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This paper examines whether the traditional approach to collective bargaining fit s the needs of the salaried professionals or if special treatment is necessary.
This exploratory survey aims at presenting some of the characteristics of full-time union field officers.
This article examine a series of factors which may limit the existence of democratic decision making within the union convention.
This paper examines the existing System of collective bargaining in the Public Service of Canada and the legislative suggestions of the Parliamentary Committee on Employer-employee Relations in the Public Service in light of the results of two major empirical investigations of collective bargaining in the federal public service of Canada.
This article reviews the general report "L’insertion des jeunes dans la vie active" by OCDE (Paris).
Despite the economic importance of large variations in individual productivity of logging-machine operators, few studies have attempted to examine the source of such variations. Based on data obtained for a total of 757 shifts of tree-felling activity, this exploratory study attempted to: (a) document variation in on-the-job performance and assign the variation to sources « within individual operators », « between operators », or « between firms »; (b) relate ob-served performance measured operator characteristics (ability and motivation); and (c) suggest ways in which average levels of job performance could be improved.
This article reviews the special issue "Horizon 1982" by the Conseil économique du Canada.
This article reviews "Vivre ensemble, une étude des disparités régionales" by the Conseil économique du Canada.
This article reviews "Behavioral Issues in Management: The Canadian Context" by H.C. Jain et R.N. Kanungo.
This article reviews "Managing Human Resources" by Leonard R. Sayles and George Strauss.
This article reviews "Personnel Management. A Human Resource System Approach" by Elmer H. Burack and Robert D. Smith.
This article reviews "Personnel Management in Action: Skill Building Experiences" by Arthur A. Whatley and Nelson L. Kelly.
This article reviews "Analyse coûts-bénéfices de fermetures d’entreprises" by Jean-Aimé Guertin, Jean-François Guilloteau and Paul-Martel Roy.
This article reviews "Report on Social Security for Canada 1943" by Léonard Marsh.
Le but de cet article est d'étudier la relation qui existe entre l’évaluation qu'un subalterne fait de son propre rendement et les évaluations qu'il reçoit de son supérieur et de ses collègues. Suite à une revue de la littérature, l'auteur présente et explique les résultats d'une recherche effectuée récemment auprès de 215 cadres d'une entreprise canadienne.
Cet article cherche à cerner des relations du travail dans les secteurs public et parapublic, à tracer un parallèle avec le système québécois et à y voir les possibilités d'application.
This article reviews "Compulsory Arbitration" by J. Joseph Lowenberg, Walter J. Gershenfeld, H.J. Glasbeek, B.A. Hepple, and Kenneth F. Walker.
Dans cet article, l'auteur procède à une étude des règles juridiques qui précisent la protection dont bénéficie le salarié congédié à cause de l'exercice d'un droit qui lui résulte du Code du travail. Cette analyse est l'occasion d'identifier certaines failles et de proposer quelques modifications ; l'auteur s'interroge plus particulièrement sur l’opportunité d'assujettir ce congédiement à la technique de l'autorisation préalable avant de congédier.
Ideology determines how one experiences the world, shapes beliefs and expectations. Ideology is rooted in the structural dynamics of the social formation within which it exists. The articulation of the ideological with the economic structure can become problematic at certain points in time. This thesis uses a structural analysis to explore how changes in the economy have affected women in the Canadian labour force and how these changes related to the ideology surrounding women's work. Integral to this thesis is an analysis of how the State, through its labour policy, its government publications, and so on, does at times mediate between the economic situation and the dominant ideology as reflected in the popular media. This ideology is manifested through the institutional structure of the State as it influences both labour policy and the media.+ This thesis presents empirical data on the changes that took place in Canada between 1931 and 1956 in the ideology surrounding women's work. We take articles appearing in popular magazines and government publication of the era to be manifestations of the dominant ideology. We analyze materials in Maclean's, Chatelaine, Saturday Night, and the National Home Monthly. We analyzed government publications relating to labour policy; focussing on the Labour Gazette, and several reports and publications of government committees. The thesis begins with a theoretical outline. We discuss the concept of ideology and consider its role in the reproduction of class relations, the concept of a reserve army of labour, and finally, a brief summary of the concepts outlined above. We conclude the first chapter with a discussion of the methodologies used in our qualitative and quantitative analyses. The second, third and fourth chapters use qualitative analyses of periodicals to trace the articulation of the ideoloeical with the economic. Specific references are made to the media, to labour policy and to changes in the economy. These chapters deal with three distinct time periods -- with the Depression, with the World War Two years, and the period 1946 to 1956. In Chapter 5 we present a quantitative content analysis of selected magazines over the three periods. Our analyses of variations in the frequency of publications of articles relating to women's work and their activities both inside and outside the home confirm the shifts in emphasis over the period 1931 to 1956 that emerge from the earlier quantitative analyses. However, while the content and tone of articles does change with time, as is revealed in the qualitative analysis, the majority of articles have always related to traditionally domestic and feminine concerns. The data show an increasing professionalization of the housewife role. We conclude with a discussion of the importance of ideology in determining what is defined as women's work, and the importance of the control of women's labour market participation to the maintenance of the existing capitalist economic order.
Resource type
- Book (4)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (93)
- Thesis (4)