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The hospital study described here is one of a variety of organizational communication studies in several different countries and organizations as part of the International Communication Associations Communication Audit Project.
The article reviews the book, "The Economics of Affirmative Action," edited by Harry J. Holzer and David Neumark.
The article reviews the book, "Labour Left Out: Canada's Failure to Protect and Promote Collective Bargaining as a Human Right," by Roy J. Adams.
This article reviews "Labour Economics : Wages, Employment and Trade Unionism" by Allan N. Cartter and F. Ray Marshall.
This article attempts to describe, briefly, the present manpower situation in the Atlantic Region of Canada vis-a-vis the policies pursued by the federal and provincial government agencies in connection with the manpower problems of the region. Our purpose is twofold: First, to state reasons for the necessity of forecasting manpower requirements at the regional level and the relevance of manpower projections to the problems of manpower utilization. Second, to describe the methodology of forecasting manpower requirements and training needs for the Nova Scotia Department of Labour to illustrate what can and needs to be done at the regional level. Research and data gaps in the forecasting of manpower requirements and supply along with some concluding remarks form the evaluative part of this article.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the disadvantaged status of visible minorities in public and private sector organizations and the need for affirmative action/employment equity programs to ameliorate their disadvantaged statut, to describe and analyze public policy on employment equity at the federal and provincial levels, to evaluate the effectiveness of the federal EE initiatives; and to provide policy implications and recommendations for strengthening public policy initiatives.
Reviewing existing police recruitment and selection policies across Canada, the author identifies systemic barriers faced by visible minorities in entering police forces and makes recommendations in order to increase the representation of such minority persons in Canadian police departments.
After having examined three theoritical approaches, the author présents public policy relating to race and sex discrimination in employment and analyzes 74 cases decided by the boards of enquiry and courts.
This paper examines the factors considered in proving sexual harassment and in determining compensation and remedies
This study focuses on the effectiveness of the federal Employment Equity Act (EEA). We assess the EEA with regard to visible minority employees using quantitative data from employer reports published under the provisions of the EEA and the Canadian Census. Data in this study cover the period 1987 to 1999. We find that large companies, and larger employment groups within companies, have higher levels of employment equity attainment. There are also considerable variations in employment equity attainment across industrial sectors, across provinces and across occupations. Overall, there has been general improvement in employment equity attainment over time. However, visible minorities continue to be disadvantaged in management, sales and service and technical positions. Several policy implications are drawn from these findings.
Despite a continuing growth of fringe benefits as a proportion of the total wage bill, few employees have any definite knowledge of what fringes employees really prefer. This article reports the results of a study which attempted to measure employees preferences for alternative forms of compensation in six organizations located in Ontario, Canada.
In this paper some of the factors leading to renewed interest in Manpower in the 1960's are enumerated ; the present course of Federal Manpower Programs is examined and the objectives of these programs are evaluated. It is suggested that the emphasis of the Federal Manpower Programs on economic growth and stabilization of the economy is misguided ; that the Department of Manpower and Immigration has failed to foresee shifts in labour market composition ; and that in the face of counter-productive fiscal policy, manpower programs and objectives as originally conceived do not have the capability to resurrect a sick economy.
This article traces the number of legal cases concerning gender, race and other forms of discrimination in the US, Canada and Britain where there is now up to a quarter of a century's experience. Substantial differences in the extent to which the legislation is used across countries and by different groups within each country are revealed.
The use of striker replacements is one of the most controversial and emotional issues facing those involved with the industrial relations system. However, a paucity of research has been done on the actual use of replacement workers and how that affects industrial relations outcomes, such as strike activity. Initial research suggests that the use of replacements is associated with longer strikes, supporting the con tention that the use of replacements should be prohibited. Using four case studies, we explore some of the dynamics of strikes that utilize replacements versus those that do not. The results suggest that, in ad dition to economic factors, social and psychological variables may be intricately linked to the relationship between the use of replacements and strike activity.
This study focuses on the effectiveness of the federal Employment Equity Act (EEA). We assess the EEA with regard to female employees using quantitative data from employer reports published under the provisions of the EEA and the Canadian Census. Data in this study cover the period 1997 to 2004. The most significant finding is that employment equity has increased over time, but at a diminishing rate. If fact, there now may be something of a downturn in employment equity for women in the industries covered by the EEA. Several policy implications following from the study are provided.
Resource type
- Journal Article (18)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1960 and 1969
- 1969 (1)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (6)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (5)
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1990 (1)
Between 1960 and 1969
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (4)
Between 2010 and 2019
- 2010 (1)