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Nous vivons dans une inflation, qui apparaît de plus en plus comme étant la fille naturelle de la croissance, sa seconde nature. Dans ce contexte, l'analyse des politiques de l’après-guerre montre la nécessité d'avoir recours à de nouveaux instruments.
This article reviews "Employement and Earning Inadequacy : A New Social Indicator" by Sar A. Levitan and Robert Taggart III.
This study presents yearly estimates of hidden unemployment and job requirements for full employment in Canada by age and sex for the period 1957 to 1970. The method employed in deriving these estimates involved the calculation of the potential labour force, total and by specific age-sex groups, and the formulation of a relationship relating group employment to total employment.
This article reviews "A Decade of Manpower Training and Development" by Garth L. Mangum and John Walsh.
This article reviews "Career Education" by August C. Bolino.
This article reviews "Counter Point : The Changing Employement Service" by Miriam Johnson.
This article reviews "Manpower Planning for Local Labor Markets" by Garth L. Mangum and David Snedeker.
This article reviews "Public Policy and Manpower Development" by John W. Holland and Michael L. Skolnik.
This article reviews "Sécurité sociale" by J. Ghestin.
This article reviews "The Economics of Labor and Collective Bargaining" by William H. Miernyk.
The first part of this article is devoted to a brief description of the ideological, political, economic and legal environment of the employers' associations in Israel. Then, the current structures of the three major associations are discussed, and their external and internal relations are analyzed. Finally, some tentative conclusions emanating from the report are presented, and several possible implications of the Israeli experience for employers' associations in other countries are suggested.
This article reviews "Guaranteed Annual Income : An Integrated Approach" from the Papers and Proceedings of the Nuffield Canadian Seminar (Ottawa).
This paper contends that the legal precedents which have until so recently discouraged positive Canadian legislation, and which could still invalidate fresh legislative efforts, are based on an outdated view of the economic relations of fishermen and fish buyers. The following briefly examines the economic underpinnings of the Canadian fishermen's right to bar gain, with special reference to Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada.
The purpose of this study is to determine the nature and magnitude of any relationship between wage and salary changes in specified occupational classifications within the Alberta Civil Service and wage and salary changes in similar occupational classes in Alberta industry. In particular, the possibility of the « leader » role that public service wage and salary changes may play in the determination of occupational wage and salaries in other employment sectors within the Province of Alberta will be articulated.
This article reviews "Contemporary Issues in Canadian Personnel Administration" by H. C. Jain.
This paper analyses possible differences in managerial attitudes toward unionism and collective bargaining in Canada and the United States. Divergent patterns of attitudes emerge that are consistent with other observable differences between Canadian and U.S. industrial relations.
The use of games and simulations as means of instruction is particularly appropriate to a behavioral process such as collective bargaining. The author describes, analyses and evaluates one which is used at the University of Washington.
The author develops a short-run model for the demand of manpower training. It is shown that the short-run demand for manpower training is sensitive to the levels of unemployment as well as to seasonal factors. Various functional forms are also investigated.
This paper examines the relationship between teacher wage determination and the distribution of teacher skill-mix, based on recent Saskatchewan data. The authors argue that while centralized bargaining produces more uniform wage scale throughout the Province, it does not necessarily lead to the uniform distribution of teacher skill-mix among municipalities which is one of the most important conditions for the achievement of equality in the provision of educational services ; rather, it is the ability to pay of the individual school boards which has crucial bearings upon the composition of teacher skill-mix.