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  • This research seeks to augment contemporary theories of employee dis-identification in organizations (DiO) and its importance in the workplace. An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, 304 employees were recruited across eight organizations in Taiwan (with anti-CMV strategies adopted). Distinct from previous studies, this research stated that organizational identification and dis-identification were neither heterogeneous nor independent constructs. Statistical evidence supported this statement and explained that organizational identification and dis-identification were inter-related constructs. Specifically, two DiO antecedents were revealed, including: person-organization fit and abusive supervision. Unlike previous studies, DiO was not correlated with poor employee performance; rather, it was correlated with workplace deviance, intention to quit the job, and voice-extra-role-behaviours. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

Last update from database: 9/24/24, 4:10 AM (UTC)


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