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La gestion des ressources humaines n'est ni une science, ni un ensemble de techniques mais un art: l'art de mobiliser des individus à la réalisation d'un objectif commun. Pourtant, la grande majorité des activités reliés à la gestion des ressources humaines ne tiennent pas toujours compte de la nature et des caractéristiques des individus. L'objet de cet article est de proposer une typologie des styles de gestion qui remet en cause la façon traditionnelle d'aborder la gestion des personnes et la productivité organisationnelle.
This paper critically looks at workplace relations, skills training and technological change and asks whether they are necessarily linked together in an inflexible way, particularly where microelectronics applications are concerned. It then goes on to argue that 'automation' can lead to the re-assembly of skills where mass-markets become differentiated at saturated levels of demand, with important implications for training-strategies.
The article reviews the book, "Sports Pioneers: A History of the Finnish-Canadian Amateur Sports Federation 1906-1986," edited by Jim Tester, et al.
The article reviews the book, "The Great Economic Debate: Failed Economics and a Future for Canada," by Cy Gonick.
The article reviews the book, "The Knights in Fiction: Two Labor Novels of the 1880s," edited by Mary C. Grimes.
Can legal tools used by judges and lawyers adequately deal with the public policy issues that underly any alteration of our present system of industrial relations.
This article reviews the book, "A Class Act: An Illustrated History of the Labour Movement in Newfoundland and Labrador," by Bill Gillespie.
In this study Marjorie Griffin Cohen argues that in research into Ontario’s economic history the emphasis on market activity has obscured the most prevalent type of productive relations in the staple-exporting economy – the patriarchal relations of production within the family economy. Cohen focuses on the productive relations in the family and the significance of women’s labour to the process of capital accumulation in both the capitalist sphere and independent commodity production. --Publisher's description
This article reviews the book, "Solidarity Forever, An Oral History of the IWW," by Stewart Bird, Dan Georgakas, and Deborah Shaffer.
The article reviews the book, "Art and Labor: Ruskin, Morris and the Craftman Ideal in America," by Eileen Boris.
The article reviews two books: "Working-Class Patients and the Medical Establishment, Self-help in Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century to 1948," by David Green, and "The Social History of Occupational Health," edited by Paul Weindling.
Vu qu'un grand nombre d'emplois du secteur public n'ont pas de point de comparaison dans le marche, les auteurs suggèrent une méthode de comparaison avec des professions comparable.
The changing roles of native women, devices for assimilation, the re-birth of the Metis: these are among the issues examined in this collection of provocative essays which explore the link between aboriginal culture and economic patterns. --Publisher's description. Contents: The Iroquois wars and native arms / Brian J. Given -- Epidemics / Susan Johnston -- Ktaqamkuk Ilnui Saqimawoutie : aboriginal rights and the myth of the micmac mercenaries in Newfoundland / Dennis Bartels -- Families of mixed descent in the Western Great Lakes Region / Harriet Gorham -- The significance of hunting territories today / Adrian Tanner -- Waswanipi Cree management of land and wildlife: Cree ethno-ecology revisited / Harvey A. Feit -- The Innu bands of Labrador / Eleanor Leacock -- The home guard Cree and the Hudson's Bay Company / J.E. Foster -- The Métis Nation: buffalo hunting versus agricullture in the Red River Settlement, 1810-1870 / Herman Sprenger -- The Métis: genesis and rebirth / Jennifer S.H. Brown -- Indian reserves in Western Canada: Indian homelands or devices for assimilation? / J.L. Tobias -- Slave raiding on the North Pacific Coast / Leland Donald -- Women traders in the maritime fur trade / Loraine Littlefield -- Fishing is women’s business: changing economic roles of carrier women and men / Jo-Anne Fiske -- The marginalization of the Tsimshian cultural ecology: the seasonal cycle / James Andrew MacDonald -- Changing perceptions of the industrial development of the North / Bruce Alden Cox -- Capital and economic development: a critical appraisal of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Commission / Michael J. Asch -- Survival and adaptation of the Innu ethnic identity: the importance of the Inuktituk / Jean-Philippe Chartrand -- Prospects for the northern Canadian native economy / Bruce Alden Cox -- Recent publications in Canadian native studies / John A. Price.
This article reviews the book, "Strikes in Nova Scotia 1970-1985," edited by C. H. J. Gilson.
After having defined some of concerns union members have with technological change, this paper outlines the recent history of such changes in the telecommunications industry before offering a viewpoint on future responses to the issue.
L'auteur étudie l'effet atténuant de l'écoulement du temps qui, à la limite, rend inopposable aujourd'hui une faute qu'on aurait du reprocher hier au salarie qui lui mérite une sanction.
This article reviews the book, "Culture and Class in Anthropology and History: A Newfoundland Example," by Gerald M. Sider.
This article reviews the book, "Women's Liberation and the Dialectics of Revolution: Reaching for the Future," by Raya Dunayevskaya.
Updates new or additions to existing archival resources on labour history, labour relations, and nationally significant organizations and individuals affecting the lives of working of working people that were incorporated into the National Archives since the last listing published in the journal (no. 10, Autumn 1982). A second listing by Richard Lochead and Daniel Robinson describes oral histories on labour in the National Archives' Moving Image and Sound Division. Each entry includes the subject, the participants, the production or publication for which it was intended (if applicable), and the duration.
The article reviews the book, "The Tenant Movement in New York City, 1904-1984," edited by Ronald Lawson.
Resource type
- Book (11)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (11)