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This article reviews "La Ville : phénomène économique" by Jean Rémy.
This article reviews the article "Le mouvement des grèves en France" by R. Goetz-Girey from the collection "Economique" (Paris).
This article reviews "Le prix du progrès" from the Chronique sociale de France.
This article reviews "Les travailleurs et les changements techniques" by A. Touraine and collaborators, from the O.C.D.E. Série Les Relations Industrielles et la politique de main-d’oeuvre.
This article reviews "Public Contracts and Private Wages : Experience under the Walsh-Healy Act" by Herbert C. Morton.
This article reviews "Report of a Study on the Labour Injunction in Ontario" from the Ontario Department of Labour.
This article reviews "The Settlement of Labor Disputes on Rights in Australia" by Paul F. Brisseden from Monograph series: 13.
This article reviews "Travail et automation – Études de cas sur l’évolution technique : tableaux analytiques" from the Bureau international du Travail.
This article reviews "Travail et automation – L’automation : méthodologie de la recherche" from the Bureau international du Travail.
This article reviews "Travail et automation – Progrès technique et main-d’oeuvre dans une économie planifiée" from the Bureau international du Travail.
In the following article, the author tries to demonstrate how collective bargaining is likely to remain the corners-tone of our industrial relations system in developing successful adjustment programmes to cope with technological change. He underlines also some necessary change in bargaining attitudes.
Dans cet article l’auteur écrit que nous continuons à scruter de vieux problèmes qui demeurent pratiquement inexpliqués. Car ces problèmes ont été abordés avec un certain manque d'imagination au niveau des méthodes, sans esprit de continuité et surtout sans déployer les efforts voulus en vue d'intégrer les connaissances acquises au sein d'un corps cohérent de théorie. L'auteur fait le point et surtout dégage des perspectives nouvelles en relations industrielles.
This article reviews "Compulsory Arbitration : Panacea or Millstone?" by Harold S. Roberts.
This article reviews "The Suburban Society" by S.D. Clark.
In the following article, the author tries, first, to make the point on the major contributions on organizational theory. He then explains why he thinks this is still in the stage of infancy, by underlining the need for a new spirit towards all those theories, where they may be going and what perhaps they will be able to do for us in the not-too-distant future.
This article reviews "Challenges to Collective Bargaining" edited by Lloyd Ulman.
This article reviews "Information and Economic Progress" edited by Hower R. Bowen and Garth L. Mangum.
This article reviews "The Technocrates, Prophets of Automation" by Henry Elsner, Jr.
This article reviews "Communication and Organizational Behavior Text and Cases" the Revised Edition by William V. Haney.
This article reviews "Social Commitment" by Rev. Everett J. Morgan.