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Employment and working conditions having an impact on health and safety are some of the most important concerns of workers. Amongst the various means by which trade unions contribute to prevention, the contribution of Worker Safety Representatives (WSR) is well-established and the most studied, including their participation in joint occupational health and safety committees (JOHSC). However, there are surprisingly few studies examining the place of OHS as an issue of workers’ collective action. Conducted with a large Quebec Central Labour Body, this study aims to understand why and how local-level unions concentrate upon these issues, the repertoire of means that they employ and the context that supports or hindus such actions. The conceptual framework is based on previous realistic evaluations of OHS preventive interventions and includes Levesque and Murray’s (2010) trade union power resources and strategic capabilities. In phase I, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with union staff members and elected representatives from different sectors, covering a wide array of activities such as unionization, training, negotiation, OHS prevention and compensation. Results also refer to five case studies (phase 2) of local-level trade unions identified by phase 1 respondents as particularly active in relation to prevention. The process by which working conditions having a negative impact on OHS are framed (or not) as trade union issues is examined. Levers and barriers are also identified. Factors affecting the presence of resources for trade union autonomous action aimed at prevention (like the integration of WSR to the union core structure, release time for prevention, etc.) are highlighted. A widely diverse repertoire of workplace-level trade union means of action for OHS is also highlighted by the interviews and case studies, not limited just to those provided by the Quebec OHS regime. It includes the recourse to labour relations mechanisms (e.g. negotiation and strike) and is based on an autonomous agenda, including mobilization. The potential of OHS issues for union revitalization is discussed, as well as the barriers that must be overcome.
This study examines the ethical management of workers with disability (WWD) employed at two social enterprises in Australia. Viewed largely through the spectrum of institutionally-based conflict in the employment relationship, this research draws on a framework of situated moral agency (Wilcox, 2012) to establish the ways in which WWD are afforded opportunities to engage in work and how managers and supervisors practise situated moral agency at the workplace. A qualitative case study approach is used with 62 participants through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Key findings demonstrate supervisors constantly have to reshape and reinterpret human resource management (HRM) policies and practices to exercise and extend moral agency. This phenomenon suggests contradictions between moral agency and ethical management practice within current HRM regimes. The key message of the paper is that HRM does not always support the ethical management of WWD. Consequently, we question the ethical nature of contemporary HRM policy and practice for WWD, and argue for further research to unpack ethical ways to more effectively support WWD in the workplace. For WWD to be included at work, achieve life skills and their goals, managers and supervisors need to engage with their moral agency. Finally, we draw implications for management and employment relations theory and practice.
This paper proposes a structurationist model that revises the notion of actors in industrial relations (Bellemare, 2000), reconsiders the frontiers of the industrial relations system (Bellemare and Briand 2006, Legault and Bellemare, 2008) and encompasses the developments of "life politics." This model is illustrated by the influence of users/patients on the work organization and governance bodies of a University Hospital in France, as well as on the health care system (public policies, research priorities, etc.).
La culpabilité est une émotion couramment éprouvée dans la vie quotidienne. L’objectif de cette recherche était de l’étudier dans le cadre du travail. Une recherche exploratoire a donc été menée afin, d’une part, d’identifier les situations générant de la culpabilité au travail ainsi que les effets de cette émotion et, d’autre part, de déterminer si la culpabilisation est une stratégie de management permettant d’obtenir davantage de travail de la part des salariés. Les personnes interviewées sont des salariés aux profils variés selon l’âge, le sexe, le poste occupé, le secteur d’activité, la taille de l’entreprise et le statut. Vingt-huit entretiens semi-directifs ont ainsi été menés. Les résultats identifient les caractéristiques de la culpabilité éprouvée au travail en révélant que cette dernière est familière, d’intensité et de fréquence variables, et évolutive. L’analyse des entretiens révèle aussi huit situations génératrices de culpabilité qui sont liées aux phénomènes suivants : une absence ou un retard, la perception d’un travail globalement mal fait, des demandes ou des promesses non suivies, des comportements ou attitudes non corrects, des caractéristiques personnelles (par exemple, un manque de compétence), un client ou un collègue qui souffrent et ne peuvent être aidés, un manque de temps ainsi que l’impact du travail sur la vie privée. Cette recherche montre que la culpabilité ressentie génère une gêne chez les personnes. Mais elle a, surtout, des effets positifs sur le travail réalisé par les salariés. La culpabilité a généralement un effet bénéfique sur les efforts au travail, sauf quand cette émotion est trop intense. La culpabilisation est un autre axe important de cette étude. Si elle est bien constatée par les répondants, il en ressort qu’elle est jugée inefficace lorsqu’elle émane des supérieurs. Elle est alors rejetée et mal vécue. Cet article ouvre des perspectives de recherche afin, d’une part, d’approfondir la place et le rôle de cette émotion et, d’autre part, de développer des implications managériales en termes de bien-être au travail et de performance au travail.
This paper critically examines official statistics on workplace fatalities in Canada. Each year the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada reports on the number of workers who die from a work-related injury or illness/disease. The problem, however, is that these data report the number of deaths that were accepted for compensation; it is not a system for tracking all work-related deaths. Drawing from a range of data sources and employing a broad definition of what constitutes death at work we attempt to generate a more accurate estimate of the number of work-related fatalities in Canada. In so doing our goal is not to produce a definitive number of annual deaths at work – an impossibility given the paucity of data sources – but instead to challenge dominant ways of conceptualizing what constitutes a work-related fatality and thus contribute to ongoing efforts to raise academic, political, and public awareness about this important issue. In this sense our goal is to question whether official statistics regarding workplace fatalities are complete when set against a broader understanding of what constitutes death at work.
The articles reviews the book, "La désindustrialisation : une fatalité ?," edited by Jean-Claude Daumas, Ivan Kharaba and Philippe Mioche.
L’évolution de l’emploi au Québec et au Canada est marquée par la multiplication des statuts d’emploi, la précarisation et la résurgence du phénomène des travailleurs et travailleuses pauvres. Après un rapide rappel des transformations marquant un glissement vers des politiques néolibérales survenues à la fin des années 1970, nous examinons les récentes transformations de la politique sociale liée au travail à l’ère de l’austérité. Pour ce qui est du gouvernement fédéral, nous examinons le programme d’assurance-emploi ainsi que les programmes concernant les travailleurs migrants temporaires. Pour ce qui est du gouvernement du Québec, nous nous attardons surtout sur les politiques d’aide sociale, ainsi que sur les services de garde à l’enfance. Nous traitons ces programmes en tant que politiques d’emploi et mettons en relief le rôle joué par l’État dans l’approfondissement du virage néolibéral amorcé il y a maintenant près de quarante ans.
Cet article vise, en s’appuyant sur L’Enquête Conditions de travail (2013), à construire une typologie des professions relevant d’un statut « ouvrier » ou « employé » à partir du niveau et du type de qualité de l’emploi qu’elles induisent. Cette approche de la qualité d’emploi par les professions apparaît importante pour trois raisons complémentaires : d’abord, parce que la nature de la profession s’avère déterminante au-delà des caractéristiques des individus qui l’occupent pour expliquer les écarts en termes de qualité de l’emploi; ensuite, du fait de l’importance de la nature des professions dans la détermination des règles encadrant le travail; et, enfin, en raison du rôle joué par les politiques publiques dans le soutien de la qualité dans certaines professions.
The objective of this article is, through an empirical study, to further understanding of the actions and decisions taken in the context of Lean implementation projects carried out under joint regulation (Lévesque and Murray, 1998) agreements. We, therefore, attempt to identify factors that may facilitate the organizing work involved in joint regulation of Lean projects to allow workers to develop a broader range of health-minded work methods and habits. Our assumption is that factors which influence joint regulation, such as the union’s capacity for action, management’s attitude and the purpose of the change, also influence the occupational health outcomes of Lean projects. We believe that the organizing work involved in joint regulation (actions and decisions) has an impact on these factors and influences the occupational health outcomes. Our research question is therefore this: What are the actions and decisions involved in joint regulation of Lean implementation projects that lead to closer correspondence with enabling organization criteria? This empirical study was exploratory in nature and had a multiple case study design. Two cases of lean projects were documented through eight individual interviews and the collection of documents. The main results indicate that, while joint regulation appears essential in terms of meeting enabling organization criteria, it alone is insufficient to explain the health effects of Lean projects. All stakeholders need to define the project goals, modes of assessment and management rules, both cooperatively and transparently, and through their involvement in decisions regarding all processes.
The article reviews the book, "The Fight for $15: The Right Wage for a Working America," by David Rolf.
This article reviews the book, "Just Work? Migrant Workers' Struggles Today" eds. Aziz Choudry and Mondli Hlatshwayo.
This article provides a focused review of the history of seasonal and “foreign” farm labour migration in Canada, and in particular the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). It underscores how Mexican migrant workers in particular have been portrayed in Canadian narrative discourses, drawn primarily from political and journalistic sources in Canada in the postwar period. Extended to Mexico in 1974, the SAWP has a longer history of managed agricultural migration in Canada that is also introduced. The article discusses leitmotifs linked to the history of temporary migration between Mexico and Canada: the fundamental place of family and gender relations; the trope of the male migrant as “breadwinner” (despite the later emergence of women migrants in the program); Mexican officials based in Canada and their role in mitigating labour disputes and unionization efforts among the seasonal migrant class in Canada; and the subjective, “subaltern” stories of migrant workers uncovered through an oral history case study carried out in British Columbia and Manitoba from 2012–2015. It introduces other thematic problems including exclusion/invisibility, human rights, patterns of remuneration, and “complementarity” in farm work, in a context of prior reliance upon the managed internal migration of First Nations’ harvest workers in both Ontario’s and Manitoba’s agricultural sectors.
This article reviews the book, "Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867–1917" by E.A. Heaman.
The article reviews the book, "Griffintown: Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood," by Matthew Barlow.
This article reviews the book, "Migration and Agriculture. Mobility and change in the Mediterranean Area" by Alessandra Corrado, Carlos de Castro et Domenico Perrotta.
This article reviews the book, "Blood, Sweat, and Fear: Violence at Work in the North American Auto Industry, 1960–80" by Jeremy Milloy.
This poem describes the conditions that lead to the Great October Socialist Revolution that took place in Russia in the year 1917. The Russian Revolution was foundational to the labour and social reforms that took place in Canada in the same era (Winnipeg general strike) and over the course of the next 100 years (healthcare, unions, and credit unions).
This article reviews the book, "The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities" by Frances Henry, et al.
In 2016, nearly 7,000 Mexican men and women arrived in BC under the federally-administered Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP). While all farmworkers face similar workplace hazards, women farmworkers face unique barriers to their reproductive health and wellbeing such as intense surveillance, sexual harassment, and unwanted pregnancies. The reproductive health of women in the SAWP is under-researched. Even less is known about women’s experiences in the interior of British Columbia. Based on insights gained in the field and through community-based research and advocacy efforts, this paper outlines what is currently known about women SAWP workers’ struggles to attain full reproductive justice. We discuss the unique factors that affect the reproductive health and sexual experiences of SAWP workers in particular. Ultimately, we argue that women SAWP workers face disproportionate barriers when accessing reproductive healthcare and that their sexual behaviour is heavily controlled through a variety of legal and extra-legal mechanisms. We conclude with a discussion on how migrant women creatively resist restrictions imposed upon them, and we make recommendations aimed at improving the experiences of women SAWP workers attempting to achieve reproductive justice in BC.