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This article reviews the book, "Plant Closings : A Selected Bibliography of Materials Published Through 1985," by Harold E. Way & Carla M. Weiss.
This article reviews the book, "Not by Bread Alone : A Study of Organizational Climate and Employer-Employee Relations in India," by Baldev R. Sharma.
The article reviews the book, "Frontier Expansion and Peasant Protest in Columbia," by Catherine LeGrand.
This article reviews the book, "Recalling the Good Fight: An Autobiography of the Spanish Civil War," by John Tisa.
This article reviews the book, "Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism," by William K. Carroll.
This article reports the findings of a study of operative and espoused personnel selection criteria of managers. A projective test (derived front Kelly's Rep Test and Brown's Personnel Decision Analysis Form) was used to elicit and measure the strength of operative selection criteria while a short questionnaire sought demographic data and espoused selection criteria.
This article reviews the book, "Canada Learns to Play: The Emergence of Organized Sport, 1807-1914," by Alan Metcalfe.
The author estimates the effect of being unemployed on the health of unemployed Quebec workers. The results imply that the health effects are heterogenous, at least for unemployed men and women.
This article reviews the book, "Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations," by Edward E. Herman, Alfred Kuhn & Ronald Seeber.
Earnings of lawyers in the government service are compared with those in private practice in Canada during the 1970's, a period of rapid growth in the supply of lawyers.
The article reviews the book, "Through the Eye of the Needle: Immigrants and Enterprise in New York's Garment Industry," by Roger D. Waldinger.
This article reviews the book, "Labour Market Theory and the Canadian Experience," by Byron Eastman.
This article reviews the book, "Counter Cultures: Saleswomen, Manager, and Customers in American Department Stores 1890-1940," by Susan Porter Benson.
A review of the theories and results of previous research on the importance of criteria in arbitration of wage disputes is presented in this paper and the hypotheses of the importance of criteria to arbitrators in the Canadian Federal Public Service are developed.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which unions in Canada use information technology, the types of technology used, the way in which the technology is implemented, the general level of satisfaction with the new methods and proposals for the implementation of new methods in the future.
The article reviews the book, "At the Very Least She Pays the Rent: Women and German Industrialization, 1871-1914," by Barbara Franzoi.
Après avoir propose une définition de la notion de harcèlement sexuel, l'auteur analyse ces éléments cruciaux de l'affaire Robichaud en Cour suprême du Canada qui sous-tendent le besoin pour l'entreprise d'adopter un programme concernant ce problème.
Dans le cadre de onze plaintes de pratique déloyale, le Conseil s'est prononce sur la validité du paragraphe 188(3) du Code qui impose à l'employeur le fardeau de la preuve, en regard des articles 7 et 15 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Au terme d'une analyse détaillée, le Conseil a juge que le paragraphe 188(3) du Code était conforme à ces deux dispositions de la Charte.
Le 18 décembre 1985, le Conseil accréditait le Syndicat des Employés des Banques Nationales de Rimouski pour représenter tous les employés des cinq succursales de la Banque à Rimouski. Près de deux ans plus tard, le Conseil canadien des relations du travail révoquait le certificat d'accréditation et expliquait les mécanismes du Code en pareilles circonstances.
À l'occasion d'une plainte de pratiques déloyales le Conseil canadien des relations du travail a précisé la notion de «représentation des employés par un syndicat» figurant à l'alinéa 184(l)a) du Code canadien du travail. Il a donne à cette notion une interprétation généreuse de façon à inclure la représentation auprès du public et ce, devant tout forum où le syndicat estime qu'il est dans l'intérêt des membres de les y représenter. Il a en outre décide que le syndicat pouvait exercer ce droit de représentation par l'intermédiaire de tout représentant élu.