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Pays homage to the life and work of the labour and Jewish studies historian, Irving Abella (1940-2022).
The author explains his contribution to the 1999 documentary, "Prairie Fire: The Winnipeg General Strike" and his involvement in other documentaries as a form of public history. Defends the producers' treatment of the subject, and argues that the perspective presented was balanced.
The second edition of Canadian Labour History invites the reader to enter the debate that has made this field of study such a dynamic one in the past two decades. Covering the period from 1840 to 1980, these essays focus on a variety of Canadian regions demonstrating the similarities and differences of regional experiences. Similarly, alternate approaches to a single event-the Winnipeg General Strike-illustrate the diversity in the interpretation of labour history. --Publisher's description. Contents: The formation and fragmentation of the Canadian working class, 1820-1920 / Daniel Drache -- Listening to history rather than historians: Reflections on working class history / Bryan D. Palmer -- Ethnicity and class, transitions over a decade: Ontario, 1861-1871 / A. Gordon Darroch and Michael Ornstein -- Women and wage labour in a period of transition: Montreal, 1861-1881 / Bettina Bradbury -- Strikes in the Maritimes, 1901-1914 / Ian McKay -- Labour's civil war / David J. Bercuson -- 1919: The Canadian labour revolt / Gregory S. Kealey -- “We are all kin”: Reconsidering labour and class in Calgary, 1919 / David Bright -- Communists and auto workers: The struggle for industrial unionism in the Canadian automobile industry, 1925-1936 / John Manley -- The United Mine Workers and the coming of the CCF to Cape Breton / M. Earle and H. Gamberg -- The 1943 steel strike against wartime wage control / Laurel Sefton MacDowell -- Woodworkers and the mechanization of the pulpwood logging industry in Northern Ontario, 1950-1970 / Ian Radforth -- Inside postal workers: The labour process, state policy, and the workers' response / Bruce Laidlaw and Bruce Curtis -- A heritage of hope and struggle: Workers, unions, and politics in Canada, 1930-1982 / Wayne Roberts and John Bullen.
This is an analysis of the concept of working-class culture as applied by some practitioners of the new labour history in Canada. The article begins with a comparison of the approach of traditional labour history to that of the "new" labour history and asserts that there are significant differences in philosophy and lesser differences in methodology. A brief examination of the concept of working-class culture and how it is to be utilized by historians follows. The validity of using such a general framework is questioned in a close examination of recent major works of the new labour history genre. A conclusion is offered that these works show that the application of general principles is a tricky business because, although factual evidence appears at times to support the idea that working-class culture was an important determinant, at other times it does not. The article concludes by questioning the assumption that there is any "best" way of approaching the study of social history; that to assert that history must be studied "from the bottom up" is as predeterministic as the notion that it should be studied "from the top down." Prejudice and a priori assumption plagues all historians.
Introduces documents pertaining to the explosion at West Canadian Colleries' No. 1 mine at Bellevue, Alberta, on 9 December 1910, that killed 21 miners. No charges were laid despite evidence that there was negligence in inspection and enforcement procedure.
Why was Winnipeg the scene of the longest and most complete general strike in North American history? Bercuson answers this question by examining the development of union labour and the impact of depression and war in the two decades preceding the strike. --Publisher's description
Contents: Section 1. The era of industrialization. Ethnicity and class, transitions over a decade: Ontario, 1861-1871 / A. Gordon Darroch and Michael Ornstein -- Women and wage labour in a period of transition: Montreal, 1861-1881 / Bettina Bradbury -- The 1907 Bell Telephone strike: Organizing women workers / Joan Sangster -- Industry and the good life around Idaho Peak / Cole Harris -- Through the prism of the strike: Industrial conflict in Southern Ontario, 1901-14 / Craig Heron and Brian D. Palmer. Section 2. World War I and its aftermath. Munitions and labour militancy: The 1916 Hamilton Machinists' Strike / Myer Siemiatycki -- Company town/labour town: Local government in the Cape Breton Coal Towns, 1917-1926 / David Frank. Section 3. The rise of modern unionism. Strike in the single enterprise community: Flin Flon, Manitoba, 1914 / Robert S. Robson -- The 1943 steel strike against wartime wage controls / Laurel Sefton MacDowell. Section 4: Overviews. Unionization versus corporate welfare: The "Dofasco Way" / Robert Storey -- Labour and working class history in Canada: Prospects in the 1980s / Gregory S. Kealey -- Through the looking glass of culture: An essay on the new labour history and working class culture in historical writing / David J. Bercuson -- Further reading.
This is the story of the One Big Union--the people who built and those who tore it down. The tale is well known in its broad outlines to many people with an interest in Canadian history, but because it was a failure--and history is generally about winners--few have a clear idea of what the OBU was, why it was created and the reasons for its rapid demise. I have long believed the story should be told in full, because it carries with it an explanation of what happened to the spirit of radicalism and revolt that motivated many working people in the west prior to 1920. Sometimes the explanation of a failure is more revealing than the description of a success. --Author's preface, Contents: Preface -- Introduction (ix-xviii) -- The fight for survival (pages 1-28) -- The unique fermentation (pages 29-57) -- War and revolt (pagees 57-86) -- The red menace (pages 97-104) -- Midgley and Co. (pages 105-128) -- Labour's civil war (pages 129-170) -- Invading the United States (pages 171-188) -- Battle for the mining frontier (pages 189-214) -- Hard times (pages 215-246) -- The end of One Big Union (pages 247-264) -- Footnotes (pages 265-286) -- Bibliography (pages 287-293) -- Index (pages 294-300).
Analyzes the failure of the One Big Union as well as the historical literature.
Resource type
- Book (5)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (4)
Publication year
- Between 1900 and 1999 (8)
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2000 (1)
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (1)
Between 2000 and 2009