on this data, the more fully we agree with David Montgomery's assertion that "any attempt to formulate a positivistic 'natural history of strikes* is doomed to failure. Strikes can only be understood in the context of the changing totality of class conflicts, of which they are a part." --From authors' introduction
This three-part report presents the results of a major research project underdertaken in the early 1980s. The project aimed to establish a new statistical time series for strikes in Canada. The final results of this work will appear in 1990 in volume three of the Historical Atlas of Canada which will contain a series of four plates on Canadian labour in the years 1891-1961. In this report we shall focus on the data concerning the years 1891-1950. An essay on method and sources is published here as Part II of this report and the data set is presented fully in Part III. In addition, we want to state at the outset that the more we work on this data, the more fully we agree with David Montgomery's assertion that "any attempt to formulate a positivistic 'natural history of strikes* is doomed to failure. Strikes can only be understood in the context of the changing totality of class conflicts, of which they are a part." --From authors' introduction