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When W.O. Mitchell died in 1998 he was described as “Canada's best-loved writer.” Every commentator agreed that his best – and his best-loved – book was Who Has Seen the Wind. Since it was first published in 1947, this book has sold almost a million copies in Canada. As we enter the world of four-year-old Brian O’Connal, his father the druggist, his Uncle Sean, his mother, and his formidable Scotch grandmother (“she belshes…a lot”), it soon becomes clear that this is no ordinary book. As we watch Brian grow up, the prairie and its surprising inhabitants like the Ben and Saint Sammy – and the rich variety of small-town characters – become unforgettable. This book will be a delightful surprise for all those who are aware of it, but have never quite got around to reading it, till now. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the books, "Unemployment Insurance in the United States : Analysis of Policy Issues," edited by by Christopher J. O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner, and "Topics in Unemployment Insurance Financing" by Wayne Vroman.
The article reviews the book, "Le travail sans qualités : les conséquences humaines de la flexibilité," by Richard Sennett.
Les technologies d'information et de communication (TIC) permettent, incitent ou forcent les entreprises à modifier leurs processus de gestion et de contrôle. Par voie de conséquence, la relation de travail et les conditions d'exécution du travail en sont métamorphosées. Pouvons-nous affirmer que ces techniques nouvelles confèrent vraiment au salarié une plus grande autonomie professionnelle au-delà des premières apparences ? L'absence du regard indiscret d'un contremaître ou d'un directeur de service ne saurait suffire pour répondre à cette question puisque les TIC permettent de suivre le salarié comme s'ils 'agissait de son ombre. Dès lors, une deuxième question peut être valablement posée : ces TIC constitueraient-ils des nouveaux instruments d'asservissement ? La réponse peut dépendre aussi de la qualité des gestionnaires selon qu'ils savent utiliser ces données informatisées pour ce qu'elles sont et sans plus... En d'autres termes, les indicateurs de performance que procurent les TIC ne peuvent servir de substituts au jugement toujours essentiel du gestionnaire.
The article reviews the book, "Storia del Canada: Dalle Origini ai Giorni Nostri. Codignola," by Luca Codignola and Luigi Bmti-Liberati.
Severe critique of the documentary, "Prairie Fire: The Winnipeg General Strike" (1999). Concludes that the film is a historiographic and cinematic failure.
The IWA, while closely linked to BC, has played a crucial role in nearly every province in Canada, from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Grand Falls, Newfoundland. The IWA in Canada is a definitive history of the union that follows its progress and setbacks throughout the past century. Its predecessors, the Industrial Workers of the World, the One Big Union, and the Lumber Workers' Industrial Union are examined, as are the historical tensions between craft and industrial unionism, the drive to organize the "timber beasts", and the pioneering role of communist activists. Today, the legendary militancy of IWA members is being brought to bear on the legalistic negotiations, environmental movements, and evolutions in governmental forest policy that continue to pose challenges. Generously illustrated with historical and present?day photographs, and enriched by numerous interviews with founding unionists, The IWA In Canada also features capsule histories of each local. In-depth analysis of specific issues and events such as the mysterious death of Viljo Rosval and Jon Voutilainen, the fight for relief in the Great Depression and the Loggers' Navy can be found in sidebars that enhance the text throughout. --Publisher's description.
Despite the great economic advantage of capitalism - that it is an efficient system of production and distribution - capitalist societies struggle with its by-products of poverty, exclusion, corruption, and environmental destruction. The essays in "Ethics and Capitalism" address the question of ensuring ethical and just societies within a capitalist system without sacrificing productivity. The introductory essay is a guide to the issues in the emerging field of ethics and capitalism, and refers to recent contributions from several disciplines. The collection as a whole evaluates the morality of capitalism by looking at its foundation in property theory, its relationship to democracy, the problems of corruption and globalization, as well as the impact of capitalism on non-European cultures and the environment. Contributors consider various ideological and cultural biases that affect our understanding of capitalism. It is the aim of the collection to defend the practical merits of capitalism while raising concerns about its ethical problems. In conclusion, the volume considers the possibility of a mitigated form of capitalism that would ensure economic efficiency and productivity while avoiding ethical pitfalls. --Publisher's description
Expresses appreciation to the editorial team. Calls attention to the forthcoming special edition on the millennium. Introduces "Presentations," a new section of the journal devoted to discussion of labour and its various audiences. Highlights the symposium in honour of French labour historian Marianne Debouzy.
Introduces the special volume that marks the millennium, including the painting, "Labouring the Millennium," by Ellison Robertson, commissioned by Labour/Le Travail and reproduced on the cover.
As Canadian workers, the labour movement, and scholars confront a new millennium, new opportunities and new challenges loom large. This volume, which mirrors Labour/Le Travail Volume 46, commissions a number of articles addressing themes that will be of consequence as we enter the 21st century. The articles that appear in this collection are authored by some of the more prominent social scientists working in the field of labour-related studies, among them Desmond Morton, Ian McKay, Joan Sangster, Cynthia Comacchio, David Frank, and Jacques Rouillard. Their writing appears in the book, grouped in a series of thematic sections: institutions and ideas; gender, sexuality and family; Quebec and the national question; culture; and workers and the state. Topics such as Canadian socialism, pivotal events such as the 1949 Asbestos strike, and important cultural undertakings, such as working-class representations on film and video, are addressed. Historiographical controversies and debates associated with the relations of women’s and working-class histories or different generational styles associated with the presentation of labour’s past are surveyed. This is an issue all interested in Canadian society and its development will not want to miss. --Publisher's description
The Brave New World of European Labor: European Trade Unions at the Millennium, by Andrew Martin and George Ross, et al., is reviewed.
Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communications et la révolution commutative sont à la source d'un monde chaordique qui pose le grand défi de l’e-gouvernance. Face à ce défi qui commande un passage de l’État-providence à l’Etat-commutateur, deux grands discours s'affrontent : le discours de la gouvernementalité (efforts pour soumettre ce monde turbulent par la manipulation des représentations) et le discours de l'apprentissage collectif (gouvernance distribuée supportée par des stratégies de connexité, de catalyse et de complétude). On montre que le premier discours amène le citoyen à rationaliser une sorte d'assujettissement volontaire, alors que le second débouche sur une e-gouvernance qui fonde l'État-commutateur sur une socialité nouvelle et de nouvelles formes de collaboration faisant bon usage des nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communications.
The article reviews the book, " Regulating Workplace Safety: Systems and Sanctions," by Neil Cunningham and Richard Johnstone.
Employment Dispute Resolution and Worker Rights, edited by Adrienne A. Eaton and Jeffrey H. Keefe, is reviewed.
The Union of Northern Workers, known as the Northwest Territories Public Service Association prior to 1987, is the largest labour union in the Northwest Territories. Northern labour is a little explored field in Canadian history, and as such, this work surveys new ground. Trade unionism in the North's private sector began at the close of the Second World War. The UNW, however, like most public sector unions in Canada, had its roots in the 1960s. This study examines issues pertaining to the union's leadership and staff from 1967, when correctional workers in Yellowknife first organized, until the 1996 convention, when the union took steps to divide into two separate unions in anticipation of the creation of Nunavut in 1999. From its start, the union's geographic jurisdiction distinguished the UNW as unique among Canada's public service unions. It and its predecessor, the NWTPSA represented workers in Canada's most northern reaches. The challenges of life in the North were as real for the union as they were for its members. A relatively small membership spread across such a huge land mass presented obstacles with regards to leadership and service. Also, cultural factors differentiated the organization from others. With an increasing native membership, mostly Inuit, lnuktitut became the union's second language. Distinguishing the union institutionally was its component status within the Public Service Alliance of Canada. The quality of the relationship between these two bodies regularly fluctuated between excellent and belligerent. Similarly, the union's relationship with the Nonhwest Territories Federation of Labour degenerated from founding member to pariah status, in spite of the UNW comprising the overwhelming majority of the Federation's membership. As the union grew from a fly-by-night, seat-of-the-pants organization of less than 100 members at its inception, to over 5,000 when it divided, leadership and staffing gained increasing importance. To meet the challenges of representing northern workers, the union increasingly attempted to professionalize its leadership cadre. The effect of this was an increasing distance between members and leaders which ultimately resulted in the secession of the Nunawt membership.
Discusses the film, "La Sarrasine" (1992), a drama about an Italian immigrant couple in Quebec that is confronted with tragedy. The author, a historian, co-wrote the screenplay with the director, Paul Tana.
This analysis of Queen's University Faculty Association's (QUFA) 1995 certification drive stresses the importance of using specific organiz ing techniques to enhance the likelihood of achieving successful union ization drives at a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult for unions to do so. I argue that the use of various techniques identified by social movement theorists combined with QUFA's co-optation of the term "collegiality" were important elements in the success of this drive. The core of my research is the qualitative analysis of QUFA's formal communications to faculty between September 1992 and October 1995.
Resource type
- Book (15)
- Book Section (4)
- Journal Article (137)
- Thesis (6)