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Solidarity by Association: The Unionization of Faculty, Academic Librarians and Support Staff at Carleton University (1973–1976)

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Solidarity by Association: The Unionization of Faculty, Academic Librarians and Support Staff at Carleton University (1973–1976)
In the mid-1970s, three employee groups at Carleton University changed campus labour relations dramatically: the professors and librarians who belonged to the Carleton University Academic Staff formed the first Ontario faculty union in June 1975; nine months later the Ontario Labour Relations Board certified the Carleton University Support Staff Association as the bargaining agent for the administrative and technical staff. The history of faculty labour action at Carleton has been told but not that of either academic librarians or support staff so this case of unionism provides a unique opportunity to compare their experiences. Working primarily with oral histories, I argue that status was critical to mobilizing labour action at Carleton. These employees—many of whom were women—wanted a fair workplace but deliberately chose an independent association over a trade union because such “solidarity by association” was compatible with their deeply held beliefs about their work and place on campus.
M.A., History
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ont.
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Solidarity by Association
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Laureate, 2012, Eugene A. Forsey Prize, Canadian Committee on Labour History. Jury citation: Martha Attridge Bufton’s study of unionization at Carleton University in the early to mid-1970s is remarkably comprehensive for an MA thesis. Though examining an understudied subject, her thesis is well situated within the existing literature on unionization at Canadian universities. Bufton also incorporates an impressive amount of primary source material, including oral histories. Her sophisticated analysis of the dialectical relationship between status and class makes a convincing argument about how status and gender contribute to, rather than impede, collective action. Her use of E.P. Thompson’s “moral economy” is innovative, and her analysis of white collar unionization in the context of a literature that focuses on blue collar workers is nuanced. There is much that still needs to be written about the history of employment in higher education in Canada, and Bufton’s work is a noteworthy contribution that furthers that cause.

Bufton, M. A. (2013). Solidarity by Association: The Unionization of Faculty, Academic Librarians and Support Staff at Carleton University (1973–1976) [M.A., History, Carleton University]. https://repository.library.carleton.ca/concern/etds/2801ph01k