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The impact of rail road development on Canadian society has recently become a much debated topic. A significant interpretation of Canadian economic development posits a fundamental contradiction between mercantilists and industrialists, arguing that the former have maintained supremacy over the latter and that this has retarded the emergence of industrial capitalism. Further, it is claimed that Canada's railways were designed to promote mercantile interests and functioned to impede the transition from a mercantile to an industrial economy. The above formulation, however, largely employs strictly economic criteria to characterize Canadian society. This thesis presents an alternate framework, one which attempts to view social reality from the bottom-up, that is from the point of view of the producers and their work relationship. Using the criteria developed for this framework, it is argued that railroad development between 1850 to 1879 marked the transition from a mercantilist to an industrial capitalist society and, moreover, that these transportation projects were the backbone of this social change.
The subject of technological unemployment is used to illustrate how accepted theory leads to wrong answers because the technique used is that of partial equilibrium analysis. On this basis one rules out the investment needed to make the change in production method. In a dynamic context, in which such change continues, the employment effects of this investment should be allowed, and they can be seen to be substantial relative to the loss in employment from the installation of the new capital equipment. The result is that technological change conceived in this broad context is expansionary, and the implications for industrial relations and other policies is very important.
This article reviews "Police Unionism : Power and Impact in Public-Sector Bargaining" by Hervey A. Juris and Peter Feuille.
This article reviews "Cadres : la cote d’alerte" by Emmanuel Kay.
This article reviews "Direction par les objectifs et motivations des hommes" by J.D. Batten.
This article reviews "Le développement des organisations : sa pratique, ses perspectives et ses problèmes" by Warren G. Bennis, and "Le développement des organisations, stratégies et modèles" by Richard Beckard.
This article reviews "Organizational Development for Survival" by Arthur H. Kuriloff.
This article reviews "Organizational Systems, General Systems Approaches to Complex Organization" by Frank Baker.
This article reviews "The Canadian Labour Market" by Stephen B. Peitchinis.
C'est en regroupant ses commentaires sous quatre titres, le régime fondamental des relations du travail, les relations du travail dans l'industrie de la construction, les secteurs public et para-public et les régimes particuliers qui n'ont pas connu des modifications significatives, que l'auteur tente d'établir brièvement une sorte de constat de la situation en regard du contexte plus global des rapports collectifs du travail au Québec.
The author evaluates after some twenty years of experience, the impact of the European Economic Community on national labour laws.
This article reviews "Études de droit du travail" by André Brun.
This article reviews "La gestion du personnel : aspects juridiques" by M. Despax et J. Pélissier.
This article reviews "Le Code civil et les rapports de classes" by D. Brunelle.
This article reviews "Liberté syndicale et procédure de détermination des conditions d’emploi dans la fonction publique" by la Conférence internationale du travail (Genève).
This article reviews "Public Employment Labor Relations : An Overview of Eleven Nations" edited by Charles M. Rehmus.
Resource type
- Book (9)
- Journal Article (90)
- Thesis (4)
- Web Page (3)