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The temporary work industry has undergone considerable expansion in Canada and in Quebec in the last decade. Becoming an important mechanism in the functioning of the labour market, it provides not only increased numerical and functional flexibility for companies, but is also a favoured means of access to the labour market for many workers, including young workers. Personnel leasing falls within the framework of tripartite labour relations between the employee, the agency and the client company. This type of relationship is not without its particular difficulties, the solution for which is often hard to find since the personnel leasing activity, as such, is not regulated in Quebec. The question is to determine, considering the precise nature of the tripartite relationship, whether the employees' recognized rights can be exercised, in practice, in such a way as to achieve their specific purpose.
The essence of a system of extending collective agreements to nonunionized parts of an industry which is unique in North America and specific to Quebec is to allow government to make some provisions of a collective agreement compulsory for 3rd parties, employers, and wage-earners who are not parties to the agreement. Most commonly, a sort of 2-stage negotiation takes place. First, the unionized firms, the ones with certified unions, negotiate their collective agreement as they would normally do under the Labor Code provisions. Then a 2nd round takes place on a voluntary basis among the employers and unions that are interested in filing a request with the Minister of Labor to have their agreement extended. When the minister receives the petition of the parties and the text of the agreement, they are first both published. The minister receives any objections during a period of 30 days. The extension is proclaimed by way of a decree or order-in-council. Despite difficulties, the system operates, and most likely, to the satisfaction of the parties directly involved in its day-to-day functioning.
The article reviews the book, "Gestion de la rémunération : théorie et pratique," by Roland Thériault and Sylvie St-Onge.
The article reviews the book, "La convention collective au Québec," by Gérard Hébert, Reynald Bourque, Anthony Giles, Michel Grant, Patrice Jalette, Gilles Trudeau and Guylaine Vallée.
The article reviews the book, "Precarious Work, Women, and the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms," edited by Judy Fudge and Rosemary Owens.
Après avoir rappelé les nombreuses études que le gouvernement du Québec a fait réaliser depuis une vingtaine d'années sur les régimes européens d'extension juridique des conventions collectives, l'auteur recourt à l'approche comparative pour tenter de dégager un certain nombre de questions susceptibles défavoriser un réexamen du système québécois d'extension juridique.
C'est en regroupant ses commentaires sous quatre titres, le régime fondamental des relations du travail, les relations du travail dans l'industrie de la construction, les secteurs public et para-public et les régimes particuliers qui n'ont pas connu des modifications significatives, que l'auteur tente d'établir brièvement une sorte de constat de la situation en regard du contexte plus global des rapports collectifs du travail au Québec.
A partir de distributions de conventions collectives pondérées par le nombre de salariés visés, l'auteur dégage certains indicateurs du taux de pénétration syndicale au Québec selon les secteurs d'activité, les régions et les catégories de travailleurs couverts. Il examine également la répartition des conventions en fonction de leur durée et de la taille des unités de négociation.
This article reviews "Industrial Relations Systems" by John T. Dunlop.
This article reviews "Canadian Cases in Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining" by Hem C. Jain.
This article reviews "Contemporary Collective Bargaining" by Harold W. Davey.
This article reviews "Labor Relations Law" by Benjamin J. Taylor and Fred Witney.
This article reviews "The Growth of White-Collar Unionism" by George Sayers Bain.
This article reviews "Science and Society, The Meaning and Importance of Scientific Method" by Michael Bassey.
This article reviews "Comment rédiger vos rapports" by Georges Bousquie.
This article reviews "Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, Text and Case" by Max G. Wortman Jr. and George C. Witteried.
This article reviews "Collective Bargaining Clauses, Guideline Forms for Use in Labor Negotiations" by Robert C. Knee and Robert C. Knee Jr.
Bernier, J. (1969). Labor Law. Relations industrielles, 24(2), 453.
This article reviews "Labor Law, vol. I" by Joseph Alton Jenkins.
Après avoir fait un rappel historique des circonstances qui ont entouré l'instauration des régimes de conventions collectives étendues dans les trois pays considérés, l'auteur procède à une étude comparative des législations en ce domaine. Il considère les dispositions relatives aux conventions susceptibles d'extension, à la procédure d'extension, aux effets de l'extension et à l'application des conventions étendues. Il accorde une attention particulière à certains aspects de la législation québécoise en cette matière.
Resource type
- Journal Article (22)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1960 and 1969
- 1969 (6)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (10)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1983 (1)
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1993 (1)
Between 1960 and 1969
Between 2000 and 2024
- Between 2000 and 2009 (3)
Between 2010 and 2019
- 2012 (1)