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This paper takes advantage of newly developed total factor productivity measures available from the Economic Council of Canada to examine the relationship between the factor inputs, particularly the labour input, and productivity.
Documents the Italian enclave in the pulp-and-paper town of Powell River, BC, prior to World War II. Analyzes primary sources to show that by the mid-1920s the Italian-origin group formed the largest among non-Anglophones in the community. However, the emergent "Little Italy" was impacted adversely by layoffs from the papermill during the 1930s. The study was intended as a first step toward a comprehensive history of Italian migration and immigration to BC before WWII.
This article reviews the book, "Faces of Feminism: A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement," by Olive Banks.
This article reviews the book, "Poverty and Policy in American History," by Michael B. Katz.
This article reviews the book, "Gold Mountain: The Chinese in the New World," by Anthony B. Chan.
This article reviews the book, "Class, Culture and Community: A Biographical Study of Social Change in Mining," by Bill Williamson.
This article reviews the book, "Duplessis and the Union Nationale Administration," by Richard Jones.
At the end of the nineteenth century, the socialist movement in Canada began a campaign to create national political organizations and to forge links with the working class, The strongest of these organizations was the Socialist Party of Canada (SPC), which elected several provincial deputies in the West after 1903, and won the affiliation of a number of unions, above all District 18 of the United Mine Workers of America. This article analyzes the socialist project in the coal mining regions of Alberta and British Columbia, 1900-20. Here, mining conditions provoked long and hard working-class struggles, such as the violent strike of non-union miners on Vancouver Island in 1912-4, or the general strike of miners in the Crow's Nest Pass in 1919. Socialist politics had the sympathy of the militants but more importantly, of the mass of electors in these regions. Contrary to the mythology of the frontier, the majority of working-class socialists comprised stable industrial communities. And the Marxist programme of the SPC offered an alternative to each of the great ethnic blocks in the coalfields: European immigrants on the one hand, and English-speaking workers on the other. Be that as it may, the socialists suffered a decisive defeat after 1914. The historical juncture of 1919 created new marching orders for the miners: towards the Communist Party, or the "reformist" socialism of the CCF.
This article reviews the book, "The Politics of Reproduction," by Mary O'Brien.
This article reviews the book, "Worker's Struggles, Past and Present: A "Radical America" Reader," edited by James Green.
This article reviews the book, "Negotiation," by Roy J. Lewicki & Joseph A. Litterer.
This article reviews the book, "Patterns of Prejudice: A History of Nativism in Alberta," by Howard Palmer.
As an extention of the recently formulated system-theory based view of labor relations Systems (Larouche & Deom, 1984), this article presents the conceptual framework of a labor relations System [LRS]. The LRS components are defined and discussed on the basis of Systems theory concepts and terminology, to refer to a workplace union-management relations. Prior attempts to apply Systems theory to theory construction at the same level ofanalysis are examined and the LRS is shown to improve upon them. Finally, the avantages of the LRS to researchers and practitioners in labor relations are outlined.
This article reviews the book, "Le conflit du travail : stratégie et tactique," by Gilles Plante.
Cet article examine cet ensemble de moyens pertinents pour la présentation des accidents du travail prévus dans la législaion québécoise et examine leur capacité de réduire efficacement les accidents du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Wives and Property: Reform of the Married Women's Property Law in Nineteenth-Century England," by Lee Holcombe.
This article reviews the book, "The Victorian Girl and Feminine Ideal," by Deborah Gorham.
Contents: 1881-1914: The Age of the Craftsman -- 1914-1919: "No More Defeats" -- 1920-1930: Dress Rehearsal for a Depression -- 1930-1940: Reaching the Breaking Point -- 1940-1960: A System on Trial -- 1960-1984: New Strengths, New Challenges.
This article reviews the book, "TVA and the Dispossessed: The Resettlement of Population in the Norris Dam Area," by Michael J. McDonald & John Muldowny.
The purpose of this study is to analyse bargaining units which achieved first agreements and those that did not achieve first agreements in terms of: data relating to their Canada Labour Relations Board (CLRB) certification experience; data relating to basic bargaining unit characteristics; and in terms of data relating to the negotiation of first agreements.
Resource type
- Book (5)
- Film (1)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (4)