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This article reviews the book, "The ACLU and the Wagner Act: An Inquiry into the Depression – Era Crisis of American Liberalism," by Cletus E. Daniel.
This paper examines the history in Canada of the international unions for train and engine crews, from their entry into Canada until World War One. During this period, pattems of unionization and labour-management relations in this important sector of the Canadian railway industry were established which have persisted in large measure to the present.
This article reviews the book, "The IUE in Canada: A History," by Terry Copp.
L'auteur présente et examine l'idée d'un nouveau type de conseil des relations du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Histoire du Québec contemporain. De la Confédération à la crise: 1867-1929," by Paul-André Linteau, René' Durocher and Jean-Claude Robert.
Après avoir défini ce qu'est la retraite, l'auteur en présente un aperçu historique et en examine l'évolution et les implications. Il se prononce contre l'âge obligatoire de la retraite.
Introduces four satirical protest-song lyrics (three in English and one in German with English translation) on the Depression and World War II, written in 1936-41, by Josef G. Mohl (1881-1976). Provides a brief biography of the Austrian-born Mohl, a CCF supporter who lived in Edenwald [Edenwold], Saskatchewan.
This article reviews two books: "The Hungry Mills: The Story of the Lancashire Cotton Famine, 1861-5," by Norman Longmate, and "Domination, Legitimation and Resistance: The Incorporation of the Nineteenth-Century English Working Class," by Francis Hearn.
This article reviews the book, "The Case of Port Hawkesbury: Rapid Industrialisation and the Social Unrest in a Nova Scotia Community," by Raymond L. Foote.
Here is the populist anthology that touches the heart of North American life, a collection that achieves in poetry what Stud Terkel's Working did in prose. Its wide appeal is obvious. Included are 200 selections by 90 Canadian and American writers, from foundry workers and short-order cooks to the likes of Joyce Carol Oates, Patrick Lane, Pier Giorgio di Cicco and Wayman himself. --Publisher's description
Presents the work poems "Surplus Value Poem" and "Factory Time" by Tom Wayman, "spout deck," by bernard hobby, "Slime Warning," by John Morton, and "The Academy," by Roger Taus.
The article reviews and comments on "Render Them Submissive: Responses to Poverty in Philadelphia, 1760-1800, by John K. Alexander, "City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth-Century America," by Gunter Barth, "Urban Masses and Moral Order in America, 1820-1920," by Paul Boyer, "Philadelphia: Work, Space, Family and Group Experience in the 19th Century," edited by Theodore Hershberg, "History and Crime: Implications for Criminal Justice Policy," by James E. Inciardi and Charles E. Faupel, "Policing the Urban Underworld: The Impact of Crime on the Development of the American Police, 1800-1887," by David R. Johnson, "Violent Death in the City: Suicide, Accident and Murder in 19th Century Philadelphia," by Roger Lane, and "Detroit and the Problem of Order, 1830-1880: A Geography of Crime, Riot, and Policing," by John C. Schneider.
This article reviews the book, "L’impresa nel sistema socio-sindacale : dieci anni di contrattazione," by Osvaldo Busana, Maria Teresa Schütt & Mario Unnia.
This article reviews the book, "Le Droit du travail," by Jean-Claude.
This article reviews the book, "Les grands arrêts de Droit du travail," by Gérard Lyon-Caen & Jean Pélissier. This article reviews the book, "La suspension du contrat de travail," by Jean- Marc Béraud. This article reviews the book, "International Labour Law Reports," by Zvi H. Bar-Niv, Benjamin Aaron Thilo Ramm, Folke Schmidt, Jean-Maurice Verdier, Lord Wedderburn of Charlton, Peter Elman, Alphen aan den Rijn & Germantown
This article reviews the book, "Lexique des sciences sociales," by Madeleine Grawitz.
L'auteur présente ici quelques propos sur la polysémie du terme politique en relations industrielles.
This article reviews the book, "A Disciplined Intelligence: Critical Inquiry and Canadian Thought in the Victorian Era," by A. B. McKillop.
This article reviews the book, "Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management," by Daniel Nelson.
Resource type
- Book (10)
- Journal Article (213)
- Thesis (1)