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The article reviews the book, "Pourquoi nous travaillons," by Jean Fourastié. Collection: Que sais-je?
The article reviews the book, "L'Action sociale des catholiques en France (1871-1914)," by Henri Rollet, volume 2.
The article reviews the book, "En la Escuela de lo social," by Carlos Giner and Dionisio Aranzadi, published by the Instituto de estudios economico-sociales, Universidad de Deusto.
The article reviews the book, "Les doctrines économiques," by A. Hamelin. Collection « Vous connaîtrez ».
The article reviews the booklet, "High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry," by J. Douglas Brown and Frederick Harbison, published by the Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University (98 pp.).
The article reviews the book, "L'Automation, ses conséquences humaines et sociales," by M. Rustant, Collection « Vous connaîtrez ».
The article reviews the book, "Hawthorne Revisited: Management and the Worker, its Critics, and Developments in Human Relations in Industry," by Henry A. Landsberger.
The article reviews the book, "Brève histoire du syndicalisme ouvrier au Canada, by Laurent Hardy, Collection « Les voix ». Published by Les Editions de l'Hexagone, Montréal.
The article reviews the book, "Participation in Union Locals," by Arnold S. Tannenbaum and Robert L. Kahn. Survey Research Center, University of Michigan.
The article reviews the book, "Les rapports collectifs du travail aux Etats-Unis," by Xavier Blanc-Jouvan, preface by André Tune.
The article reviews the book, "Elements of Supervision," 2nd edition, by William Spriegel, Edward Shulz and William B. Spriegel,
The article reviews the book, "Big Business Leaders in America," by M. Lloyd Warner and James C. Abegglen.
The article reviews the book, "Industrial Relations in Canada," by Stuart Jamieson.
The article reviews the book, "La Doctrine sociale de l'Eglise," by Mgr Guerry.
The article reviews the special journal issue, "L'influence du syndicalisme national catholique sur le droit syndical québécois," by Jean-Réal Cardin, Montréal: «Les cahiers de l'Institut social populaire », no 1, juillet 1957 (78 pages).
The article reviews the booklet, "Profit-Sharing for Small Business," by J.J. Kehring. Published by the Profit Sharing Foundation, Evanston (53 pages).
The article reviews the booklet, "Jobs and Workers in India," by Oscar Ornati. Published by the Institute of International Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University.
The article reviews the booklet, "The « Closed Shop » Controversy in Postwar Britain," by Jean T. McKelvey. Reprint Series Number 24. Originally published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, July 1954,.
The article reviews the book, "L'avenir du travaillisme, nouveaux essais fabiens. Ouvrage en collaboration." Collection « Masses et militants ».
The article reviews the book, "Histoire du mouvement ouvrier," by Edouard Dolleans, Volume III, (424 pages).
Resource type
- Journal Article (247)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (36)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (59)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (84)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (49)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (18)
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1990 (1)