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Borders, Gender, and Labor: Canadian and U.S. Mining Towns during the Cold War Era

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Borders, Gender, and Labor: Canadian and U.S. Mining Towns during the Cold War Era
This essay explores why the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (and later the United Steelworkers of America) in mining towns on both sides of the [US-Canada] border remained so resistant to female employment and activism from 1940 to 1980. By looking closely at how ideas about gender influenced union politics, we see how working-class women and men in mining communities both embraced and contested these ideologies. --Excerpt from author's essay
Book Title
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities
Athens, GA
University of Georgia Press
Library Catalog

Company towns were the spatial manifestation of a social ideology and an economic rationale. The contributors to this volume show how national politics, social protest, and local culture transformed those founding ideologies by examining the histories of company towns in six countries: Argentina (Firmat), Brazil (Volta Redonda, Santos, Fordlândia), Canada (Sudbury), Chile (El Salvador), Mexico (Santa Rosa, Río Blanco), and the United States (Anaconda, Kellogg, and Sunflower City). Company towns across the Americas played similar economic and social roles. They advanced the frontiers of industrial capitalism and became powerful symbols of modernity. They expanded national economies by supporting extractive industries on thinly settled frontiers and, as a result, brought more land, natural resources, and people under the control of corporations. U.S. multinational companies exported ideas about work discipline, race, and gender to Latin America as they established company towns there to extend their economic reach. Employers indeed shaped social relations in these company towns through education, welfare, and leisure programs, but these essays also show how working-class communities reshaped these programs to serve their needs. The editors’ introduction and a theoretical essay by labor geographer Andrew Herod provide the context for the case studies and illuminate how the company town serves as a window into both the comparative and transnational histories of labor under industrial capitalism. -- Publisher's description


Mercier, L. (2011). Borders, Gender, and Labor: Canadian and U.S. Mining Towns during the Cold War Era. In O. J. Dinius & A. Vergara (Eds.), Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities (pp. 158–177). University of Georgia Press. https://archive.org/details/companytownsinam0000unse/page/158/mode/2up