Book Notes (20, Fall 1987]

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Book Notes (20, Fall 1987]
The article briefly reviews "1919: The Winnipeg General Strike," by Gerry Berkowski and Nolan Reilly,"The Writing of Canadian Histo ry: Aspects of English-Canadian Historical Writing since 1900," by Carl Berger, "A Conjunction of Interests: Bus iness, Politics, and Tariffs, 1825-1879," by Ben Forster, "Vancouver Past: Essays in Social History," edited by Robert A.J. McDonald and Jean Barman, "Quebec before Duplessis: The Political Career of Louis-Alexandre Taschereau," by Bernard L. Vigod, "Canada, What's Left?," edited by John Richards and Don Kerr,"'My Dear Legs': Letters to a Young Social Democrat," by Alex Macdonald, "The Knights in Fiction: Two Labor Novels of the 1880s," edited by Mary C. Grimes, "Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in Europe an and American Thought, 1870-1920," by James T. Kloppenberg, "The Growth of Working Class Reformism in Mid-Victorian England," by Neville Kirk, "Proletarians and Protest: The Roots of Class Formation in an Industrializing World," edited by Michael Hanagan and Charles Stephenson, "Servants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century France: The Uses of Loyalty ," by Sarah C. Maza, "The German Revolution and the Debate on Soviet Power — Documents: 1918-1919, Preparing the Founding Congress," edited by John Riddell,"The Ties That Bind: Peasant Families in Medieval England," by Barbara A. Hanawalt, "Households and the World Economy," edited by Joan Smith, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Hans Dieter Evers, "Revolutionaries and Reformists: Communism and the Australian Labour Movement, 1920-1950," by Robin Gollan, "The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism: An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy," by John Bellamy Foster, "An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy," by Bade Onimode, "Workplace Democracy: A Guide to Workplace Ownership, Participation, and Self-Management Experiments in the United States and Europe," by Daniel Zwerdling, "The Future of the Left," edited by James Curran, "Blue Chips," by Herbert A. Applebaum / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- "Something in Common - An IWW Bibliography," compiled by Dione Miles, "Samuel Gompers: A Selected List of References About the Man and His Time," by David Myers / reviews by Gregory S. Kealey.
Labour / Le Travail
Fall 1987
Palmer, B. D., & Kealey, G. S. (1987). Book Notes (20, Fall 1987]. Labour / Le Travail, 20, 313–317.