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This article reviews the book, "The Unemployment of Youth: The Importance of Education for their Adjustment in the Canadian Labour Market," by Joya Sen.
This article reviews the book, "British Labor and the American Civil War," by Philip S. Foner.
This article reviews two books: "Embattled Shadows: A History of Canadian Cinema," by Peter Morris, and "John Grierson: A Documentary Biography," by Forsyth Hardy.
Un article de la revue Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, diffusée par la plateforme Érudit.
This article reviews the book, "Urban Complex of an Industrial City," by Jugendra Sahai.
The article reviews the book, "Bitter Harvest, a History of Californian Farmworkers, 1870-1941," by Cletus E. Daniel.
The judges lack the intimate knowledge of the very dynamic process of industrial relations and collective bargaining. For these reasons...the new labour code has removed the court's jurisdiction over labour disputes...The new law seeks an administrative rather than a judicial solution to labour disputes
An analysis of the unique nature of the administrative solution to labour disputes in British Columbia experience, with particular reference to section 33 of the Labour Code.
This article reviews the book, "Pluralità : Italia ed Europa nei conflitti industriali," by Umberto Romagnoli, Dimitri Weiss et al.
This article reviews the book, "Politica, partidos y sindicatos en la empresa," by Dimitri Weiss. This article reviews the book, "El poder sindical en Espana," by J.A. Sagardoy Bengoechea & Daved Leon Blanco.
This article reviews the book, "Possono migliorare le relzioni industriali in Italia?," by Gino Giugni, Luigi Mengoni, Felice Mortillaro & Dimitri Weiss.
This paper describes and analyses the place of the shop steward committee in the constellation of relationships at the workplace and pays special attention to the relations between the shop steward committee and the workers.
Takes note of the poetry published in the issue, including an accompanying essay. Bryan Palmer will soon be contributing as the review editor. Following an SSHRCC investigation of alternative formats, the print publication of the journal will continue to have primacy over microfiche.
Takes note that a previously published book review by Jacques Roulliard is being reprinted with corrections in the current issue.
Replies to Michael Piva's "comment" on statistics regarding the proportion of the Ontairo working population who were members of the Knights of Labor. Concedes that there was an error, but argues with Piva's usage of 1891 Canadian census data and his pessimistic assessment of the Knights' impact.
The article provides reviews of: Women's History Sources: A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States, 2 v., edited by Andrea Hinding / review by Linda Kealey -- Marxism and Culture: The CPUSA and Aesthetics in the 1930s, by Lawrence H. Schwartz / review by Peter Fitting -- A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English, compiled by Edith Fowke and Carole Henderson Carpenter / review by Laurel Doucette.