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This article reviews the book, "Urban Growth and City-Systems in the United States, 1840-1860," by Allen Pred.
This article reviews the book, "La grève de la United Aircraft, Collection histoire des travailleurs Québécois, no. 8," by Michel Pratt.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats nationaux au Québec de 1900 à 1930," by Jacques Rouillant.
This article reviews two books: "Rise Gonna Rise: A Portrait of Southern Textile Workers," by Mimi Conway, and "If All We Did Was To Weep At Home: A History of White Working-Class Women in America," by Susan Estabrook Kennedy.
This article reviews the book, "'The Whole World Is Watching': Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left," by Todd Gitlin.
This paper investigates the origins and development of unions in the Canadian banking industry since 1976. The historically low level of unionization in banking, coupled with its largely female workforce, makes bank unionization a significant development on the Canadian industrial relations scene.
This paper discusses how far the duty of fair représentation should be broadened in Canada and then argues that the Labour Boards are not the appropriate body to hâve jurisdiction over such matter.
This article reviews the book, "Research in Labor Economics: An Annual Compilation of Research," by Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Edited.
This article reviews the book, "Poverty and Prostitution: A Study of Victorian Prostitution in York," by Frances Finnegan.
This article reviews the book, "The Measure of Canadian Society: Education, Equality, and Opportunity," by John Porter.
Conformément à l'article 171.1 du Code, le Ministre du travail référait au Conseil le différend opposant la Banque Royale du Canada et les employés de six de ses succursales et trois syndicats affiliés à la Centrale des Syndicats Nationaux. Après avoir examiné l'ensemble de la preuve, le Conseil, par décision majoritaire, en est venu à la conclusion qu'il n'y avait pas lieu d'imposer une première convention collective.
Le Conseil a accueilli diverses plaintes de pratique déloyale logées par des em- ployées de banque congédiées par leur employeur durant une grève légale.
Les modifications apportées au Code canadien du travail par le législateur en 1978 ont considérablement accru le pouvoir de manoeuvre du CCRT. L'auteur fait ici une analyse et un bilan de ces trois années d'expérience.
This article reviews four books: "African Labor Histroy," by P.C.W. Gutkind, Robin and Jean Copans; "Race, Class and Gold," by Frederick Johnstone; "Black Mineworkers in Central Africa," by Charles Perring; and "Chibaro," by Charles Van Onselen.
Resource type
- Book (10)
- Journal Article (213)
- Thesis (1)