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This article reviews "Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations and the General Strike," by David Jay Bercuson.
Trente ans se sont écoulés depuis qu'à l'occasion de la grève chez Ford Motor à Windsor, le juge Ivan C. Rand a rendu une décision arbitrale célèbre. L'auteur retrace l'origine de la formule Rand et montre comment celle que Von connaît aujourd'hui a été émasculée de certains de ses éléments essentiels.
Ainsi que nous l'avions fait dans le dernier numéro de Relations industrielles au sujet des « Mouvements du personnel dans l’entreprise » 1, nous présentons ici les définitions d'un certain nombre de termes relatifs au personnel extraits de notre ouvrage en préparation, le Dictionnaire canadien des relations du travail.
This article reviews "Les entreprises multinationales et la politique sociale" by the Bureau international du travail (Genève).
This article reviews "Petit dictionnaire de droit québécois et canadien" by Me Dominique Pagé.
This article reviews "Recommandations internationales sur les statistiques du travail" by the Bureau international du travail (Genève).
The article reviews the book, "Years of Hard Labour," by Morden Lazarus.
Assess the elements of a national industrial strategy with emphasis on manufacturing and services.
This article reviews "Eléments de sociologie hospitalière" by Paul Swertz.
This article reviews "Le travail dans l’entreprise et la société modernes" created under the direction of Pierre Morin.
This article reviews "Consult and Advise : A History of the National Joint Council of the Public Service of Canada, 1944-1974" by L.W.C.S. Barnes.
This paper is primarily an attempt to describe the organization, functions, and influence of the neutral third-party agency in the Federal Public Service collective bargaining system.
The present study was undertaken to examine empirically the proposition that specialization in jobs negatively affects the organizational commitment of industrial blue-collar workers. The field work for this study was done among 377 production workers in six companies in Vancouver, British Columbia. The analysis of the data indicated clearly that workers in highly specialized jobs tended to be less committed to their employing organization than workers working on less specialized jobs. In addition, it was observed that task repetition and task simplification were, respectively, inversely related to workers' willingness to exert effort for the success of the employing organization and to workers* desire to remain in the employing organization for an indefinite period of time.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the extent to which factor and product market imperfections are responsible for wage differentials. The conclusion is that without some form of factor market imperfection, the existence of imperfection in the product market cannot explain wage differentials.
This article reviews "Les systèmes d’information aux fins de gestion" by Rolland Hurtubise.
This article reviews "Personnel Management, A Situational Approach" by David P. Crane.