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This article reviews the book, "Les mises à pied et le travail à temps réduit dans quelques pays de l'OCDE," by Bernard Grais.
This article reviews the book, "Sécurité sociale, chômage et retraite anticipée," by Association internationale de la sécurité sociale.
This article reviews the book, "Radicalism and Freethought in Nineteenth-Century Britain: The Life of Richard Carlile," by Joel H. Wiener.
This article reviews the book, "Atlantic Canada and Confederation: Essays in Canadian Political Economy," by David G. Alexander.
L’acte des manufactures de Quebec, 1885 : un centenaire.
This article reviews the book, "L'Église d'ici et le social: 1940-1960," by Jacques Cousineau.
This article reviews the book, "L'Histoire des femmes au Québec depuis quatre siècles," by Le Colleclif Clio (Micheline Dumont, Michele Jean, Marie Lavigne, and Jennifer Stoddart).
This article reviews the book, "None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948," by Irving Abella and Harold Troper.
This article reviews the book, "Mills, Mansion, and Mergers: The Life of William M. Wood," by Edward G. Roddy.
This article reviews the book, "Fellow Workers and Friends: IWW Free-Speech Fights as Told by Participants," by Philip S. Foner.
This article reviews the book, "Australian Unions : An Industrial Relations Perspectives," by B. Ford & D. Plowman.
This article reviews the book, "Canadian Medicine : A Study in Restricted Entry," by Ronald Hamowy.
This article reviews the book, "Le travail : quête de sens, quête d'emploi," by Gilles Dussault, Ethics Research Papers.
This paper discusses the future of professional groups in terms of their capacity to retain their dominant position in the division of labour and their monopolistic privilèges in the production system. The sociological literature is briefly reviewed and then it is argued that recent changes within the professions as well as in the context in which they operate, may affect their capacity to retain their present privilèges.
This paper develops a catastrophe model of union behaviour. It presents an explanation of the unexpected character of some work stoppages as well as for the breakdown of negotiations which appeared headed for resolution.
This article reviews the book, "The Working Class in Weimar Germany: A Psychological and Sociological Study," by Erich Fromm.
Examines the labour movement in Australia with an emphasis on its political arm, the Australian Labor Party, from the late 19th century to the 1980s. Discusses the impact of national populism, which resulted in the notorious White Australia policy, with socialist and communist currents having only limited political influence. Internationalism in the aftermath of the Second World War was similarly constricted, with the Cold War having a polarizing effect on the labour movement and the ALP. Concludes that the current Labor government of R.J. Hawkes, a former labour leader, is in keeping with the traditions of the party's political leadership since it first came to power at the national level prior to World War I.
This article reviews the book, "Negotiation : Readings, Exercices and Cases," by Roy J. Lewicki & Joseph A. Litterer.
While Alberta is generally regarded as a conservative province, its early labour movement was class conscious and, for many years had a significant political impact provincially and in many municipalities. The Labour Party, which united trade unions and socialists of every stripe (until its expulsion of the Communists in 1929) reflected the determined independence of Alberta workers: its leaders and members were almost exclusively working-class. But the party was always an uneasy alliance between those who saw politics purely in electoral terms and those who emphasized extra-parliamentary activity. And the election in 1921 of a Farmers' government caused divisions about how closely Labour should work with a non-Labour government. After the purge of the Communists, those who favoured an exclusive concentration on electoral activity and close collaboration with the Farmers, held sway. Their narrow conception of politics turned the Labour Party increasingly into a private preserve of union bureaucrats and created a political vacuum into which Social Credit stepped in.
This paper presents and analyses the salient features of the 1983 amendments enacted by Alberta's Progressive Conservative Government.