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This article reviews "L’importance croissante du secteur des services dans les pays membres de l’OCDE" by Maurice Lengellé.
This article reviews "Principes de direction des entreprises" by Neely D. Gardner, French version from Michel de Jihef.
This article reviews "Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology" the Revised Edition, by Edwin A. Fleishman.
This article reviews "Collective Bargaining and the Professional Employee" conference proceedings edited by John H. Crispo.
This article reviews "Du bon usage de l’Étude Économique dans l’entreprise" by J. Lesourne.
This article reviews "Japanese Trade Unionism" by Alice H. Cook.
This article reviews "Manpower Research Projects" sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
This article reviews "Rapport de la Commission d’enquête sur l’observance du dimanche dans les usines de pâtes et papiers du Québec" from the Gouvernement de la province de Québec.
This article reviews "Some Theories or Organization" Revised Edition, by Albert H. Rubenstein and Chadwick J. Haberstroh.
This article reviews "The Motivation to Work" by Bernard P. Indik.
This article reviews "The Selection of Trainees Under MDTA" from the Institute of Management and Labor Relations.
L'auteur fait quelques réflexions sur certains des aspects nouveaux que le Code du Travail contient en regard des lois qui l’ont précédé et tente certaines critiques d’ensemble.
The relationship between the Canadian and American labour movements is unique. It has given rise to considerable controversy and yet has been the subject of surprisingly little intensive examination. While a fair amount has been written about this unusual phenomenon, little of this material is very complete or incisive. As a result the door has been left open for those with an axe to grind to express themselves freely on the subject without the fear of contradiction based on cold hard facts. This study may reduce the frequence of such utterances in the future. It endeavours to deal objectively with an area of Canadian-American relations where emotions and prejudices have distorted public debate. Many of the events which have provided fuel for this debate over the past few years are dealt with, including the Seafarers' International Union dispute on the Great Lakes and the Internaitonal Typographical Union strike againist the three Toronto newspapers. --Preface. Contents: Introduction (pages 1-10) -- Explaining the presence of international unionism in Canada (pages 11-49) -- The Canadian membership within international unions (pages 50-95) -- Relations between the central federations of labour in Canada and the United States (pages 96-145 -- The unity and structure of the Canadian labour movement /(pages 146-178) -- Collective bargaining policies and practices in Canada (pages 179-230) -- Policies and practices outside the area of collective bargaining (pages 231-258) -- The flow of funds and benefits across the border (pages 259-278) -- Employer and government attitudes towards international unionism (pages 279-301) -- Summary and conclusion (pages 302-324) -- A selected bibliography (pages 325-327).
The relationship between the Canadian and American labour movements is unique. It has given rise to considerable controversy and yet has been the subject of surprisingly little intensive research. As a result those with an axe to grind have been able to express themselves without fear of contradiction based on cold, hard facts. This study may reduce the frequency of such utterances. It endeavors to deal objectively with an area of Canadian-American relations where emotion and prejudice have distorted public debate. The reader will have to judge for himself whether sufficient detachment has been shown to achieve real objectivity. --From author's preface
In this article, the author explains the formation and development of International Trade Secretariats (ITS). There was strong pressure to merge international labor organizations into ITS encompassing an industry. Moreover, ITS originally based on individual crafts or trades were gradually replaced by a new type of « industrial » ITS composed of sometimes heterogenous groups of workers.
Les rivalités syndicales depuis quelques années au Québec font l’objet des manchettes des journaux. Comme les grèves, à cause de leur caractère sensationnel, elles attirent l’attention et posent à plusieurs des points d'interrogation.
This article reviews "Contemporary Labor Issues" by Foget and Kleingartner.
This article reviews "La conduite des réunions" from 'la formation permanente en sciences humaines' under the direction of Roger Mucchielli.
This article reviews "La formation professionnelle" from the Revue française du Travail.
Resource type
- Book (16)
- Journal Article (1,016)
- Thesis (6)
- Video Recording (1)
- Web Page (1)