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The article reviews the book, "La situation syndicale aux Etats-Unis. Rapport" of a Mission of the Bureau international du travail. Genève. 1960.
The article reviews the book, "La situation syndicale en U.R.S.S.. Rapport" of a Mission of the Bureau international du travail, Genève, 1960.
The article reviews the book, "Labor in a Free Society," edited by Michael Harrington and Paul Jacobs.
The article reviews the book, "Les cadres du secteur privé en Belgique," by Maurice Piraux, Collection « Etudes sociales », nos 41-42. La Pensée catholique, Bruxelles, Office général du livre, Paris, 1961.
Les 10 et 11 avril, le Département des relations industrielles de Laval tenait son 16ème Congrès des relations industrielles. Le texte des travaux présentés sera bientôt publié dans un volume. Nous donnons ici un résumé des communications.
In the following essay, the author analyses the nature of property in the modern business enterprise and the nature of authority. He concludes that, although property may be considered as a legitimate mode of designation of those in authority, it is not the sole foundation. Management's right are not permanently established; they can change and effectively do change with the times and circumstances.
The article reviews the book, "Trade Union Democracy in Western Europe," by Walter Galenson.
The article reviews the book, "Trade Union Development and Industrial Relations in the British West Indies," by William S. Knowles. A publication of the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California.
The article reviews the book, "Automation and the Worker: A Study of Social Change in Power Plants," by Floyd C. Mann and L. Richard Hoffman.
The article reviews the book, "Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society," by Ralph Dahrendorf.
The article reviews the book, "Pourquoi les travailleurs abandonnent la terre : Etude comparative," issued by the Bureau international du Travail, Genève, 1960.
The article reviews the book, "Small City Job Markets: The Labor Market Behavior of Firms and Workers," by Richard C. Wilcock and Irvin Sobel, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1958.
The article reviews the book, "The Israeli Worker," by Ferdynand Zweig.
Après avoir explicité la méthodologie de l'étude et le mode d'approche particulier par lequel ils ont analysé le chômage, les auteurs consacrent une première partie de leur travail à l'analyse de la distribution géographique des chômeurs et à la mise en relation de ce phénomène avec des facteurs tels que l'instruction et la qualification du chef de famille. La seconde partie traite principalement des conséquences du chômage sur les niveaux de vie, la sécurité, les besoins et les aspirations de la famille du salarié.
Les comités paritaires existent dans la province de Québec depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. L'auteur signale les résultats obtenus, les difficultés rencontrées et les imperfections de ce système. Il présente les suggestions qu'il croit opportunes pour les revaloriser.
The story of the development of what is now the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and General Workers, from the initial meeting in Moncton in October, 1908, to its present status of one of Canada's most important unions, is one which should be read with pride by any Canadian, and which should be of deep interest to the workers of the nation, organized and unorganized. I am very happy that this history was undertaken during my term in office as National president, and that it is available on the occasion of the 1961 convention of the Brotherhood. --From preface by William J. Smith
Personnel men tend to define themselves as professionals. To find out whether they are justified in so doing, the Author describes the earmarks of a profession: specialization, spécific and unstandardized nature of the service to the client (who is more than just a customer), episodic and direct relationship between professional and client. With such criteria in hand, the Author argues that it is improbable that personnel work can be practised along the lines of a professional model; the bureaucratic model here appears more relevant.
The article reviews the book, "Essays in Labour History, in Memory of G.D.H. Cole," edited by Asa Briggs and John Saville, with recollections of G.D.H. Cole by Ivor Brown, Hugh Gaitskell, Stephen K. Bailey and G.N.D. Worswick.
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- Book (16)
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