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Présentation = Foreword

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Présentation = Foreword
In 1966, the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr Lester B. Pearson, established a Task Force on Labour Relations composed of H.D. Woods, chairman, from McGill University, A.W.R. Carrothers, from the University of Western Ontario, John G. Crispo, from Toronto University and Gérard Dion, from Laval University. According to the terms of référence, "the Task Force has been set up to examine industrial relations in Canada and to make recommendations to the Government with respect to public policy and labour législation and on such other matters as it considers relevant to the public interest in industrial relations in Canada". On December 31, the Task Force transmitted its Report to the Prime Minister and it was published in March 1969 under the title Canadian Industrial Relations. Relations industrielles-Industrial Relations already published a summary of the Woods' Report and a commentary from professor Adolf Sturmthal. Given the importance of this Report and its possible repercussions upon the whole Canadian industrial relations System, we decided to dedicate a special issue of our Journal to it. Our objective, nevertheless, has not been to consider ail the aspects of the problem raised nor ail the recommendations which were made. We rather wanted to présent a set of opinions and to furnish an instrument which will facilitate further research. We are thus publishing some of the papers presented at the last annual meeting of the Canadian Industrial Relations Research Institute and some other articles. In order to facilitate consultation of the Woods Report, we are also including a topical index of Canadian Industrial Relations and a bibliography of the reactions to the Report. As the Task Force commissionned a series of studies which could prove extremely useful to those in this and related disciplines, we are listing the studies which presently are or will be avaïlable in the near future.
Relations industrielles
0034-379X, 1703-8138
11/12/16, 7:36 PM
Editorial Committee. (1970). Présentation = Foreword. Relations industrielles, 25(1), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.7202/028094ar