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In the 1920s many liberal Canadians hoped that a modernized capitalism with new technologies and new methods of bureaucratic organization would benefit women by employment and promotion practices based on merit rather than tradition. Inequality in the workplace however, did not disappear. The failure to make great gains has sometimes been obscured by fascination with female professionals. Yet such individuals constituted a small, atypical minority. The fate of most working women lay in the non-professional employments. This study is an exploratory survey of the situation facing that majority. It begins with a brief characterization of the workforce followed by a lengthier evaluation of some of the influences which determined job selection. Career choices were basically of two types. The first, familiar blue collar occupations, were found in personal service and manufacturing. The second, in large measure, white collar, originated at the heart of the modern industrial state in the transportation and communication, commerce and finance, and clerical fields which had only relatively recently welcomed significant numbers of women. Neither choice offered women equality. The study next investigates women's collective and individual reactions to a discriminatory work situation. More exploited than their white collar sisters, blue collar workers, notably those in manufacturing, exhibited higher, more visible levels of unrest. The concluding section reviews the minimum wage legislation which, ironically enough, confirmed how little had really changed for all the anticipation of better times.
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
This article reviews the book, "Highlights of the Litterature," by Work in American Institute Inc.
Pour le bénéfice de nos lecteurs, nous publions ici le Code de déontologie de la Conférence des arbitres du Québec qui a été adopté par cet organisme en septembre 1977.
A vast number of criteria have been proposed as indicators of union democracy. Unfortunately, little agreement exists on the relative importance of those criteria. This article examines the interrelationships between several major components of union democracy: participation, electoral control, leadership responsiveness, and union control structure. Based on the results an integrated approach to union democracy is proposed.
Replaçant la procédure d'injonction dans son contexte sociologique en se référant aux caractéristiques essentielles du droit du travail, l'auteur préconise le rapatriement d'une procédure d'injonction modifiée dans la législation du travail et analyse les nouveaux pouvoirs accordés au Conseil canadien des relations du travail (CCRT) en matière d'ordre de ne pas faire (cease and desist order).
The present study attempts to assess the empirical relevance of Becker's theory of commitment to study organizational commitment among blue collar workers. The relative importance of demographic, background and job factors as possible predictors of organizational commitment are examined. The sample is drawn from packaging, power distribution and manufacturing industries in Canada. Stepwise multiple regression analysis is used to isolate the important predictors of organizational commitment.
The purpose of this paper is to examine conflict in the bargaining context as it operates mainly in the United States, and then draw some broad inferences for the theory of conflict.
After a brief description of the I.L.O., this article summarizes the main events which led to the U.S. withdrawal, reviews precedents, then tries to explain the reasons for the U.S. withdrawal and lists its consequences.
This article reviews the book, "Les disparités régionales de la productivité et de la croissance au Canada," by L. Auer. This article reviews the book, "Regional Disparities of Productivity and Growth in Canada," by L. Auer.