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The article reviews the book, "The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1960s," by Maurice Isserman.
The article reviews and comments on the book, "The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925," by David Montgomery.
The article briefly reviews "Canadian Corporate Power," by Henry Veltmeyer, "People and Places: Studies of Small Town Life in the Maritimes," edited by Larry McCann, "Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth-Century Ontario," by Susan E. Houston and Alison Prentice, "No Bleeding Heart: Charlotte Whitton, A Feminist on the Right," by P.R. Rooke and R.L. Schnell, "The Memoirs of Giovanni Veltri," edited by John Potestio, "Feminist Research: Prospect and Retrospect," edited by Peta Tancred-Sheriff, "Waterfront Warlord: The Life and Violent Times of Hal C. Banks," by Peter Edwards, "Free Trade and the Future of Women's Work: Manufacturing and Service Industries," by Marjorie Griffin Cohen, "The History of the Ontario Liquor Boards Employees' Union," by Beveriy Dalys, "Labour Law Under the Charter: Proceedings of a Conference." sponsored by the Industrial Relations Centre, School of Industrial Relations and Faculty of Law, Queen's University, "The State of the Art in Industrial Relations," edited by Gerard Hébert, Hen C. Jain, and Noah M. Meltz, "Case Critical: The Dilemma of Social Work in Canada," by Ben Carniol, "From Culture to Power: The Sociology of English Canada," by Robert J. Brym, with Bonnie Fox, "On the Archival Heritage of the Finnish Canadian Working-Class Movement: A Researcher's Guide and Inventory to the Finnish Organisation of Canada Collection at the National Archives of Canada," by Edward W. Laine, "On the Line: Essays in the History of Auto Work," edited by Nelson Lichtenstein and Stephen Meyer, " To Toil the Livelong Day' : Women at Work, 1780-1980," edited by Carol Groneman and Mary Beth Norton, "Hard Times in Paradise: Coos Bay, Oregon, 1850-1985," by William G. Robbins, "Working Lives: An Oral History of Rhode Island Labor," edited by Paul M. Buhle, and "A History of Rhode Island Working People," edited by Paul Buhle, Scott Malloy, and Gail Salisbury, "Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House Movement to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present," by Judith Ann Trolander, "Raising Less Corn and More Hell: Midwestern Farmers Speak Out," by Jim Schwab, "The Party of Fear: From Nativist Movements to the New Right in American History," by David H. Bennett, "The American Perception of Class," by Reeve Vannenun and Lynn Weber Cannon, "Prudent Revolutionaries: Portraits of British Feminists Between the Wars," by Brian Harrison, "Trade Unions and the New Industrialization of the Third World," edited by Roger Southall, "Pass Controls and the Urban African Proletariat," by Doug Hindson / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- " First Days, Fighting Days. Women in Manitoba History," edited by Mary Kinnear / review by VDP [see editor's note for correction made in no. 25 (Spring 1996), page 6] -- "The Road from Coorain," by Jill Ker Conway / review by Gregory S. Kealey.
The article reviews the book, "Sesto San Giovanni: Workers, Culture, and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880-1922," by Donald Howard Bell.
The article reviews the book, "Revolutionary Rehearsals," edited by Colin Barker.
The article reviews the book, "The TUC Overseas: The Roots of Policy," by Marjorie Nicholson.
The article reviews the book, "Women's Work, 1840-1940," by Elizabeth Roberts.
The article reviews the book, "Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770-1860," by Catharina Lis.
This article reviews the book, "Human Resources and the Performance of the Firm," by Morris M. Kleiner, Richard N. Block, Myron Roomkin & Sidney W. Salsburg.
This article reviews the book, "Organizational Behavior," by Robert P. Vecchio.
The article reviews the book "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1700-1750," by Marcus Rediker.
The article reviews the book, "The Legal Structure of Collective Bargaining in Education," by Kenneth H. Ostrander.
The article reviews the book, "The Road to Revolution in Spain: The Coal Miners of Asturias, 1860-1934," by Adrian Shubert.
The article reviews the book "Feminism and Political Economy. Women Work, Women's Struggles," edited by Heather Jon Maroney and Meg Luxton.
While attracting a growing research attention, the wage determination process has largely been studied from an economic perspective. This study, in contrast, adopts a combined, economic and structural approach in an attempt to account for wage gains and concessions. This paper asks, which determinants, other than economic factors, may impact the outcomes of wage settlements? Given their economic and political environments, what are the choices available to parties pursuing the maximization of wage settlements? A logit analysis of 405 agreements filed with Alberta Labour, in 1987, shows that structural variables bear important impacts on the likelihood of wage negotiations to result in wage increases. This, in turn, carries important implications for union and management wage bargaining tactics which are also discussed.
The article reviews several books, including "The New Populism: The Politics of Empowerment," edited by Harry C. Boyte and Frank Riessman, "Citizen Action and the New American Populism," by Harry C. Boyte, Heather Booth and Steve Max, and "Beyond Revolution," by Daniel A. Foss and Ralph Larkin.
The article reviews the book, "Worker Participation and the Politics of Reform," edited by Carmen Siriarmi.
One of the most important books to come out of Quebec, Thirty Acres (Trente arpents) traces the course of one man’s life as he enters into the age-old rhythms of the land and of the seasons. At the same time, it is a novel on a grand social scale, spanning and documenting the tumultuous half-century in which a new, industrial urban society crowded out Quebec’s traditional rural one. Winner of the Governor General’s Award and numerous other national and international literary prizes, Thirty Acres is a universal story of birth and death, renewal and reversal, ascent and decline, and a masterpiece of irony and realism. --Publisher's description
This thesis is a comparative study of the changing work experience and relations of two groups of Canadian postal employees in St. John's, Newfoundland. Two related factors are identified as underwriting these changes: technological based reorganization of work and the demand of a conservative state for a move to a private sector model of operations. The latter factor includes the requirement for a deficit free, and even profit-generating, operation at Canada Post Corporation and the divestment of public ownership. Underlying this empirical analysis is a theoretical interest in the labour process, technology and the managerial problem of control. -- I argue in this thesis that among inside postal workers, members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, technological change and the bureaucratic reorganization of work which has surrounded it has undermined their ability to resist management incursions on the shop floor. The subsequent shift in the frontier of control has enabled management to implement a number of productivity and efficiency measures, which from the workers' point of view, has had a major negative effect on their work experience and relations. Moreover, the recent move toward privatization and the generation of more flexible, casual labour further undermines the ability of workers to defend themselves. -- While inside workers have had a continuous history of conflict over the degradation of work through technological change, letter carriers have experienced a relatively stable, institutionalized relationship with management during the past 15 years. This relationship, in contrast to the inside workers', may be characterized as "consent" based. However, with growing pressure on management to solve the economic "crisis" at Canada Post, the status quo between letter carriers and management is eroding and an ultimately antagonistic set of interests is being revealed. -- The data from this comparative study lead to the conclusion that recent interest in the notion of consent within the labour process literature has definite theoretical and empirical limits which become apparent in examining production relations in periods of economic instability. On the other hand, the question of control of labour and technologicl change cannot be addressed in formulistic, determinist fashion. Rather, the unique organizational and historical characteristics of "each" labour process must be understood in its own context.
This study analyzes the concept of alienated labour in the practice of street prostitution in Canada's prairie region and explores the relationship between profit-making relations in street prostitution and the exploitation of street prostitutes in this region. It begins with a brief introduction to the themes of social control that dominate within the Sociology of Prostitution and a discussion of the sources and limitations of data employed. The basic proposition that is drawn from this discussion is that the exploitation of street prostitutes is secured in the organization of the labour process of street prostitution. The review of relevant literature is organized around the basic themes of supply, demand and profit.. This organizational scheme allows the evaluation and critique of the loose application of economic concepts to the causal analysis of prostitution. It concludes with the finding that prostitution is the expression of a profit-making relation and establishes a basis for the analysis of the appropriation of labour within profit-making relations. In light of the focus on the regulation of working activity in economic organization, Marx's theory and method of historical materialism is identified as a fruitful conceptual framework for the analysis of this relation. The discussion of subjective interpretations of Marx's theory of alienation is followed by a detailed discussion of the ontological continuity and epistemological focusing of Marx's intellectual outlook. This leads into an explication of Marx's theory of alienation. A detailed description of the street prostitution commodity market and the street prostitution industry is constructed around the producer's relation to the product and activity of labour in the circulation and production of commodified intimacy. This is followed by a specific analysis of the concept of alienated labour as it is expressed in the social relations of production of the street prostitution industry. The conclusion that is reached is that two forms of alienated labour can be identified within the street prostitution industry in the Canadian prairie region. As free agents, the working activity of prostitutes is subject to regulation by the market and overall structure of the street prostitution industry, and the appropriation of labour is expressed in circulation. As bonded labour the working activity of prostitutes is subject to regulation by the social relations of production that are established between male owners and female workers. As such, the appropriation of labour is accomplished through relations of dependency and domination that are expressed in the production of commodified intimacy and the exploitation of the prostitute is stripped of any appearance of freedom.
Resource type
- Book (13)
- Journal Article (234)
- Thesis (10)