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Lynn Williams remains one of the most influential North American union leaders of the twentieth century. His two terms as president of the United Steelworkers of America, from 1983 until 1994, capped off a career in labour relations spanning nearly five decades. Among his many notable achievements were the new bargaining techniques he developed to face challenges from anti-union politicians such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. Williams also played a major role in the structural readjustment of the North American steel industry during its most turbulent period, the 1980s and 1990s. In his memoirs, Williams vividly recounts his life in labour, with all its triumphs, challenges, hopes, and dreams. While telling his own story, Williams also traces the rise and transformation of the labour movement from the Second World War to today. Providing an insider's perspective on union developments and issues, One Day Longer is a profound reflection of Williams's impressive career. --Publisher's description. Contents: In the beginning -- War and peace -- The Eaton drive -- Joining the Steelworkers -- Back east -- Organizing -- Sudbury -- Director, District 6 -- On to Pittsburgh -- Assuming the presidency -- Trying times -- Union work and politics -- New directions -- Epilogue.
The purpose of this research is to examine whether differences exist in the work values of several generations among 186 respondents in Quebec and 252 Arab respondents in the United Arab Emirates. We used an abridged version of Wils, Luncasu and Waxin (2007) work value inventory, including 28 work values arranged on four poles: self-enhancement, self-transcendence, openness-to-change and conservation. In the Quebec sample, there were no significant differences between generations in their scores on the four work value poles. In the Arab sample, the younger generation attached less importance to self-enhancement, but more importance to self-transcendence than the older generation with a small effect size. Our results also demonstrate that cultural origin had no significant impact on the average score on the work value poles. The diversity in work values among generations and cultures that we found in our samples does not support the idea that human resource management practices should be adjusted for different generations.
The article reviews the books "Corporations in Evolving Diversity: Cognition, Governance and Institutions" by Masahiko Aoki, "The Institutions of the Market: Organizations, Social Systems and Governance" edited by Alexander Ebner and Nikolaus Beck, and "Internationalisation and Economic Institutions" by Mark Thatcher.
Union Contributions to Labor Welfare Policy and Practice, edited by Paul A. Kurzman and R. Paul Maiden, is reviewed
When unions recruit women they tend to recruit them in gender blind ways. appealing to them as workers around job and workplace focused interests. This approach to collective representation ignores women's gender-specific experiences and understanding of their relationship to work as a blurring of the boundaries between work, home and community. By shifting their organizing strategy from the workplace and work to the community and relations of caring, this blurring of the boundaries opens up new strategies in which unions might organize and represent women workers. Using a case study of the organization of child care providers by a British Columbia union, the article explores how organizing in the interstices of work, home and community around relations of caring allowed this union to build a coalition of workers with divergent interests and employment relations.
The article reviews the book, "The Revival of Labor Liberalism," by Andrew Battista.
The article reviews the book, "SARS Unmasked: Risk Communication of Pandemics and Influenza in Canada," by Michael G. Tyshenko and Cathy Paterson.
This article is based on the findings of the Hospital Support Workers Study, which includes in-depth interviews with 70 hospital housekeepers and dietary aids in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As a result of provincial government legislation in 2003, all hospital-based support work in the Vancouver region was privatized and contracted out to three multinational corporations. The outsourcing of hospital support services is part of a larger global trend toward neoliberal policy reform in health care. This article presents the perceptions of hospital support workers about the consequences of contracting out on their work conditions, training, turnover rates and other issues that directly affect their quality of work and have important implications for patient health and well-being. The findings suggest serious negative consequences for the health care system as a result of the privatization and contracting out of hospital support services.
Depuis les années 1990, le Canada reçoit un nombre croissant de travailleurs migrants temporaires, parmi lesquels des travailleurs agricoles. Au Québec, ces derniers sont surtout recrutés à travers deux programmes : le Programme des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers (principalement mexicains) et le Programme des travailleurs peu qualifiés (surtout guatémaltèques jusqu’en 2010). Ces deux programmes, qui imposent aux travailleurs un lien fixe avec leur employeur, sont gérés et mis en oeuvre par la Fondation des entreprises en recrutement de main-d’oeuvre étrangère (FERME). Cet article vise à analyser la conformité des conditions de travail des travailleurs agricoles migrants, telles que supervisées par FERME et garanties par les employeurs québécois, avec l’article 46 de la Charte québécoise, qui garantit le droit à des conditions de travail justes et raisonnables. Cette analyse met en lumière une forte dépendance des travailleurs envers leur employeur aux niveaux légal, financier et psychologique. Cette dépendance est à l’origine d’abus de la part de certains employeurs, desquels découlent des violations de l’article 46 de la Charte québécoise. L’interprétation de cet article à la lumière du droit international des droits de la personne vient enrichir le contexte interprétatif de cette disposition et conférer une importance plus grande à ce droit économique et social. Alors que le lien fixe avec l’employeur a été établi afin de retenir la main-d’oeuvre dans le secteur agricole, il devient un vecteur de vulnérabilisation accrue de ces travailleurs. Dans ce contexte, l’article se veut un jalon dans la prise de conscience de la non conformité du traitement de certains travailleurs agricoles migrants aux instruments des droits de la personne, en particulier, mais pas uniquement, au Québec.
The article reviews the book, "Equity, Diversity, and Canadian Labour," edited by Gerald Hunt and David Rayside.
English/French abstracts of articles in the Spring 2010 issue.
English/French abstracts of articles in the Fall 2010 issue.
This online, open access, academic journal serves as a forum to capture the plentiful and diverse scholarly work emerging on labour activities worldwide, with the aim of understanding, recording, and promoting the transition of the labour movement to a new form of global unionism, and highlighting the ways labour activities are increasingly shaped by global forces. Global Labour serves the labour studies community by soliciting academic work on a wide variety of workers and worker related issues. These range from single country to comparative to international studies of workers and their organizations in the areas of the global North and South. We are especially interested in receiving submissions from regions of the world that are often neglected in labour studies. A key area of focus is the informal sector of labour, and the accompanying shift of focus away from the traditional ‘workplace’ as well as ‘traditional workers’ as the central locus of action. Other key areas of inquiry are migration; peasant agriculture and the transition to mass agriculture; and the impact of new multilateral institutions on global labour activities. The journal also solicits articles that represent the diversity of labour identities and emergent labour strategies, forms and organization. This includes corporate restructuring, traditional trade union responses, labour service organizations, new social movements, as well as the conventional institutions that workers engage in the workplace such as works councils, sector wide bargaining institutions, institutions that mediate conflict and political parties that have links with labour. The journal seeks to explore the role of globalization in breaking down boundaries between the global/local and the public/private as they relate to labour activities. The journal does not espouse a particular political line in labour studies, but welcomes a wide variety of approaches and analysis. Our aim is to provide a global forum for scholarly work on a comparative sociology of the labour movement. --Website description
The article reviews the book, "Feeding the World: An Economic History of Agriculture, 1800-2000," by Giovanni Federico.
The article reviews the book," Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Volume Two: 1968-2000," by John English.
The article reviews the book, "Children of Fate: Childhood, Class, and the State in Chile, 1850-1930" by Nara B. Milanich.
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