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The article reviews the book, "Union Mergers in Hard Times: The View From Five Countries," by Gary N. Chaison.
The article reviews the book, "Unnecessary Debts," by Lars Osberg and Pierre Fortin.
The article reviews the book, "Voracious Idols and Violet Hands: Iconoclasm in Reformation Zurich, Strasbourg and Basel," by Lee Palmer Wandel.
In this study of the clothing industry in Canada, historian Mercedes Steedman examines how the intricate weaving together of the meanings of class, gender, ethnicity, family, and workplace served, often unconsciously, to create a job ghetto for women. Although 'girls', as working women were labelled, comprised a significant majority of garment workers - 80 percent in 1881, at the very beginnings of industrialization; 68 percent in 1941, when the percentage of women in all industrial sectors in Canada was only just over 15 percent - their roles were circumscribed both in the workplace and in the trade union bureaucracy. When strikes occurred, women were at the front of picket lines, gaining sympathy and favourable media coverage for the workers' cause. But when negotiations among union leaders, management, and government officials took place, women were conspicuous by their absence, and the subsequent agreements and job classifications invariably left them with lower wages and marginal status - in an industry where they were numerically dominant and often valued as the better workers. In "Angels of the Workplace," Professor Steedman presents a history of both the garment industry and the role of women in it. The rise of left-wing unionism held out some hope for a more equitable work environment, but by the 1930s a 'new unionism' that focused on labour-management co-operation - and on maintaining male hegemony on the shop floor and at the bargaining table - had formalized gender discrimination in the needle trades for the rest of the century. -- Publisher's description. Contents: Introduction: Across the Great Divide -- The Industrial Fields of Activity: Send Forth Your Daughters -- Worlds Apart: Women and Unions in the Needle Trades, 1890-1920 -- From Shop-Floor Action to New Unionism: The War Years and After -- Taking a Stand: Civil War in the Needle Trades -- 'A Real Man's Fight': Clothing Battles in the Depression Years -- When the Boys Get Together: Orchestrating Consent -- After the Acts: Setting the Standards, Putting on the Pressure -- Conclusion: 'This Group of Girls and Men .... '
The article reviews the book ,"Protecting Women: Labor Legislation in Europe, the United States, and Australia, 1880-1920," edited by Ulla Wikander, Alice Kessler-Harris and Jane Lewis.
The article reviews and comments on extensivel on several books including "The Girl Problem: Female Sexual Delinquencies in New York 1900-1930," by Ruth M. Alexander, "Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture and the Making of the Gay Male World," by George Chauncey, and "Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the U.S.," by Mary E. Oden.
The article reviews the book, "Inside Babylon: The Caribbean Diaspora in Britain," edited by Winston James and Clyde Harris.
The article reviews the book, "People of the Bays and Headlands: Anthropological History and the Fate of Communities in the Unknown Labrador," by John C. Kennedy.
Rather than seeing the mainstream, anti-communist labour leadership in the post-war era as opponents of membership activism and as politically right wing, we might more accurately see them as ideologically-diverse architects of an activism designed to suit the institutional conditions of the new industrial legality in the Cold War era. Labour bureaucrats they indisputably were, but the new regime of industrial relations prompted them to re-examine and to attempt to democratize the basis of their institutional power. Evidence for this thesis is supplied through a study of welfare work and its promoters. Further evidence lies in a survey of idological interpretations of union welfare work and the political uses to which it was put.
The article reviews the book, "Women Workers and Technological Change in Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries," edited by Gertjan de Groot and Marlou Schrover.
The article reviews the book, "ISO 9000 : une force de management," by Branimir Todorov.
The article reviews the book, "Les secrets de la préparation financière à la retraite," by Louis Ascah.
The article reviews the book, "Lawyers Against Labor: From Individual Rights to Corporate Liberalism," by Daniel R. Ernst.
The article reviews the book, "Arvida au Saguenay: Naissance d'une ville industrielle," by José Igartua.
A study consists of absenteeism measures for a group of prison guards who switched from an 8-hour work day to a 12-hour day compressed workweek (CWW) schedule with absenteeism measures for one year prior to the onset of the schedule and 2 years on the new schedule. Absenteeism data were compared between the CWW group and a comparison group of regular schedule guards and between the pre-CWW and CWW periods. Absenteeism levels were higher for the CWW group compared to the comparison group, and were higher over the CWW period when compared to the pre-CWW period. In the best specified models, those guards on the CWW had higher absenteeism than the comparison group, though the latter difference was not statistically significant.
In August 1964, the souther Ontario local 523 of the United Electrical and Radio Machine Workers led some 450 female auto-parts workers onto the picket-line. A year later, the same union local led over 1,200 male steelworkers in a strike against the Steel Company of Canada. In both cases, Italian immigrants joined with their non-Italian co-workers in a show of class solidarity. Italian men framed their decision to strike in terms of a manly duty as the family's decision maker and breadwinner; Italian women assumed the role of aggressive labour militant with relative equanimity, while the more outwardly militant Italian men expressed considerable personal uncertainty and fear even while they engaged in a public display of cross-ethnic class solidary. The paper explores how gender, class and ethnicity interact to influence the dynamics of labour militancy in the two strikes, though it also gives due consideration to the structural factors that helped to determine the outcome of both strikes.
The article reviews the book, "L'État, l'autonomie collective et le travailleur - Étude comparée du droit italien et du droit français de la représentativité syndicale," by Stamatina Yannakourou.
The article reviews the book, "Competitive Advantage Through People: Unleashing the Power of the Work Force," by Jeffrey Pfeffer.
The article reviews the book, "Sociologie de l'entreprise et de l'innovation," by Norbert Alter.
Based on responses from 752 unionized organizations in Canada, a study examines the association between the quality of labor-management relations and a number of organizations outcomes. The average relationship between an employer and its major bargaining unit was moderately cooperative, with 28% of respondents reporting adversarial relations and 5% indicating a highly cooperative relationship. Results from ordered probit estimation indicated that more favorable organizational outcomes (as measured by management perceptions) were generally associated with a more cooperative relationship between union and management.
Resource type
- Book (8)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (167)
- Magazine Article (2)
- Report (3)
- Thesis (7)
- Video Recording (1)