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Chronicles Mine Mill's US origins in the Western Federation of Miners, the WFM organization in Western Canada, and the union's arrival in Northeastern Canada, including Kirkland Lake and Sudbury Local 598.
This article reviews the book, "A Hard Man to Beat - The Story of Bill White, Labour Leader, Historian, Shipyard Worker, Raconteur: An Oral History," by Howard White.
This article reviews the book, "Marxist Inquiries: Studies of Labor. Class and Slates," edited by Michael Burawoy and Theda Skocpol.
This article reviews the book, "Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Wit-Watersrand, 1886-1914. 1. New Babylon 2. New Nineveh," by Charles van Onselen.
This paper discusses the effect ofthe Supreme Court's judgement on the impasse choice in the federal public service. The developments which led to innovation in the sixties and intrigue in the eighties are briefly described and analyzed. Important policy changes are suggested in order to restore and preserve the innovative features of the federal public sector collective bargaining System introduced in the sixties.
This paper is concerned with the factors affecting the attitudes of workers who manufacture Asbestos products toward occupational health issues.
This article reviews the book, "Social Inequality and Class Radicalism in France and Britain," by Duncan Gallie.
This article reviews the book, "La gestion par projet : aspects stratégiques," by Pierre Beaudoin.
This article reviews the book, "Comparative Industrial Relations : An Introduction to Cross National Perspectives," by R. Bean.
This article reviews the book, "At Home and at Work: The Family's Allocation of Labor," by Michael Gcerken and Walter R. Gove.
This article reviews the book, "Twentieth Century Canada," by J. L. Granatstein, Irving Abella, David Bercuson, R.C. Brown and H.B. Neatby.
This article reviews the book, "Working for the Railroad: The Organization of Work in the Nineteenth Century," by Walter Licht.
This article reviews the book, "Black Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Race and Class in Trinidad," by Ivaar Oxaal.
This article reviews the book, "Shifting Gears : Changing Labor Relations in the U.S. Automobile Industry," by Harry C. Katz.
This study examines the effectiveness of multi-predictor selection System as compared with any other alternative selection system which relies on only one predictor.
This article reviews the book, "Canada Labour Relations Board - Federal Law and Practice," by J. Dorsey.
This article reviews the book, "Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies," by T. Hanami & R. Blanpain.
This article reviews the book, "Principes de droit du travail," by R. Blanpain.
This article reviews the book, "Syndicats et droit syndica l: Le droit syndical dans l'entreprise," by Jean-Maurice Verdier.
This article reviews the book, "Forever Feminine: Women's Magazines and the Cult of Femininity," by Marjorie Ferguson.
Resource type
- Book (5)
- Film (1)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (4)