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This paper discusses the relevancy of industrial relations education in the formal education Systems in Canada, and through analysis of a survey of vocational and technical educators, examines their perceptions of IR education in Canada generally, and in vocational/technical institutions specifically.
This article reviews "Equal Pay in the Public Sector: Fact or Fantasy" by Sharon P. Smith.
Continuity implies the existence of certain basic facts which must be faced when we think in terms of change because change in the area of labour-management relations cannot be effected in a vacuum. And the basic fact is that labour-management relations are human relations, that basic to the conduct of labour relations and the avoidance of industrial disputes is an appreciation of underlying human factors.
This article reviews "Dictionnaire canadien des relations du travail" by Gérard Dion.
This article reviews the increased educational opportunities provided to workers in a number of Western countries, Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, through national, regional or local legislation or through collective bargaining and other private mechanisms. An attempt has also been made to analyze and compare the Belgian and the French experiences with regard to P.E.L. Finally, this article examines the relevance of the European experience in respect at P.E.L. for policy makers and other interested parties in Canada.
The author questions the traditional criteria of work ethic following profound changes in the scale of values within society.
This article reviews "Academic Bargaining: Origins and Growth" by James P. Bégin, Theodore Settle and Paula Alexander.
L'auteur étudie le processus de formation et de résolution de problèmes en groupe dans un milieu organisationnel en mettant en évidence le rôle de la phase « identification » de ce processus.
This article reviews "La pratique des relations paritaires dans l’entreprise" by Étienne Ricard.
La recension de l’ouvrage Capital et travail de Victor Levant préparée par Jean Boivin et publiée dans R.I. vol 33, no 2 a donné lieu à une réaction. Respectant le désir de l'auteur, nous publions dans son intégrité la lettre qu'il nous a adressée. Nous publions de plus les remarques des professeurs Laperrière et Noumoff ainsi que la réplique de Jean Boivin.
This article explores the relationship between employee ownership and attitudes toward the union by reporting the results of an empricial study of a unionized Canadian trucking company recently purchased from its former corporate owner by most of its workers and managers. Results indicated that most workers— both union and non-union— did not believe that unionization was either incompatible with employee ownership or unnecessary.
This paper examines the determinants of compensation decisions of the Anti-Inflation Board during its first year of existence. A bureaucratic behavior model is developed and tested using multiple regression techniques.
This article reviews "Grèves et lock-out au Québec, 1966-1976 : quelques précisions sur les modes de compilation" by François Delorme, Gaspar Lalonde and Lucie Tremblay.
This article reviews the annual report "Grèves et lock-out au Québec – 1977" by la Direction générale de la recherche.
This paper tries to find support for the proposition that a free system of conciliation would be (a) more effective and (b) less costly in the long run than a compulsory one.
Sur la base d'une revue sélective de la littérature, les auteurs présentent un modèle conceptuel des déterminants de la validité ou de l’exactitude des évaluations du rendement. Trois variables majeures sont identifiées: (1) la motivation de l'évaluateur; (2) son habileté; ainsi que (3) la possession de normes ou standards d'évaluation. D'autres variables sont présentées à titre d'antécédents et viennent compléter le modèle conceptuel.