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A study investigates whether there is evidence of age-related impairment in injury occurrence among assemblers in the Swedish automobile industry. A retrospective analysis of injuries sustained by male and female assemblers over a 10-year period was conducted, employing 5 age categories divided in to 10 yearly strata and 3 time periods. Age-related injury ratios (IR) were calculated for all injuries. Contrary expectation, IRs for older assemblers were generally low while consistently high IRs were recorded for younger assemblers, and for both male and female workers.
Cette étude compare l'influence, sur le risque qualitatif d'accidents, de deux lignes d'assemblage de matériel de transport. L'organisation de la production de ces lignes diffère par le nombre de postes réduit sur l'une d'elles, ce qui intensifie la coactivité entre travailleurs à chaque phase du processus. Les 150 accidents avec perte de temps des assembleurs survenus sur ces deux lignes d'assemblage de véhicules routiers pendant trois ans sont regroupés en six classes homogènes, à partir d'une analyse multivariée de leurs caractéristiques. Aucun lien significatif n'est toutefois observé entre ces classes d'accidents et les lignes d'assemblage. Il est discuté que l'intensification de la coactivité puisse être un facteur de contribution à la fréquence des accidents mais non à leur type.
Réalisée dans l'industrie forestière, cette étude traite des effets de la mécanisation de l'abattage et de l'ébranchage sur la fréquence et la gravite des accidents du travail ainsi que sur les conditions dans lesquelles ceux-ci se produisent.
La principale conclusion de cet article est qu'il existe un lien significatif entre le mode de rémunération et le risque d'accidents qui est interactif avec le poste de travail, la remuneration au rendement s'accompagnant d'un risque réduit chez les ébénistes et menuisiers et accru chez les manœuvres. De plus, chez ces derniers, le risque d'accidents est significativement plus élevé pour certains sièges spécifiques de lésion: la colonne lombaire, les poignets et les doigts.
A paper studies leadership, conditions of influence and effectiveness in workplaces where a group form has been chosen. The study focuses on the interaction within work groups and between employees working in groups and their immediate superiors in a Swedish psychiatric hospital. Its aims are to investigate the effect of this interaction on degree of influence over work and on preconditions for working effectively. An attempt to achieve these aims is made by obtaining a more refined picture of the relation between superior and subordinate. The results show that there is a relationship between the support and opportunities for development that subordinates receive from their superior and the support that subordinates themselves give to their superior. Further, there are positive relationships between, on the one hand, the volume of exchange of social support and, on the other, personal work influence and preconditions for working effectively.
The study examines the incidence of abusive events at work and compares the self-rated health (SRH) assessments of young workers according to whether they have been victims or not. Subjects and materials were extracted from a data set covering the environmental and health conditions of the population of the Ostergotland region in Sweden. The focus was unpeople in paid employment aged 20-34 years. It appears that threats or acts of violence are more common than are bullying or sexual harassment among young working people, in particular among women. Further, when working conditions are relatively precarious, both men and women are comparably exposed to threat and violence but when conditions are more stable, women are proportionally more exposed than men. Furthermore, the study shows that, although less common than threat and violence are, exposure to bullying is associated with several SRH disorders among both men and women in employment.
Resource type
- Journal Article (6)
Publication year
- Between 1900 and 1999 (5)
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2004 (1)
Between 2000 and 2009