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This article reviews the book, "Women on the Job," by Judith b. Agassi.
This work is founded on the extensive working files of John Battye and Gregory Kealey, to which were added references pirated from other bibliographies, items accumulated from computer-assisted literature searches, and literary débris collected by methodical screening of such collections as Canadiana, Library of Congress Books: Subjects, and the Canadian Periodical Index. --Introduction
Beginning with the founding of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1670, the fur trade dominated the development of the Canadian west. Although detailed accounts of the fur-trade era have appeared, until recently the rich social history has been ignored. In this book, the fur trade is examined not simply as an economic activity but as a social and cultural complex that was to survive for nearly two centuries. The author traces the development of a mutual dependency between Indian and European traders at the economic level that evolved into a significant cultural exchange as well. Marriages of fur traders to Indian women created bonds that helped advance trade relations. As a result of these "many tender ties," there emerged a unique society derived from both Indian and European culture. -- Publisher's description.
Par un arrêt unanime, la Cour Suprême du Canada renverse un courant jurisprudentiel bien établi de la Cour d'appel duQuébec. Elle affirme le pouvoir d'un tribunal d'arbitrage d'accorder des dommages-intérêts à un employeur victime d'une grève déclenchée pendant une convention collective. La convention collective dont il s'agissait prohibait une telle grève, mais ne contenait aucune mention expresse du pouvoir du tribunal d'arbitrage d'ainsi réparer un tel défaut d'appliquer cette disposition prohibitive.
La Cour suprême vient de rejeter le pourvoi formé à rencontre de l’arrêt de la Cour d'appel du Québec dans Lafrance c. Commercial Photo Service Inc. Non seulement ce jugement unanime dispose-t-il du droit de l'employeur de congédier un salarié en raison de la simple participation de ce dernier à une grève illégale; en pratique, il fait le point, d'une façon beaucoup plus générale, sur l'étendue du pouvoir d'appréciation du commissaire du travail et du Tribunal du travail quant à cette « autre cause, juste et suffisante » que doit établir un employeur pour repousser la présomption légale de congédiement en raison de l'exercice d'un droit résultant du Code du travail(L.R.Q., 1977, a. 15 et sq.).
This article reviews the book, "Le mouvement de restructuration du travail," by Paul Deschênes.
This article reviews the book, "Les attitudes des travailleurs québécois à l’égard de leur emploi," by Louise H. Côté-Desbiolles.
This article reviews the book, "Les nouvelles formes d’organisation du travail," by Bureau international du travail.
The purpose of this study is to examine the historical trend on the distribution of teacher skillmix between 1957 and 1974 in the light of certain changes in the socio-economic setting surrounding employment of teachers which occured during the period.
This article reviews the book, "A Culture in Conflict: Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860-1914," by Bryan Palmer.
This article reviews the book, "Administration du travail et conflits collectifs," by Jean-Paul Bachy.
This article reviews the book, "Administration industrielle et générale," by Henri Fayol.
This article reviews the book, "L’évoluzione del ruolo e delle finalità della funzione del personale nelle aziende italiane," by Quaderni Dipers. This article reviews the book, "Mappa europea délie relazioni industriali," by Gianfranco Gambigliani, Maria Teresa Schutt & Mario Unnia,
Resource type
- Book (11)
- Journal Article (159)
- Thesis (3)
- Video Recording (1)