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In authors or contributors
  • Expresses appreciation to the editorial team. Calls attention to the forthcoming special edition on the millennium. Introduces "Presentations," a new section of the journal devoted to discussion of labour and its various audiences. Highlights the symposium in honour of French labour historian Marianne Debouzy.

  • Introduces the special volume that marks the millennium, including the painting, "Labouring the Millennium," by Ellison Robertson, commissioned by Labour/Le Travail and reproduced on the cover.

  • The article reviews the book, "All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement," by Carlotta R. Anderson.

  • The article reviews the book, "Young Sidney Hook: Marxist and Pragmatist," by Christopher Phelps.

  • The article reviews the book, "Forging American Communism: The Life of William Z. Foster," by Edward P. Johanningsmeier.

  • This speculative essay presents a preliminary statement on the paradoxical character of 19th-century class formation in the two white settler dominions of Canada and Australia. Outposts of empire, these social formations were early regarded with disdain, the one a classic mercantilist harvester of fish, fur, and wood, the other a dumping ground for convicts. By the mid-to-late 19th-century, however, Canada and Australia were the richest of colonies. Within their distinctive cultures and political economies, both supposedly dominated by staples, emerged working classes that were simultaneously combatative and accommodated. By the 1880s impressive organizational gains had been registered by labour in both countries, but the achievements of class were conditioned by particular relations of fragmentation, including those of 'race' and gender.

  • The article provides a detailed appreciation of the life and work of British historian E. P. Thompson (1924-1993), a leading figure in the historians' group of the British Communist Party.

  • The article reviews the books, "True Government by Choice Men? Inspection, Education, and State Formation in Canada West," by Bruce Curtis, and "Colonial Leviathan: State Formation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Canada," edited by Allan Greer and Ian Radforth.

  • The article briefly reviews "Law, Society, and the State: Essays in Modem Legal History," edited by Louis A. Knafla and Susan W.S. Binnie, "Public Sector Bargaining in Canada: Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning!," edited by Gene Swimmer and Mark Thompson, "Ships and Memories: Merchant Seafarers in Canada's Age of Steam ," by Eric Sager, "Canadian Women's Issues," 2 volumes. Volume I — "Strong Voices," by Roach Pierson, Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Paula Bourne, and Philinda Masters; Volume II — "Bold Visions," by Ruth Roach Pierson and Marjorie Griffin Cohen, "Strategies for the Year 2000: A Woman's Handbook," by Deborah Stienstra and Barbara Roberts, and Jean Barman, "Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia," edited by Neil Sutherland and J. Donald Wilson, "Four Quarters of the Night: The Life Journey of an Emigrant Sikh," by Tara Singh Bains and Hugh Johnston, "Under the Northern Lights: My Memories of Life in the Finnish Community of Northern Ontario," by Edward W. Laine, edited by Nelma Sillanpaa, "Sojourners and Settlers: The Macedonian Community in Toronto to 1940," by Lillian Petroff, "The Dynamics of Industrial Competition: A North American Perspective," by John R. Baldwin, "Regional Integration and Industrial Relations in North America," edited by Maria Lorena Cook and Harry C. Katz, "From Chattel Slaves to Wage Slaves: The Dynamics of Labour Bargaining in the Americas," edited by Mary Turner, "Conflicting Paths: Growing Up in America," by Harvey J. Graff, "Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century," by Walter Licht, "Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America," by Paul Avrich, "The Populist Persuasion: An American History," by Michael Kazin, "American Labor in the Era of World War II," edited by Sally M. Miller and Daniel A. Cornford, "Aspects of Political Censorship, 1914-1918," by Tania Rose, "The Imagined Slum: Newspaper Representation in Three Cities, 1870-1914," by Alan Mayne, "Gender and the Politics of Social Reform in France, 1870-1914," edited by Elinor A. Accampo, Rachel G. Fuchs, and Mary Lynn Stewart, "A New International History of the Spanish Civil War," by Michael Alpert, "The Wartime System of Labor Service in Hungary: Varieties of Experience," edited by Randolph L. Braham, "Trade Union Growth and Decline: An International Study," by Walter Galenson, "Workplace Industrial Relations and the Global Challenge," edited by Jacques Bélanger, P.K. Edwards, and Larry Haiven, "Industrialization and Labor Relations: Contemporary Research in Seven Countries," edited by Stephen Frenkel and Jeffrey Harood, "Contemporary Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector," edited by Paula B. Voos, "Women in the Latin American Development Process," edited by Christine E. Bose and Edna Acosta Belen, and "Imagining Home: Class, Culture and Nationalism in the African Diaspora," by Sidney Lemelle and Robin D.G. Kelley,

  • The article briefly reviews "Canada and the United States," edited by John Herd Thompson and Stephen J. Randall," "O'Callaghan: The Making and Unmaking of a Rebel," by Jack Verney, "'We're Rooted Here and They Can't Pull Us Up': Essays in African Canadian Women's History," by Peggy Bristow et al., "Crime and Criminal Justice: Essays in the History of Canadian Law," edited by Jim Phillips, Tina Loo, and Susan Lewthwaite, "Matters of the Mind: The University in Ontario, 1791-1951," by A.B. McKillop, "R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins: The Early Years, 1919-1929," edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Reginald Whitaker, "Ethnic Cultures in the 1920s in North America," by Wolfgang Binder, "The 'Lower Sort': Philadelphia's Laboring People, 1750-1800," by Billy G. Smith, "Transforming Rural Life: Dairying Families and Agricultural Change, 1820-1885," by Sally McMurry, "Labor's Struggles, 1945-1950," by Irving Richter, "Participant Observer: An Autobiography," by William Foote Whyte, "Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy," edited by Louise Lampbere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier, "Restoring the Promise of American Labor Law," edited by Sheldon Friedman, et al., "The Life and Literary Pursuits of Allen Davenport with a further selection of the author's work," edited by Malcolm Chase, "UK Labour Market: Comparative aspects and institutional Developments," edited by Ray Barrell, "Social Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis," edited by David M. Kotz, Terrence McDonough, and Michael Reich, "Women, Work, and Place," edited by Audrey Kobayashi, "Color, Class and Country: Experiences of Gender," edited by Gay Young and Bette J. Dickerson, "Making Labour Law in Australia: Industrial Relations, Politics, and Law," by Laura Bennett, and "Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity," edited by Lewis H. Siegelbaum and Ronald Gregor Suny.

  • The article reviews the book, "Belated Feudalism: Labor, the Law, and Liberal Development in the United States," by Karen Orren.

  • The article briefly reviews "'Just Call Me Mitch': The Life of Mitchell F. Hepburn," by John T. Saywell, "Duff Pattullo of British Columbia," by Robin Fisher, "Social Democracy Without Illusions: Renewal of the Canadian Left," edited by John Richards, Robert D. Cairns, and Larry Pratt, " Frontier and Metropolis: Regions, Cities, and Identities in Canada," by J.M.S. Careless, "Women Who Taught: Perspectives on the History of Women and Teaching," edited by Alison Prentice and Marjorie R. Theobald, "Community Organization and the Canadian State," edited by Roxana Ng, Gillian Walker, and Jacob Muller, "More Than Our Jobs: An Anthology," edited by Glen Downie and Pam Tranfield, "Immigrant Odyssey: A French-Canadian Habitant in New England," by Felix Albert, introduced by Frances H. Early, "The Diary of a Shirtwaist Striker," by Theresa Serber Malkiel, introduced by Francois Basch, "The Re-Education of the American Working Class," edited by Steven H. London, Elvira R. Tarr, and Joseph F. Wilson, "The Anti-Chinese Movement in California," by Clarence Sandmeyer, "The Fictitious Commodity: A Study of the U.S. Labor Market. 1880-1940," by Ton Korver, "Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression," by Robin D.G. Kelley, "Masters to Managers: Historical and Comparative Perspectives on American Employers," edited by Sanford M. Jacoby, "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round: The Pursuit of Racial Justice in the Rural South," by Richard A. Couto, "The 60s Experience: Hard Lessons About Modern America," by Edward P. Morgan, "The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason," by Larry Neal, "The Struggle For Market Power: Industrial Relations in the British Coal Industry, 1800-1840," by James A. Jaffe, "Industrialization and the Working Class: The English Experience, 1750-1900," by John Belchem, "The ILP on Clydeside, 1893-1932: From Foundation to Disintegration," edited by Alan McKinlay and R.J. Morris, "What's Left? Women in Culture and the Labour Movement," by Linda Swindells and Lisa Jardin, "Writing Women's History: International Perspectives," edited by Karen Offen, Ruth Roach Pierson, and Jane Rendall, "Agrarian Capitalism and the World Market: Buenos Aires in the Pastoral Age, 1840-1890," by Hilda Sabato, "Slavery in the Circuit of Sugar: Martinique and the World Economy," by Dale W. Tomich, and "The Welfare State in Capitalist Society: Policies of Retrenchment and Maintenance in Europe, North America, and Australia," by Ramesh Mishra.

  • The article completes the memorial appreciation of historian E.P. Thompson, focusing on his seminal work, "The Making of the English Working Class."

  • The article briefly reviews "Canadian and Australian Labour History," edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Greg Patmore, "Brother Max: Labour Organizer and Educator," by Max Swerdlow, edited by Gregory S. Kealey, "The New Era of Global Competition: State Policy and Market Power." edited by Daniel Drache and Meric S. Gertler, "Making a Middle Class: Student Life in English Canada during the Thirties," by Paul Axelrod, "Careless at Work: Selected Canadian Historical Studies," by J.M.S. Careless, "The Political Economy of Manitoba," edited by Jim Silver and Jeremy Hull, "Debating Canada's Future: Views from the Left," edited by Simon Rosenblum and Peter Findlay, "Activists and Advocates: Toronto's Health Department, 1883-1983," by Heather MacDougall, "Perspectives on Canadian Economic Development: Class, Staples, Gender, and Elites," edited by Gordon Laxer, "The Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855," edited by Richard M. Reid, "Women and Social Change: Feminist Activism in Canada," edited by Jeri Dawn Wine and Janice L. Ristock, "Delivering Motherhood: Maternal Ideologies and Practices in the 19th and 20th Centuries," edited by Katherine Amup, Andrée Levesque, and Ruth Roach Pierson, "Radical Sociologists and the Movement: Experiences, Lessons, and Legacies," edited by Martin Oppenheimer, Martin J. Murray, and Rhonda F. Levine, "Fire in the Hearth: The Radical Politics of Place in America; The Year Left, IV," edited by Mike Davis et al., "The Sociogenesis of a Race Riot: Springfield, Illinois, in 1908," by Roberta Senechal, "American Immigrants and Their Generations: Studies and Commentaries on the Hansen Thesis after Fifty Years," edited by Peter Kivisto and Dag Blanck, "Working Time in Transition: The Political Economy of Working Hours in Industrial Nations," edited by Karl Hinrichs, William Roche, and Carmen Sirianni, "Dependent Care and the Employee Benefits Package: Human Resources Strategies for the 1990," by LouEllen Crawford, "Learning About Women: Gender, Politics, and Power," edited by Jill K. Conway, Susan C. Bourque, Joan Scott, "Opera Muliebria: Women and Work in Medieval Europe," by David Herlihy, "Fin de Siècle Socialism; and other essays," by Martin Jay, "History and Communications: Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, and the Interpretation of History," by Graeme Patterson, "Marx's Proletariat: The Making of a Myth," by David W. Lovell, and "Ideology and Class Conflict in Jamaica: The Politics of Rebellion," by Abigail B. Bakan.

  • Argues in this concluding commentary that the Harper Conservatives have captured the political imagination, while those in opposition have not. Discusses the ideological turn to global neoliberalism, including in Canada, since 1975, as advocated by economist Milton Friedman; in this context, the Harper Conservatives are simply a leaner and meaner version of the trend. Takes note of the contested perspectives on the state and community. Points to social movements, such as the student movement in Quebec, that have attempted to push back. Concludes that the New Right must be challenged by a coherent left politics that is beyond the current party system.

  • The article briefly reviews "Canadian Papers in Business History," edited by Peter Baskerville, "Challenging the Regional Stereotype: Essays on the 20th Century," by E.R. Forbes, "The Development of the Pacific Salmon-Canning Industry: A Grown Man's Game," edited by Dianne Newell, " Arrangiarsi: The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada," edited by Roberto Perin and Franc Sturino, "One Man's War: Reflections of a Rough Diamond," by Milan (Mike) Bosnien, "Dissent and the State," edited by C.E.S. Franks, "Family Life Impacts of Offshore OU and Gas Employment," by Keith Storey, Mark Shrimpton, Jane Lewis and David Clark, "Jacobins and Jeffersonians: Anglo-American Radicalism in the United States, 1790-1820," by Richard J. Twomey, "The Samuel Gompers Papers: v. 3 — Unrest and Depression. 1891-94," edited by Stuart J. Kaufman and Peter J. Albert, "Came a Stranger: The Story of a Hull-House Girl," by Hilda Scott Polacheck, "The Butte Irish: Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town, 1875-1925," by David M. Emmons, "Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor at Home," edited by Eileen Boris and Cynthia R. Daniels, "Women, Class and the Feminist Imagination," edited by Karevn V. Hansen and Dene J. Philipson, "The Roots of Community Organizing, 1917-1939," edited by Neil Betten and Michael J. Austin, "Communities in Economic Crisis: Appalachia and the South," edited by John Oaventa, Barbara Ellen Smith, and Alex Willingham, "On the Line," by Harvey Swados, "Poletown: Community Betrayed," by Jeanie Wylie, "Occupation and Class Consciousness in America," by Douglas M. Eichar, "Planned to Death: The annihilation of a place called Howdendyke," by J. Douglas Porteous, "John Strachey," by Michael Newman, "A Secretary and a Cook: Challenging Women's Wages in the Courts of the United States and Great Britain," by Steven L. Willborn, "Visible Histories: Women and Environments in a Post-War British City," by Suzanne Mackenzie, "Strikes, Wars, and Revolutions in International Perspective: Strike Waves in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries," edited by Leopold Haimson and Charles Tilly, "The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776-1848," by Robin Blackburn, "Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide," by Michael C. Vocino, Jr., and Lucille W. Cameron, "Labor Markets in Action: Essays in Empirical Economics," by Richard B. Freeman, and "For Freedom and Dignity: Historical Agency and Class Structures in the Coalfields of NSW," by Andrew Metcalfe.

  • The article reviews the book "Mechanic Accents: Dime Novels and Working-Class Culture in America," by Michael Denning.

  • The article reviews and comments on "Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 60s: A Memoir," volumes 1 and 2, by Ernest Tate.

  • The editor announces his retirement and reflects on his longstanding connection with the journal, first as a contributor, then as editor. Expresses appreciation for the work and support of others. Welcomes members of the Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies to the editorial board as well as incoming editor Sean Cadigan.

  • The article reviews and comments on the book, "The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925," by David Montgomery.

Last update from database: 9/27/24, 4:10 AM (UTC)