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The Status of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada, 2022: Special COVID-19 Report

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The Status of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada, 2022: Special COVID-19 Report
UFCW Canada has helped protect agricultural workers’ rights and has enforced their entitlements while advocating for changes to the laws, which still contribute to worker vulnerability and employment insecurity. Agriculture is an essential pillar of the Canadian economy. The agriculture and agri-food manufacturing sector contributed $143 billion to Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018, accounting for 7.4% of total GDP. Agriculture industries, meanwhile, contributed $32.3 billion.1 Agricultural workers are essential food workers. They feed our communities. However, our society tends to hide their vital contribution to securing our food supply, deeming them low-skilled workers. Nonetheless, these women and men who farm the land possess a valuable and unique skillset that few others have. Yet, because they are considered low-skilled, they are frequently subjected to terrible working conditions and pay. Through its Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), the federal government has built an employer-demand-driven and employer-oriented program. It has been designed to support and facilitate employers’ needs while migrant workers and their labour organizations are excluded. Without the workers’ participation in the policies and regulations, the employer holds all the power and control. --From Executive Summary
UFCW Canada & Agriculture Workers' Alliance
46 pages
Agriculture Workers’ Alliance, & United Food and Commercial Workers Canada. (2022). The Status of Migrant Farm Workers in Canada, 2022: Special COVID-19 Report (p. 46 pages). UFCW Canada & Agriculture Workers’ Alliance. https://www.ufcw.ca/templates/ufcwcanada/images/Agriculture_Workers/2022/Migrant-Workers-Report-2022-V6-EN.pdf