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The Problems and Experiences of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Workers in Hotels and Restaurants in England

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The Problems and Experiences of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Workers in Hotels and Restaurants in England
While working conditions in hotels and restaurants are known to consist of low pay, low status, exploitation of employees and lack of unionisation, little has been written in the UK about the specific experiences of ethnic minority and migrant workers. The article is based on research into the problems and experiences of ethnic minority and migrant workers in hotels and restaurants in three regions of England, consisting of in-depth interviews with 50 ethnic minority and migrant workers, plus additional key informant interviews. It argues that issues such as low pay, long hours, bullying, racial harassment, lack of opportunities for promotion and discrimination are problems affected by, or compounded by, respondents' ethnic backgrounds or migrant status. The article concludes that three key factors serve to differentiate the experience of ethnic minority and migrant workers in the sector: immigration status; working in the informal sector; discrimination in the labour market and employment.
Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society
Spring 2007
Wright, Tessa. (2007). The Problems and Experiences of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Workers in Hotels and Restaurants in England. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, 10, 74–84. http://www.justlabour.yorku.ca/volume10/pdfs/06WrightPress.pdf