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The article reviews the book, "Jailed for Possession: Illegal Drug Use, Regulation and Power in Canada 1920-1961," by Catherine Carstairs.
This paper examines the history of the British juvenile immigrants, a group of over 100,000 children who arrived in Canada between 1868 and 1939 to work on farms or as domestic workers. There was both a pressing need within Canada for farm workers, and overcrowding in British cities, therefore conditions were right for a mutually beneficial labour exchange between the two nations. British philanthropists encouraged this movement and ensured its continued success over a seventy year period. The societal changes that occurred in Canada during the same period as a result of the reform movement are also traced within this historical examination. The increase in child welfare policies, and the subsequent attitudinal changes in the Canadian public also impacted how the home children were treated and viewed. Through this research, this neglected group of immigrants will be given a more prominent position in Canadian social and immigration history.
Dans la soirée du samedi 10 avril 1734, Montréal brûle. L'esclave Marie-Joseph- Angélique est traduite devant la justice et accusée d'avoir mis le feu. Soumise à la question extraordinaire, forme de torture atroce pendant laquelle on brise les os des jambes, elle craque et avoue avoir commis cet incendie criminel. Puis, elle est pendue. Angélique entre dans l'histoire canadienne en tant que criminelle. Cependant, son procès nous offre une occasion unique de raconter sa vie d'esclave, une vie dont on n'aurait pas entendu parler autrement. Afua Cooper fait revivre brillamment un chapitre méconnu de l'histoire du Canada, celui d'une Noire rebelle d'origine portugaise qui a cherché à briser ses chaînes. En nous présentant le vécu de cette jeune femme, elle met en lumière ce qui l'a sans doute poussée à commettre pareil crime. Par le fait même, elle détruit le mythe d'un Canada considéré comme un paradis pour les Noirs ayant échappé à l'esclavagisme des États-Unis. L'histoire d'Angélique est le plus ancien récit à propos de l'esclavage dans le Nouveau Monde. En lui consacrant cet ouvrage, Afua Cooper apporte une importante contribution à l'historiographie canadienne et met en perspective l'esclavage accepté légalement et culturellement au Canada. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "Responsabilité sociale et environnementale de l’entreprise," edited by Marie-France B. Turcotte and Anne Salmon.
The article reviews the book, "L’essentiel sur les salaires minimums dans le monde," by François Eyraud and Catherine Saget.
Systems of social protection are being quickly and quietly recast by developments in a surprising policy area. The rapidly expanding infrastructure of national security policy in Canada compromises labour rights and social forms of security. Security clearance programs, under development for port workers, compromise employment security by making workers and their families subject to invasive screenings that violate privacy, allow for job suspension based on 'reasonable suspicion' of terrorist affiliation, and offer no meaningful independent appeals process. New security regulations threaten to institutionalize racial profiling and undermine collective bargaining. Moreover, there are plans to generalize these programs across the transport sector - a large part of the labour force that includes trucking, mass transit, airport, and rail workers. In this paper I look at ongoing struggles over port security in Canada. I suggest that national security policy as backdoor labour policy works to institutionalize 'anti-social' forms of security.
The paper shows how redundancies were resisted by Hi-Tech workers in a large German company. It details an employee network's emergence to provide support to individuals and to pursue legal cases against the company, and analyzes the network's norms and operation. The network operated in complementary ways to the union and works council, to achieve a favourable outcome. The case is used to test theoretical propositions derived from literature on Hi-Tech workers, union renewal and mobilization theory and it is suggested that mobilization theory requires further extension in several directions.
The article reviews the book, "Work in Tumultuous Times: Critical Perspectives," edited by Vivian Shalla and Wallace Clement.
The article focuses on several riots that occurred on Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, California. It says that the Battle of the Strip which is considered the most celebrated event in the struggle of teenagers to create their own realm of freedom happened between 1966 to 1968. Plans of expanding the base of protests to incorporate the grievances of gay people and minorities were made.
In July 2005, six unions withdrew from the central labour federation in the United States, the AFL-CIO. In September 2005, joined by a seventh union, the disaffiliated unions formed a rival labour federation called Change to Win (CTW). On the surface according to Stem, leader of the CTW coalition, what divides the two sides of the split is a disagreement over whether or not to place greater emphasis on organizing new members or altering the political climate in the US in order to facilitate orgamzmg. This thesis explores some of the earlier debates within the union renewal literature in the US and in Canada and exposes many ofthe similarities between the 1995 "New Voices" leadership ofthe AFL-CIO and the CTW leadership. Through a description and analysis of the events that led to the split in the AFL-CIO, the limitations ofthe debates that led to the split are revealed and the strategies for union renewal advanced by the proponents of CTW are critiqued. Drawing on interviews with elected leaders and staff from some of the Canadian sections of the CTW unions, one of the largest Canadian unions, the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, this thesis examines some of the implications of the split in the AFL-CIO on the Canadian labour movement. As trade unionists in Canada consider different approaches to union renewal, one option is to embrace an approach similar to the CTW approach: greater cooperation with employers and a more "efficient" business unionism. Another approach is union renewal with a socialist character; developing working-class capacities to construct socialist alternatives and renew the labour movement as an instrument of working-class struggle.
The article reviews the book, "Modelos de producción en la maquila de exportación. La crisis del toyotismo precario," edited by Enrique de la Garza Toledo.
The article reviews the book, "Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System," by Daiva K. Stasiulis and Abigail B. Bakan.
The article reviews the book, "A Great Restlessness: The Life and Politics of Dorise Nielsen," by Faith Johnston.
L’objet de ce mémoire est la recension et l’analyse des accidents mortels survenus dans les milieux de travail du district judiciaire de Montréal durant la période de 1893 à 1930. À partir des témoignages contenus dans les rapports d’enquête des coroners, nous analyserons les opinions des travailleurs, des contremaîtres, des coroners et des inspecteurs afin de connaître leur point de vue sur les accidents et de vérifier dans quelle mesure ils partagent les valeurs libérales de cette époque. Pour constituer notre corpus d’information, nous avons dépouillé chacun des 1527 dossiers des rapports d’enquête des coroners effectuée entre le premier janvier 1893 et le 31 décembre 1930. Ils constituent notre principale source à partir de laquelle nous établirons l’ampleur des accidents mortels et également analyserons les témoignages recueillis par les coroners, Pour fin d’analyse, nous avons réparti ces données sous les quatre décennies couvertes par notre étude et élaboré des tableaux statistiques établissant la distribution annuelle et décennale de ces accidents de même que l’âge et le sexe des victimes. Nous avons également distribué ces accidents par secteurs d’activités économiques et par catégories d’accidents. Si les employeurs, les contremaîtres et les inspecteurs des manufactures adhèrent aux principes de l’idéologie libérale de l’époque en attribuant aux travailleurs la responsabilité première des accidents de travail, les coroners et les travailleurs considèrent, par contre, dans une forte proportion (72 %) que les causes de ces accidents sont associés à des défaillances des divers éléments des lieux de travail et aux processus de production. Ils sont donc plus enclins à attribuer la responsabilité aux employeurs.
The article reviews the book, "Managing Global Legal Systems," by Gary W. Florkowski.
Introduction du numéro thématique : sous la direction de Geneviève Fournier et Alexis le Blanc/Introduction to the Thematic Issue, edited by Geneviève Fournier and Alexis le Blanc.
The article reviews the book, "Mothers of the Nation: Women, Families, and Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Europe," by Patrizia Albanese.
This paper examines the dynamics of change in employment relations in London's hotels. The industry has traditionally used employment agencies to meet short-term labour shortages, but more recently it has turned to agency workers on a 'permanent' basis to cut costs. Drawing on survey data and in-depth interviews with hotel workers in London, we examine the effects of this on labour, documenting changes in pay, and terms and conditions of employment. Our research confirms a trend towards the casualisation of employment in hotels, and highlights the emergence of 'subcontracting by stealth', whereby increasing numbers of staff are employed by agencies with lower wages and poorer working conditions than in-house staff. Given low union-density in the sector, we argue that the Living Wage Campaign, which has been successfully implemented in other sectors of the London economy, might prove an effective means to counter the negative impacts of subcontracting on hotel workers.
The article discusses a study involving employees of Great Western Garment about their worklife, the nature of the work community and the plant closing in Canada. At part of the study, the instructors of the English language classes held onsite at the plant were also interviewed. A dramatic script was developed to present the study findings to the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education at Congress 2005 in London, Ontario.
Labour migrants have been routinely categorised within social scientific thought as either abstracted economic entities or as victims of global processes beyond their understanding. A striking majority of attempts to understand processes of migration, especially in regards to "unskilled" Mexican migrant workers, have been informed primarily by macro-level economic approaches, while the social and individual factors at play have been largely pushed to the side. As such, the social lives and individual diversities of these migrants have received meagre academic attention. In acknowledgment of this gap, this current thesis focuses on the lived experiences of Hector-Alberto and Durango, two individuals engaged in a cycle of migration as participants in Canada's managed migration program, the Seasonal Agricultural Workers' Program. Through an ethnographic description of the everyday experiences of Hector and Durango, three relevant themes are explored: their individual relations to their work, their family, and their co-workers. As such, the present work aims to explore the varied experiences of migration and frame labour migrants as significant social actors rather than abstracted units or victims of social forces. The author encourages an engagement in a broader investigation of the "migrant experience"; to look beyond the idea of transnational migration as simply physical movements across national boundaries, but rather as groupings of processes with profound and diverse meanings to those involved. Perhaps such a perspective would play a role in revealing the complex myriad of interacting processes which combine under the umbrella term of "migration".
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- Book (14)
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- Journal Article (179)
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- Thesis (14)