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The article reviews the book, "J. B. McLachlan: A Biography," by David Frank.
The article reviews and comments on severa; books, "Engendering the State: Family, Work, and Welfare in Canada," by Nancy Christie; "The Wages of Sickness: The Politics of Health Insurance in Progressive America, by Beatrix Hoffman; Aux origines sociales de l'État-providence: Familles québécoises, obligation scolaire et allocations familiales, 1940-1955," by Dominique Marshall; and "Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century U.S. History," by Alice O'Connor.
In the last two decades, Brazilian unionism and the left have experienced an unprecedented development, posing for the first time in history, a real challenge to the ruling classes. The effects of this new political reality on labour history took a while to be felt, but in recent years a whole new historiography has emerged, leading to the constitution of the Mundos do Trabalho (Worlds of Labour) work group, an official branch of the National History Association.
The article reviews the book, "Disposable people: New slavery in the global economy," by Kevin Bales.
The article reviews the book, "Employment dispute resolution and worker rights in the changing workplace," edited by Adrienne E. Eaton and Jeffrey H. Keefe.
The article reviews the book, "American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century," by Gary Gerstle.
The legal approach in Canada towards the regulation of trade union democracy has sought to balance individual member's rights with respect for the autonomy of unions. While the United States and England have heavily legislated the areas of internal trade union affairs, Canada has enacted relatively few laws in this area. Rather, unions in Canada have enjoyed considerable legal freedom to develop their own democratic practices and culture. The irony of this approach is that it is the Canadian courts, rather than the more experienced and liberal labour relations boards, that are the final legal arbiters over most internal union matters. However, this is slowly changing. Several provinces have recently enacted modest changes that direct their labour boards to hear complaints from union members respecting the fairness of internal hearings. In the absence of extensive statutory regulation, union constitutions and the democratic traditions behind them become significant legal documents
The article reviews the book, "Trade unions and democratization in South Africa, 1985-1987," edited by Glenn Adler and Eddie Webster.
Toronto's Cabbagetown in the Depression...North America's largest Anglo-Saxon slum. Ken Tilling leaves school to face the bleak prospects of the dirty thirties-where do you go, what do you do, how do you make a life for yourself when all the world offers in unemployment, poverty and uncertainty?"As a social document, Cabbagetown is as important and revealing as either The Tin Flute or The Grapes of Wrath. Stern realism has also projected upon the pages of a whole gallery of types, lifelike and convincing. He is well fitted to hold the mirror up to human nature." Globe and Mail.Cabbagetown was first published in an abbreviated paperback edition in 1950 and was published in its entirety in 1968. This, the first quality paperback edition, contains the full unexpurgated text of Cabbagetown. --Publisher's description
Remember Kirkland Lake: The Gold Miners' Strike of 1941-42, revised edition by Laurel Sefton MacDowell, is reviewed.
A comment is presented of Richard P. Chaykowski and George A. Slotsve's "Government Administered Workplace Surveys and Industrial Relations in Canada" (2002). Their article comments on Godard's 2001 article, "New Dawn or Bad Moon Rising? Large Scale Government Administered Workplace Surveys and the Future of Canadian IR Research."
Strikes in Essential Services, by Bernard Adell, Michael Grant and Allen Ponak, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "La Nouvelle France: The Making of French Canada - A Cultural History," by Peter N. Moogk.
The article reviews the book, "Gustave Francq : figure marquante du syndicalisme et précurseur de la FTQ," by Éric Leroux.
The article reviews the book, "French socialists before Marx," by Pamela Pilbeam.
The United Nations declared 1975 International Women's Year for the purpose of promoting equality of men and women.... Canada alloted funds for projects aimed at achieving these objectives and many projects were undertaken across the country. The Central Council of Women's Auxiliaries to the United Fishermen & Allied Workers' Union at its annual convention in 1975 undertook to write a history highlighting women's contribution to the trade union movement in British Columbia. Finally, here is that book. Working people in BC have a proud history: a history that accalims the struggles for a better life, a better job and a better community. In 1975, we set out to record the history of the women of British Columbia who struggled for human rights and women's equality and who helped build our trade unions. We interviewed and recorded a wonderful group of women and men. And we appreciated all their stories. [This book] shares those stories. --Publisher's description
Work and Employment in a Globalized Era: An Asia-Pacific Focus edited by Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith, is reviewed.
The article reviews "Building a Better World: An Introduction to Trade Unionism in Canada," by Errol Black and Jim Silver.
Consulted to Death, by Doug Smith, is reviewed.
"Heal Thyself:" Managing Health Care Reform, by Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy and Jerry P. White, is reviewed.
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- Book (11)
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- Journal Article (195)
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