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This paper examines the Israeli experience with spectoral job evaluation and incomes policy analysis, and the causes for the abortive attempt.
Dans la première partie de cet article, l'auteur tente de dégager les grandes lignes de l'évolution en matière de compensation et de prévention des accidents. Ensuite, l'auteur s'efforce de circonscrire la conception présente quant aux objectifs à poursuivre et aux principaux moyens à utiliser.
The hospital study described here is one of a variety of organizational communication studies in several different countries and organizations as part of the International Communication Associations Communication Audit Project.
This article reviews "Labor in the United States" by Sanford Coher.
This study compares the methods that are used to determine wages in the developing and developed countries of the Americas.
This article reviews the study « Des travailleurs et des emplois » by le Conseil Économique du Canada (Ottawa).
La notion de « système » est largement utilisée dans le domaine des relations industrielles, et cela, depuis fort longtemps. Elle implique un mode de reconstitution de la réalité différent de l'approche causale linéaire sur laquelle se fonde la méthodologie de la recherche empirique. Au lieu d'accentuer les différences entre ces deux modes de réflexion, les auteurs de cet article tentent de démontrer qu'ils sont complémentaires pour l'acquisition des connaissances dans le domaine des sciences humaines.
In order to induce firms to feel indifferent towards the sexes in their recruitment for the administrative level, the cause of preference towards males must be eliminated. In this paper the author discusses the preference for males that arise out of expected lower turnover for male employees.
This paper examines the effect of the unemployment insurance scheme on the duration of unemployment spells in Canada in the period 1953-1973.
The objective of this paper is to examine the operation of individual labour markets from the point of view of possible government intervention. The first section sets out a theoretical framework describing the operation of individual labour markets, while the second section develops a two-stage approach for identifying the sources of persistent imbalances in particular labour markets. The third section applies the proposed approach to three occupations in the Toronto area : auto mechanics ; sewing-machine operators ; and packaging hands. Alternative approaches by government are suggested for dealing with these imbalances.
Cet article tente d'illustrer le particularisme du régime de relations du travail dans l'industrie de la construction au Québec.
This paper develops a simple industry bargaing model with explicit consideration of the determinants of the bargaining range and the narrowing of that range over time as a function of perceived bargaining power and costs of settlement. The model is then applied to the public-interest sector under altered assumptions of costs of settlement and the introduction of political influences in the determination of bargaining paths. The impact of third party intervention is considered in both the industry and public-interest sector cases.
The objective here is to report on the experiences of the Special Committee on Collective Bargaining Impasses in Public Employment and to emphasize how the various parties viewed the impasses procedures then in effect and what kinds of revisions they considered most desirable.
Les auteurs se demandent si l'état de turbulence observé dans le monde du travail n'est pas en fait une réponse non spécifique de la collectivité face à des exigences de plus en plus grandes pour l'industrie.
This article reviews "Help for the Working Wounded" by Thomas F. Mancuso, M.D.