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Examines the Jewish workers in the Montreal clothing industry, where was considerable strike activity, from 1910-80. Presents data on the majority Jewish representation in the industry, many of whom had just arrived from Eastern Europe bringing their knowledge of the tailoring craft with them. Describes the growth of ready-to-wear clothing and the decline of home sweatshops ("the sweating system"), which gave impetus to establishing clothing factories that, in turn, sparked unions demanding recognition and better wages and working conditions. Concludes that the Jewish workers were exceptionally militant during the period.
La Confédération des syndicats nationaux, qui s'est appelée jusqu'en 1960 la Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du Canada (CTCC), et sans conteste l'une des institutions les plus importantes du Québec. Depuis sa fondation en 1921, elle a joué un rôle de tout premier plan, s'affirment à la fois comme un des mouvements organisés des travailleurs et travailleuses et un des principaux agent de transformation sociale. Au cours de son histoire, la CSN s'est toujours distinguée par sa volonté de réformer et profondeur la régime économique et d'instaurer une société plus juste, respecteuse de la dignité des travailleurs. Publié à l'occasion du 60e anniversaire de la CSN, ce livre ne se veut cependant pas une histoire officielle. Il a été écrit par une spécialiste de l'histoire des travailleurs et il s'adresse à ceux et celles qui s'intéressemt à cet aspect fondamental, pourtant encore largement méconnu de l'histoire du Québec. Sommaire de l'éditeur
This article reviews the book, "Problèmes et perspectives d’emploi dans le secteur hôtelier du Québec, by ministère du Travail et de la Main-d’oeuvre.
L'auteur définit et examine la notion de travail à temps partiel et en présente les différentes implications.
This article reviews the book, "Workers and Workplaces in Revolutionary China," edited by Stephen Andors.
This article reviews two books: "Spying on Americans: Political Surveillance from Hoover to the Huston Plan," by Athan Theoharis, and "Cold War on the Campus: Academic Freedom at the University of Washington, 1946-64," by Jane Sanders.
This article reviews the book, "Small Worlds: Provinces and Parties in Canadian Political Life," by David J. Blkins & Richard Simeon. This article reviews the book, "Society and Politics in Alberta: Research Papers," by Carlo Caldarola.
This article reviews the book, "Life and Death of a Union: The Canadian Seamen's Union," by John Stanton.
The selection of topics for this Encyclopedia has not always been easy, especially as some topics coincide with the present, and obscure with their familiarity the context of the past. Yet we have learned from our research for this work that unless the present be recorded in print now it has less chance of being known in the future. In addition to the thousands of topics compiled by the Editor in Chief, Mr. Smallwood, the topics presented here have been selected from those suggested by many people and from nearly one hundred and fifty source books of Newfoundland society and history. Sometimes the work of choosing the best and most accurate sources has been as difficult as choosing the topics; history is an account of what has been recorded to have happened. This being so, we have attempted to corroborate and otherwise verify such records, and, where this is impossible, to present and identify conflicting statements... Robert D.W. Pitt --Website description
This article reviews three books: "Economy, Class and Social Reality: Issues in Contemporary Canadian Society," edited by John Allan Fry, "Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada," edited by J. Paul Grayson, and "Power and Change in Canada," edited by Richard J. Ossenberg.
This article reviews the book, "Equal Employment Policy for Women : Strategies for Implementation in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe," by Ronnie Steinberg Ratner, Edited.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the structure of collective bargaining on union bargaining power. More specifically, its objective is to determine whether bargaining through employer's association, multi-employer, single (multiplant) employer or single-plant negotiation units has had an effect on negotiated wage settlements (union wage changes) in the private sector in Canada.
This paper examines the difficulty in defining a "political resolution"; it analyzes the increased use of political resolutions in the ILO, and discusses various attempts made to restrain their use and minimize their disruptive influence.
Après avoir traité de l'importance et de rétendue du phénomène d'absentéisme au sein des entreprises ainsi que des coûts impliqués, les auteurs identifient les principaux modèles explicatifs ainsi que les limites inhérentes à ces divers modèles en vue d'en présenter un schéma intégrateur. Ensuite, ils identifient les diverses stratégies d'intervention à la portée de la direction des entreprises utilisées en pratique afin d'enrayer, tout au moins en partie, l'absentéisme et ses effets au sein des entreprises.
This article reviews the book, "Canada Since 1945: Power, Politics and Provincialism," by Robert Bothwell, Ian Drummond & John English.
This article reviews the book, "Labour Studies Research Bulletin," by Labour Studies Resource Center.
This article reviews the book, "Les Irlandais et la canal de Lachine: la grève de 1843," by Raymond Boily.
Analyzes the anti-labour legislation of Lower Canada that was intended to suppress labour and civil unrest during the first half of the nineteenth century, including measures to control and discipline the workforce, ban unions and strikes, and protect the private property of the means of production. Concludes by posing two questions for future research: the extent to which British statutes (e.g., the Combination acts) had the force of law in the labour relations of Lower Canada; and the degree to which the different anti-labour laws voted in Lower and United Canada were extended beyond 1850.
This article reviews the book, "A Culture in Conflict: Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860-1914," by Bryan D. Palmer.
Resource type
- Book (10)
- Journal Article (213)
- Thesis (1)