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This article reviews the book, "Twentieth Century Canada," by J. L. Granatstein, Irving Abella, David Bercuson, R.C. Brown and H.B. Neatby.
This article reviews the book, "Working for the Railroad: The Organization of Work in the Nineteenth Century," by Walter Licht.
This article reviews the book, "Black Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Race and Class in Trinidad," by Ivaar Oxaal.
This article reviews the book, "Shifting Gears : Changing Labor Relations in the U.S. Automobile Industry," by Harry C. Katz.
This study examines the effectiveness of multi-predictor selection System as compared with any other alternative selection system which relies on only one predictor.
This article reviews the book, "Canada Labour Relations Board - Federal Law and Practice," by J. Dorsey.
This article reviews the book, "Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies," by T. Hanami & R. Blanpain.
This article reviews the book, "Principes de droit du travail," by R. Blanpain.
This article reviews the book, "Syndicats et droit syndica l: Le droit syndical dans l'entreprise," by Jean-Maurice Verdier.
This article reviews the book, "Forever Feminine: Women's Magazines and the Cult of Femininity," by Marjorie Ferguson.
This article reviews the book, "Classes of Contemporary Japan," by Rob Stevens.
This article reviews the book, " Office Work Can Be Dangerous to Your Health," by Jeanne Stellman and Mary Sue Henifin.
Although characterized by unequal exchange, the impact of the fur trade on the aboriginal societies of what became British Columbia involved minimal disruption because the indigenous modes of production were easily articulated with mercantile capitalism. It was the problems arising from competition and increasing costs of transportation that led the Hudson's Bay Company to begin commodity production in agriculture, fishing and lumbering, thereby initiating capitalist wage-labour relations and paving the way for the subsequent disastrous decline in the well-being of Native peoples in the province.
During World War II, the government of Canada sought to prevent strikes primarily through the use of "compulsory conciliation:" in specified industries, strikes and lockouts were prohibited until a government-sponsored board had investigated the dispute and delivered its report. This paper examines the operation of that regime during the war years. It highlights the tension between two alternative views of the boards' function (adjudication and mediation), indicates how the government manipulated the conciliation process in order to prevent or delay strikes, discusses briefly the reasons invoked by boards in their judgements, and demonstrates the frustration arising from the government's reluctance to prescribe clear norms of industrial conduct. In the turbulent wartime economy, compulsory conciliation failed to achieve the level of industrial peace demanded of it. Eventually, mandatory wage controls and a labour code modeled on the American Wagner Act were adopted, restricting the scope of the conciliation regime.
This paper reports results of a survey which assesses both management and union perceptions of the impact of a professional nurses' union upon hospitals in Saskatchewan's centralized health-care bargaining system. It evaluates union impact on four dimensions: economic outcomes, employee attitudes and behavior, management policy and control and quality of patient care.
This article reviews the book, "Segmented Work Divided Workers : The Historical Transformation of Labour in the United States," by David Gordon, Richard Edwards & Michael Reich.
This article reviews the book, "Working-Class Experience : The Rise and Reconstitution of Canadian Labour, 1800-1980," by Bryan Palmer.
This article reviews the book, "German Workers in Industrial Chicago 1850-1910: A Comparative Perspective," edited by Hartmut Keil and John B. Jentz.