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The following essay reviews two reprint series issued by Garland Press of interest to historians of the working class. The first series, "The English Working Class," is composed of 30 titles edited for reprint by Standish Meacham of the University of Texas. The second series, "The World of Labour: English Workers, 1850-1890," contains 29 additional titles; this series was edited by F.M. Levanthal of Boston University. --Introduction
The transformation of the into the NDP was designed to strengthen the ties between organized labour and the party. High rates of union affiliation with the party were expected to provide financial, organizational and symbolic support. However, rates of affiliation have remained low. This article uses a public choice approach to explain low rates of affiliation with the NDP. We argue that the costs of affiliation outweigh the benefits because the NDP encourages the affiliation of union locals, which tend to be relatively small. The model is developed through a comparison of the British and Canadian cases.
This article reviews the book, "Women's Paid and Unpaid Work: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives," edited by Paula Borne.
This article reviews the book, "Le défi du plein emploi - un nouveau regard économique," by Diane Bellemare & Lise Poulin-Simon.
This article reviews the book, "Personnel and Human Resource Management in Canada," by Shimon L. Dolan & Randall S. Schuler.
This paper seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of Ontario's public sector wage and price controls in ternis of the rate of change in public sector wage.
A model of organizational commitment linking the antecedents and consequence of commitment with organizational independence as a moderator is proposed and tested.
This article reviews the book, "Travaiilleuses et féministes: les femmes dans la société québécoise," by Marie Lavigne Yolande Pinard.
This article reviews the book, "Mine Mill: The History of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers in Canada Since 1895," by Mike Solski and John Smaller.
If unionism is not performing the equity fonction, another way will be found to ensure equilibrium in industrial relations. The author examines how management and the State have acted as substitutes.
Managements' drive for the removal of contractual and govemmental restraints on their control of the work force is rationalized in Western Europe as necessary to achieve greater internal and external competitiveness. In support of this view the OECD substituted the advocacy of a flexible manpower policy (including wage policy) under the euphorie title of 'positive adjustment policy' for the prior program of an active manpower policy promoted during the sixties and early seventies. The soundness of the arguments for this change in policy has been questioned by internal research findings as well as reports by consultants and special expert groups appointed by the organization. These studies call for a package of policies and measures negotiated between management and unions to realize the ultimate ends of manpower mobility and job security. The free labor market cannot by itself serve as the mechanism for realizing these goals. Employment security and not segmentation of the work force should be the objective of joint policy making.
L'auteur commente la décision du Comite de la liberté syndicale touchant divers aspects du cadre juridique des relations du travail dans le secteur public au Québec: le niveau de la négociation collective, les restrictions apportées à l'exercice du droit de grève et la détermination des services essentiels.
This article reviews the book, "Black Milwaukee: The Making of an Industrial Proletariat 1915-1945," by Joe William Trotter Jr.
This article reviews the book, "Le projet d'entreprise," by Luc Boyer & Noël Equilbey.
This article reviews the book, "Negotiation : Theory and Practice," by J.A. Jr. Wall.
This article reviews the book, "The Gold Collar Worker," by Robert E. Kelley.
This article reviews the book, "British Workplace Industrial Relations 1980-1984 : The DE/ESRC/PSI/ACAS Surveys," by Neil Millward & Mark Stevens.
Les auteurs vérifient, auprès d'employés d'un Centre local de services communautaires, l'hypothèse de la prédominance du mode de vie sur la crise du travail.
Le nouveau contexte dans lequel s'inscrit le fonctionnement des relations professionnelles présente aux partenaires et aux pouvoirs publics une série de défis qu'ils doivent affronter. L'auteur se propose d'évoquer diverses questions à partir de l'expérience de VOIT et de donner quelques indications sur les perspectives que l'Organisation s'efforce de tracer et de proposer.
This article reviews the book, "Labor in Latin America: Comparative Essays on Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia," by Charles Bergquist.