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This collection of selected excerpts focuses on the Canadian Historical Review's contribution to the study of Canadian history from the journal's founding in 1920 to the present. Using the CHR's own interconnected objectives as a benchmark - the promotion of high standards of historical research and writing in Canada, and the fostering of the study of Canadian history - Marlene Shore analyses the varying degrees of success the journals had in meeting its those goals. Her introductory essay shows how the CHR was shaped not only by its own editorial policies, but by international currents affecting the discipline of history and its practitioners. The excerpts, each accompanied by critical commentary, were chosen as representative of the major trends, crucial studies, and main controversies in Canadian historical writing. Shore has arranged them chronologically and thematically into four sections: Nation and Diversity, 1920-1939; War, Centralization, and Reaction, 1940-1965; The Renewal of Diversity, 1966 to the Present; and Reflections. Among the key themes explored by Shore and the contributing historians, Native-European contact, society and war, the nature of Canadian and Quebec nationalism, class-consciousness, and gender politics are highlighted. Broad in scope and focused in intent, The Contested Past offers an excellent introduction to twentieth century Canadian history and historiography. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "Social Unrest and Popular Protest in England, 1780-1840," by John E . Archer.
The article reviews the book, "The Lancashire Giant: David Shackleton, Labour Leader and Civil Servant," by Ross M. Martin.
The article reviews the book, "Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality," by Bruce Nelson.
Cette étude propose et teste un modèle structurel des déterminants et des effets du conflit travail-famille mesuré de manière bidirectionnelle. Les données ont été collectées par questionnaire auprès de 1 356 employés ayant des responsabilités parentales. En général, les résultats confirment la qualité de l’ajustement du modèle proposé. Des recommandations sont exprimées pour favoriser un meilleur équilibre emploi-famille parmi le personnel et pour minimiser les conséquences négatives du conflit travail-famille tant pour les employés que pour les employeurs.
Work and Family: Research Informing Policy, edited by Toby L. Parcel and Daniel B. Cornfield, is reviewed.
In 1998, Newfoundland-born writer Michael Crummey published Hard Light, a collection of poems and short prose narratives which explore his ancestors’ experiences in outport Newfoundland and on the Labrador fishery in the 19th and early 20th century. This essay explores the dominant themes in Hard Light, including the experience of work, the power of landscape, and the persistence of culture. It is followed by a selection of Crummey’s poems.
The article reviews the book, "Readers and Society in Nineteenth-Century France: Workers, Women, Peasants," by Martyn Lyons.
The article reviews the book, "The monied metropolis: New York City and the consolidation of the Montreal bourgeoisie, 1850-1896," by Sven Beckert.
Douglas McGregor, Revisted: Managing the Human Side of Enterprise, by Gary Heil, is reviewed.
New evidence on the relative earnings of visible minority immigrant and native-born paid workers in Canada using data from the 1996 Census is presented. The findings show that labor market disadvantages associated with visible minority status are largely confined to immigrant men. The earnings deficits imputed to minority native-born men and immigrant women are fairly modest, and it appears that native-born women are paid a premium. Among immigrant men, labor market disadvantages are apparent primarily among those who were older when they arrived in Canada. There is some evidence that foreign work experience is relatively undervalued, but there is little evidence that immigrants receive lower compensation for foreign-based schooling. The analysis of individual ethnic minority groups reveals that Black men are most profoundly affected by labor market discrimination. The earnings deficit they must contend with is both significant and intergenerationally persistent.
Beyond Unions and Collective Bargaining, by Leo Troy, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "Mackenzie King and the Prairie West," by Robert Wardhaugh.
La prévention traditionnelle des risques musculo-squelettiques du travail est orientée selon deux axes quasi indépendants : l’axe technique et l’axe humain. Les limites de ces approches sont actuellement reconnues par les ergonomes et certains professionnels de la prévention qui tentent ensemble d’instaurer une troisième voie. Il s’agit de concilier les orientations techniques et humaines à partir de la compréhension de l’activité de travail et de concevoir, en particulier, des programmes de formation à la prévention des risques qui développent à la fois la capacité de réflexion de tous les acteurs de la prévention sur leur propre activité de travail et leur pouvoir d’action sur les aspects techniques ou organisationnels du travail. Cet article propose une brève analyse de l’histoire des idées et des pratiques de la formation institutionnelle dans ce domaine particulier des risques musculo-squelettiques qui restent un enjeu d’importance malgré les « modernisations » du travail.
The article reviews the book, "Workers Compensation: Foundations for Reform," edited by Morley Gunderson and Douglas Hyatt.
The media headlines rest in my thoughts as I write a paper about social workers and abortion services. I am reminded of the cultural ambivalence, if not silence, that surrounds abortion work and which, I argue, makes it difficult to position issues facing abortion workers in relation to more general work place safety concerns. ...[W]e need to move beyond the sensationalized debates that often dominate any reflection on abortion services and attempt to understand the daily workplace risks faced by workers in these clinics. Although such a task is beyond the scope of this brief paper, I would like to use this opportunity to establish a conceptual framework for such a rethinking. --From author's introduction
The article reviews the book, "The Labour Party and taxation: Party identity and political purpose in twentieth-century Britain," by Richard Whiting.
The Family Division of Labour, by Marie-Agnes Barrere-Maurisson, is reviewed.
The article reviews the book, "Working time in comparative perspective, v. 2," edited by Susan Houseman and Alice Nakamura.
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- Book (11)
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- Journal Article (195)
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